Popular conservative Jewish commentator Ben Shapiro excited about Christian revival.

By: Israel Today Staff; israeltoday.co.il

Whatever you may or may not think about recent events at Asbury College, we were surprised that Ben Shapiro would gush over a New Testament phenomenon. Is this one of those somewhat-rare instances of Romans 11:11 occurring?

“I say then, did they stumble that they might fall? God forbid: but by their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.” (ASV)

Shapiro is a young Orthodox Jewish American commentator on political and cultural matters who has gained a large audience in conservative circles. Some Orthodox Jews remain opposed to anything smacking of the New Testament due to a painful history of Christian antisemitism, among other reasons. But not Ben Shapiro. Take a look at Asbury through his eyes. He calls it:

“One of the most inspiring things I’ve ever seen.”


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