Iran takes major step toward nuclear capability

New centrifuges and machinery could potentially triple Fordow’s capacity to produce enriched uranium.

By Adi Nirman –

According to confidential reports and analysis from nuclear experts cited by The Washington Post, Iran is undertaking a substantial expansion at its heavily fortified Fordow nuclear facility. This development could potentially triple Fordow’s capacity to produce enriched uranium, providing Tehran with the means to rapidly assemble nuclear weapons if its leadership decides to pursue that path.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors have verified new construction activities at the Fordow enrichment plant, just days after Iran formally notified the nuclear watchdog about plans to significantly upgrade the underground site located in a mountainous region of north-central Iran.

The Post’s reporting, based on a technical evaluation, indicates that the expansion at Fordow alone could enable Iran to stockpile enough nuclear fuel for several bombs every month. While smaller than Iran’s main enrichment facility near Natanz, Fordow’s underground location makes it virtually impervious to airstrikes, heightening its strategic significance.

“Iran would gain the capability for a rapid breakout at this deeply buried site, an ability it has not possessed before,” David Albright, a nuclear weapons expert and president of the Institute for Science and International Security, a Washington-based non-profit, told The Post.


The Media Ignores Hamas’ Holding of Hostages and Hezbollah’s Attacks on Israel

Scant attention to the real savagery.

By: Hugh Fitzgerald – Front Page Magazine;

There is much about the war against Israel to which the mainstream media pays scant attention. That journalistic failure is discussed here: “What mainstream media isn’t reporting during the Israel-Hamas war – opinion,” by Andrea Samuels, Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2024:

In general, from watching MSM [mainstream media], we have the impression that the IDF is killing innocent children, unopposed, and there is no mention of the ongoing rocket attacks on Israel apart from the Iranian attack which was portrayed as a harmless gesture,” explained Paul Martin Gurnett from Britain….

The rocket attacks launched by Hamas into southern Israel, and by Hezbollah into northern Israel, are seldom mentioned on the mainstream media. But we are shown people in Gaza running for cover, just before the IDF’s airstrikes hit, and then the aftermath of bloody corpses who, we are assured — no evidence need be presented — are almost entirely those of “women and children.”

cont’d… The Media Ignores Hamas’ Holding of Hostages and Hezbollah’s Attacks on Israel

Hamas: No Hostage Talks Unless Israel Ends War

Israel previously denounced demands by Hamas to end the war in return for the freedom of some of the hostages as “delusional.”

By: Israel Today Staff;

The Hamas terror organization reiterated on Thursday night that it intends to end ongoing negotiations with Israel, which would see the hostages being held in the Gaza Strip released in exchange for a ceasefire and the release of terrorists in Israeli custody, unless the Jewish state first ends the war in Gaza.

Hamas “will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people,” the organizations said, according to Reuters.

“Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal,” the terror group said.

Of the 252 people whom Hamas and other terrorists kidnapped on Oct. 7 and took to Gaza, 125 remain in the Strip.

cont’d… Hamas: No Hostage Talks Unless Israel Ends War

US Senator Blasts ‘Raving anti-Semite’ Judge Heading International Court of Justice

By: Davis Rosenberg – World Israel News;

‘The ICJ is a joke,’ says senator, accusing top ICJ judge of antisemitism.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham excoriated the International Court of Justice Wednesday, over the court’s recent ruling demanding Israel freeze its military operations against Hamas in and around the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

Last week, the court issued a bombshell 13-2 ruling ordering the IDF to “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

cont’d… US Senator Blasts ‘Raving anti-Semite’ Judge Heading International Court of Justice

All the aid from Biden’s Gaza pier was stolen

That was $300 million in taxpayer money well spent.

By: Daniel Greenfield – Jewish News Syndicate;

If you’re keeping track, Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million that would be operated by the U.S. military.

Then the pier came under attack by terrorists, was withdrawn to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs while the Biden administration conducted backchannel talks with Hamas urging it not to attack the pier, then redeployed for aid deliveries. And it’s been a smashing success. For Hamas.

The good news was the Pentagon press secretary’s announcement that 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance had been delivered across the temporary pier in Gaza.

The bad news was that according to the same press secretary, none of the aid has gotten through to any recognized aid distribution points.

Did the aid get to the people of Gaza? “I do not believe so,” he answered.


