Netanyahu in Hebron Invokes Caleb’s Call to Conquer Land

By: David Sidman; Breaking Israel News –

Kalev hushed the people before Moshe and said, “Let us by all means go up, and we shall gain possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it.” Numbers 13:30 (The Israel Bible™)

In a historic speech given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Hebron, the Israeli premier referenced Caleb’s battle call in Numbers 13 saying: “We all remember the victory call of Caleb son of Jephunneh who was loyal to Hebron  – Let us by all means go up!”

Back to School: Islamist Indoctrination for US Kids?

By: Sarah Bandujo; Clarion Project –

The new school year is upon us and Access Islam, a program backed by the Department of Education, is under fire again after being accused of being an Islamist indoctrination program.

This program claims to educate school children about religious diversity, but it is specifically geared toward Islam.

John Bolton, National Security Advisor, Fired by President Trump

By: Omri Nahmias; Jerusalem Post –

Trump thanked Bolton for his service and said he would name a new National Security Advisor next week.

WASHINGTON – John Bolton, the US National Security Advisor, is leaving the administration – US president Donald Trump announced on Twitter on Tuesday.

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” the president tweeted. “I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” he added.

The Israeli-Iranian Cold War Heats Up

By: Ilan Berman, Opinion Contributer – The Hill;

Last month, Israeli fighter jets bombed a series of weapons depots north of Baghdad, Iraq, destroying facilities that were being used by the Iranian regime to ferry weapons to proxy forces in Syria. The event was a milestone, marking the first time the Jewish State is known to have carried out airstrikes on Iraqi soil since its destruction of Saddam Hussein’s fledgling nuclear program back in 1981. But it is also an important barometer of a broader Israeli campaign against Iran’s proxies and influence in the region — a national effort that is now picking up serious steam.

NJ Man Sues Costco After Cashier Makes Anti-Semitic Remarks about Him and Son

By: Marcy Oster; Jewish Telegraphic Agency –

A New Jersey man has accused a Costco cashier of directing anti-Semitic remarks and questions at him while he was checking out.

Irwin Levy filed a civil lawsuit on Monday in Monmouth County Superior Court about the April incident at the Costco in Hazlet. The lawsuit claims religious discrimination and negligent hiring and retention practices, and seeks an unspecified amount of damages, the Asbury Park Press reported. The lawsuit also calls for Costco to institute training against discrimination, retaliation and harassment.

Pompeo: ‘Jerusalem, Israel’ on US Passports is ‘Actively Being Looked At’

By: Jackson Richman; Jewish News Syndicate –

Despite the United States recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and relocating its embassy from Tel Aviv months later, Americans born in Jerusalem are still unable to list “Jerusalem, Israel” on U.S. passports.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that the Trump administration is considering allowing U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem to list “Jerusalem, Israel” on their U.S. passports.

“We’re constantly evaluating the way we handle what can be listed on passports,” he told JNS in a wide-ranging interview. “It’s something that’s actively being looked at.”

Dallas Holocaust Museum Takes Visitors from WWII to Today

By: Associated Press, Israel Hayom Staff; Israel Hayom –

Newly renamed Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is the latest in the US to broaden its permanent exhibit and embolden its efforts to inspire visitors to take action to make the world better place.

When the Holocaust museum in Dallas opens the doors to its new building, visitors will learn not only about the mass murder of Jews during World War II but also about other genocides around the world, as well as human rights struggles in the United States.

The newly renamed Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is the latest in the US to broaden its permanent exhibit and embolden its efforts to inspire visitors to take action to make the world a better place.

Do Earthquakes Under the Sea of Galilee Point to End Time Prophecy?

By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel –  A study from the Geological Survey of Israel suggests that excessive water extraction from wells near the Sea of Galilee could have triggered recent earthquakes, leading some Christians to believe that these Holy Land quakes signal the fulfillment of New Testament prophecy about the return of Jesus.

One night in September 2013, homes in northern Israel shook as a small earthquake rumbled beneath the Sea of Galilee, where the New Testament says Jesus walked on water. Four more tremors rattled the area over the next four days. Nearly six years later, in July 2018, a dozen more small earthquakes shook the same spot under the lake.

Israeli Right and Left Remain at Impasse as Sept. 17 Elections Approach

By: Dov Lipman; Jewish News Syndicate –

With less than a month to go before Israel’s unprecedented second election this year, it’s becoming clear yet again that neither the right nor left will be able to cobble together enough mandates on their own to achieve a majority and form a government.

Polls consistently show approximately 55 mandates among the right-wing and religious parties that have declared their supporting for Benjamin Netanyahu to continue as prime minister. Similarly, polls indicate that same number of seats for the “anti-Netanyahu” camp led by Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz. Neither has enough support for the 61-mandate majority needed to form a government.