Election exodus: Some 60,000 Israelis abroad as country goes to polls

By: Danny Sadeh; ynetnews.com


Tens of thousands will spend Tuesday in a different country, and while some made their plans before the elections were scheduled, many prefer simply to flee the commotion and be as far away as possible

Some 60,000 Israelis will be out of the country on Election Day on Tuesday, and unlike in some other countries, there is no absentee ballot (save for diplomats stationed in foreign countries). The exodus abroad began at the weekend, stepped up its pace on Sunday and is expected to continue throughout Monday and even into Tuesday.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Makes Historic Visit to Western Wall, Will Open Trade Mission in Jerusalem

By: Emily Jones — cbn.com


It was the first time a sitting Brazilian president joined Israeli leaders to visit the holiest site in Judaism.

The goal of Bolsonaro’s trip is to bring Israel and Brazil together through economic, technological, and security partnerships. The two countries will begin conducting joint scientific and technological research and will collaborate on public security and defense services.

India: Evangelical Network Reports Increase of Christian Persecution in 2019

By: Samuel Smith; christianpost.com

Reported cases of persecution and hate crimes against Christians in India have steadily increased by about 57 percent in the first two months of 2019, an advocacy group has warned.

The Evangelical Fellowship of India, the national alliance of evangelical Christians with over 65,000 associated churches, has sounded the alarm about the increasing frequency of attacks against Christians in India, the persecution watchdog outlet Morning Star News reports.

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