Ireland, Norway, Spain to Recognize Palestinian State

Israel’s FM recalled its envoys and summoned their ambassadors, saying the recognition rewards Hamas terrorism • Hamas welcomed the decision.

By: Israel Today Staff;

Ireland, Norway and Spain said on Wednesday morning that they will recognize a Palestinian state, prompting Jerusalem to recall its envoys and summon the ambassadors of these countries.

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced in their respective capitals that they will recognize a Palestinian state on May 28.

“There cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition,” Støre opined at a press conference. “The terror has been committed by Hamas and militant groups who are not supporters of a two-state solution and the State of Israel.”

cont’d… Ireland, Norway, Spain to Recognize Palestinian State

US Joins Minute of Silence for ‘Butcher of Tehran’ at UNSC

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in the 1988 execution of 30,000 Iranian political prisoners.

Members of the U.N. Security Council, including the United States, observed a minute of silence on Monday in memory of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

Footage posted on social media showed the body’s 15 representatives rising to honor the memory of the leader, known as the “Butcher of Tehran” for his role in the 1988 execution of 30,000 political prisoners.

The video shows Robert Wood, deputy U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, joining in the minute of silence alongside representatives of the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea and Slovenia.


Money Man Dave Ramsey Offers New Tennessee Venue for Israel Summit

The author and advocate for responsible personal economics vowed to make the event “10 times what it was before.”

Jewish News Syndicate;

After the Sonesta Hotel in Nashville reneged on housing as many as 400 attendees of the upcoming Israel Summit planned for next week, financial adviser and radio personality Dave Ramsey stepped forward to offer accommodations and welcome even more guests.

The Israel Guys, HaYovel, Israel365 and Keep God’s Land are sponsoring an inaugural event called The Israel Summit with a schedule of events running from May 20 to May 22. In the week before the event, the hotel, citing safety concerns, caved to pressure from anti-Israel activists and bowed out of its contract.

Israel365 reported that the hotel consulted with local police who “were concerned that the hotel, their guests, local businesses and attendees to the Israel Summit would be in physical danger due to the threatening nature of the calls and messages they received.”

Joshua Waller, a host of the Israel Guys podcast, told The Daily Wire that “Dave Ramsey reached out and said, ‘You’re going to have it at my place, and we’re going to take this event to a whole new level and make it 10 times what it was before.’”

IDF Recovers Bodies of Hostages Itzhak Gelerenter, Amit Buskila and Shani Louk in Gaza

Army says the three escaped from rave on Oct. 7 before being murdered by Hamas terrorists, who kidnapped their bodies; Gelerenter and Buskila were presumed alive until recently

By: Emanuel Fabian – The Times of Israel;

The military announced Friday that soldiers recovered the bodies of three hostages from the Gaza Strip, as intensive fighting raged there between Israeli forces and Hamas.

The three were named as Itzhak GelerenterAmit Buskila, and Shani Louk.

In a press statement, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the bodies were recovered in an overnight operation carried out by the military and Shin Bet.

The three were at the Supernova music festival near Re’im on the morning of the Hamas-led October 7 onslaught, where they then fled to the Mefalsim area.

Hagari said they were killed there by Hamas terrorists, and their bodies were then kidnapped to Gaza.


IDF Gradually Tightens Grip on Hamas’s Last Bastion in Gaza

The Israeli military is ramping up operations throughout the Gaza Strip.

By: Yaakov Lappin – Israel Today;

Developments in Rafah signify that the Israeli military is implementing a gradual expansion of its operation in Hamas’s last fortress.

The Israel Defense Forces is engaged in intensive operations in central and northern Gaza as well, where on Thursday, a tragic friendly-fire incident involving the Paratroopers’ 202 Battalion led to five IDF casualties.

The IDF’s 162nd Division is in charge of operations in Rafah, where it is overseeing an operation targeting key terrorist infrastructure and Hamas operational points. Once complete, the operation should also see the IDF in control of the strategic Philadelphi Corridor, via which Hamas has spent years smuggling weapons, both above and below ground.

Under the 162nd Division are the 401st Armored Brigade and the Givati Infantry Brigade, who have been highly active in eastern Rafah in recent days.

During Memorial Day and Independence Day (May 13 and 14) alone, the IDF eliminated around 100 terrorists throughout Gaza, according to the military.
