Ohio Medical Board to Discipline Muslim Dr. Lara Kollab Who Tweeted about Giving Jews the Wrong Meds

By: Robert Spencer; Jihad Watch – jihadwatch.org

Back in January I wrote an article calling for Dr. Lara Kollab’s medical license to be revoked. It’s good that the State Medical Board of Ohio is planning “to impose disciplinary action on her – ranging from limiting her license to permanent suspension as well as the potential for fines.”

There should be no question that she should get a permanent suspension, and her medical license revoked. She joked about giving her Jewish patients the wrong medicine. What if she has a patient whose political views she dislikes? Does the Ohio medical board think that she will drop her Islamic Jew-hatred after a temporary suspension?

South Dakota Law Mandates All Public Schools Display National Motto ‘In God We Trust’

By: Michael Grybosky; The Christian Post – christianpost.com

A new South Dakota law that mandates the display of the national motto “In God We Trust” in public schools is now in effect.

According to the law, state public schools must display the motto in a manner that is approved by school principals and is at least 12 inches by 12 inches in size.


Archeologists Confirm Near-Legendary Tale of Crusaders’ Siege of Jerusalem

By: Kiona N. Smith – ARS Technica; arstechnica.com

The finds confirm medieval chroniclers’ reports of defensive works at Jerusalem.

Recent excavations south of Jerusalem unearthed a ditch used to defend against siege towers, along with a ruined house Crusaders may have used as cover during a battle. The finds confirm some oft-questioned details of historical accounts of the First Crusade, including how a ditch along the city’s southern wall thwarted the attacking siege engines. And this new evidence provides tangible links to events recorded 920 years ago.


Pro-Israel Groups Slam Omar Comparing BDS to Boycotts of Nazi Germany, Soviet Union

By: Jackson Richman; Jewish News Syndicate – jns.org

“Millions of Holocaust survivors and their descendants, as well refugees from Soviet oppression living in Israel, will find such comparisons unfathomable,” said Democratic Majority for Israel president and CEO Mark Mellman. “I find them odious. In an effort led by parties of the left, the German Parliament officially labeled BDS as ‘anti-Semitism’—and they were right.”


Prophecy Fulfilled: Hundreds of Jewish Immigrants Come Home to Israel this Summer

By: Julie Stahl; CBN News – cbn.com

TEL AVIV, Israel – Thousands of Jewish people from around the world are expected to immigrate to Israel this summer, fulfilling the words of the biblical prophets. CBN News was at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport when the first planeload of the summer arrived.

 A big welcome party awaited two hundred new immigrants who arrived in Israel to make the Jewish State their home.


Support for Israel May Cost ‘Miss Iraq’ her Citizenship

Miss Iraq 2017, Sarah Idan, who now lives in California, could be stripped of her Iraqi citizenship after speaking out against her country’s human rights abuses and in support of Israel at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva last month.

Idan, 29, who now lives in California, appeared twice before the 41st session of the UNHRC on June 25 and 26. She also sparked uproar in her home country in November 2017 when she posed for an Instagram photo with Miss Israel Adar Gandelsman at the Miss Universe beauty pageant.


Netanyahu: We are Preparing for Broad, Surprising Campaign in Gaza

By: Tovah Lazaroff; The Jerusalem Post – jpost.com

Israel is prepared for “a large scale military operation in Gaza” if calm cannot be maintained, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday, during a visit to Ashkelon.

“I prefer to maintain the tranquility, although we do not have the illusion that it is possible to reach a political agreement with this group [Hamas] that wants to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth,” Netanyahu said. “We are preparing for the offensive side, and the campaign is not only going to be broad, but also surprising.”


Aussie Nurse Saves Life on El Al Flight

The Australian Jewish News; jewishnews.net.au

IT’S not the usual way to get a business class upgrade. But then, it’s not every day you’re called upon to keep an ailing fellow passenger alive.

Kate Kessel, a registered nurse at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital, was four hours into a flight from Bangkok to Tel Aviv with husband Noel, a former AJN photographer, and children when an Israeli man in his 70s a few rows behind them became seriously ill.


Bahrain FM to Times of Israel: Israel is here to stay, and we want peace with it

By: Raphael Ahren; The Times of Israel – timesofisrael.com

Khalid bin Ahmed al Khalifa says Manama conference could be ‘gamechanger’ like Israel-Egypt Camp David Accords; urges Israeli leaders to ‘talk to us’ about Arab Peace Initiative

MANAMA, Bahrain — Bahrain sees the US-led economic workshop taking place in Manama this week as a possible “gamechanger” tantamount in its scope to the 1978 Camp David peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, the Gulf state’s foreign minister said Wednesday, also firmly backing Israel’s right to exist.


Christian Doc Could Lose Medical License for Sharing Faith with Patients

By: Tre Goins-Phillips; The Christian Broadcasting Network – cbn.com

A Christian doctor in England could lose his medical license for interjecting faith into his meetings with patients.

Dr. Richard Scott, a general practitioner at the Bethesda Medical Center in Margate, Kent, is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council and the National Health Service.
