By: Israel Today Staff –

Resolution passed by 129-11 vote calls on Israel, among other things, to stop unilateral measures in the “occupied Palestinian territories”

On December 1st, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution with an overwhelming majority of 129 to 11 votes denying the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount. The resolution calls on Israel, among other things, to end all unilateral measures in the “occupied Palestinian territories.” All states around the world are called upon not to recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders and to provide neither aid nor support for what it calls Israel’s “illegal settlement activities.”

Furthermore, a section on Jerusalem was adopted in which the assembly reaffirmed its determination that all measures by the “occupying power Israel” aimed at imposing its laws and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal. A press release by the Security Council from 2015 was recalled, which called for the historical status quo at “Haram al-Sharif” to be retained unchanged.


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