US Embassy Gets Approval for Jerusalem Building Plans

By: Times of Israel Staff –

State Department officials agree on outline for permanent structure with Mayor Moshe Lion; construction expected to start within a year

The US embassy in Jerusalem on Monday received approval for its plans to build a permanent structure in the city.

Representatives from the US State Department met with Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion at the mayor’s office to discuss the move.

629 Pakistani Christian Women, Young Girls Trafficked to China as Brides: Report

By: Michael Gryboski – The Christian Post;

Hundreds of Pakistani Christian women and girls have been sold off as brides to men in China, with many suffering abuse and forced prostitution, according to an Associated Press report.

Pakistani investigators found that 629 women and young girls were trafficked into China after being sold off by family members to marry Chinese men, the AP reported Wednesday.

To compile the list, investigators looked at Pakistan’s border system which digitally records travel documents at national airports. The list covers the marriages of 629 women and girls that took place between 2018 and April of this year. Investigators believe that all were sold by their families.

‘An Important Step’: 13 UN Countries Vote Against ‘Anti-Israel’ Resolution for First Time

By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – Thirteen countries in the United Nations on Tuesday unexpectedly changed course and voted against an annual resolution expressing support for a Palestinian UN agency accused of being anti-Israel.

For the first time, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Brazil and Colombia voted against an annual resolution supporting the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat, the UN body that oversees the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. 

Each one of those countries had previously abstained from the vote.

The Rising Tide of ‘Christian’ anti-Semitism in America

By: Michael Brown – The Christian Post;

Soon after I came to faith in Jesus in 1971 as a 16-year-old, drug-abusing, hippie rock drummer, my father said to me, “Michael, I’m glad to see the changes in your life, but we’re Jews, and we don’t believe in this.”

He introduced me to the new rabbi of our synagogue, fresh out of Jewish Theological Seminary, and the rabbi and I quickly became friends, a friendship that has lasted to this day.

One of the first books the rabbi gave me detailed the history of antisemitism in the Church, a shocking, painful, and often bloody history.

‘We’re here to save lives,’ stress those associated with Israel’s ‘Rescuers Without Borders’

By: Josh Hasten – Jewish News Syndicate;

On the cusp of celebrating 20 years, the organization now boasts 950 volunteer first-responders working hand in hand with the Magen David Adom rescue service.

It was the year 2000, at the beginning of the Second Intifada, and Arab terror attacks were being carried out against Israelis on a nearly daily basis throughout the country, and particularly on the roads in Judea and Samaria.

After one particular deadly attack, former Sephardic chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu approached one of his aides, Arie Levy, who had been a volunteer medic and ambulance driver with Magen David Adom (MDA) for about six years, asking why no emergency response organization existed in Judea and Samaria in order to react in a timely manner to save lives.

Like Schnitzel, anti-Semitism has Become Part of the Cultural Fabric of Europe

By: Ben Cohen – Jewish News Syndicate;

The three most common stereotypes neatly encapsulate the triangular denunciation of the Jews: They dominate the economy and financial markets; they are more loyal to the State of Israel than they are to the continent; and they talk endlessly of their suffering during the Holocaust.

The following quotes are from Jewish citizens of various European countries, gathered during a survey earlier this year on Jewish perceptions of anti-Semitism that was carried out by the European Union.

“Anti-Semitism and racism are like the Wiener Schnitzel. They are part of the Austrian cultural heritage, just as xenophobia and ‘we are different.’ There is nothing to fight against, just suppressing the consequences has to suffice.”

“The way things are now, I experience, for example, that ‘Jew’ is a widespread cuss word in Copenhagen. As a Jew who has grown up in Denmark, I have always avoided showing/telling people I am a Jew.”

650 Christian Entrepreneurs to Attend Economic Event

By: Israel Hayom Staff –

ARISE, or the Alliance to Reinforce Israel’s Security and Economy encourages businesses to invest in Israel by showcasing the growing tech sector and startups.

Some 650 businessmen and entrepreneurs will take part in a conference next week to encourage investors to finance Israeli businesses. The umbrella organization, ARISE, will hold a conference in Tel Aviv on Dec. 4 in Rishon Lezion and host foreign businessmen from a large array of countries.

ARISE, or the Alliance to Reinforce Israel’s Security and Economy aims to promote trade in the Holy Land, particularly to bridge the gap between Israeli startups and international companies.

The Reign of the Prosecutors

By: Caroline Glick –

In Israel Thursday morning, the politicians were the big story. Israel Beitenu chairman Avigdor Liberman was the villain who had held the country hostage for nearly a year as he fed his narcissistic personality disorder.

The left’s latest flagship, the Blue and White party is all the once vibrant political camp can put together now that it has lost its ideology. With its god of peace killed by suicide bombers and missiles, and its socialism statues crushed under the weight of bankrupt government companies, all the left has left is Blue and White. The party stands on two planks – destroying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and eternalizing the regime of Israel’s unelected bureaucrats.

Holocaust Rescuer Gets a Surprise 100th Birthday Party in Poland

By: Cnaan Liphshiz – Jewish Telegraphic Agency;

The day after he turned 100, Jozef Walaszczyk prepared to attend yet another Holocaust commemoration ceremony in his native Warsaw.

Walaszczyk is Poland’s oldest living Righteous Among the Nations – a title given by Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust – and he attends several such events each year. But he was in for a different experience when a Ferrari pulled up to his apartment building Thursday to take him to the event.

Muslim Brotherhood and IRGC’s Dirty Dealings Revealed in Intel Leak

By: Seth J. Frantzman – The Jerusalem Post;

Documents leaked from the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence show that the IRGC was to be the muscle, while the Brotherhood provided the cover.

Leaked Iranian intelligence documents revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran sought to work together. Like an iron fist in a velvet glove, the IRGC would be the muscle and the Brotherhood could give it cover in the 85 countries it works in, members of the organizations discussed. They convened in Turkey in 2014 to discuss how they might work together and who to fight against. First target: Saudi Arabia. Other common enemies: Israel and the United States.