Netanyahu Holds National Preparedness Meeting over Coronavirus Outbreak

Jewish News Syndicate;

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting at his office in Jerusalem with ministry director generals and staff officials on Sunday morning to discuss how to deal with the recent outbreak of coronavirus in China.

“Our readiness will include all arms of the Israeli administration. Our foremost goal is to postpone the arrival of the virus to Israel. I say ‘postpone’ because its arrival is unavoidable. We will then identify, treat, isolate and deal with those infected,” said Netanyahu following the meeting.

He expressed his appreciation for China’s efforts to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (2019 n-Cov), but added that “the spread is apparently inevitable, in the sense that we will need to deal with it forthwith.”

‘I Experienced a Miracle’: Israeli Soldier Alive After Being Set on Fire by Terrorist During Riot

By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – An Israeli border officer was set on fire yesterday after he was hit by a Molotov cocktail thrown by Palestinian rioters in the city of Hebron.

Video circulated by Palestinian media online shows the officer taking a direct hit to the shoulder and neck area with a flaming Molotov cocktail before his vest catches on fire.

The armed officer is seen grabbing at his body to put out the fire and running away from the direction the weapon came from. The fire was out seconds later.

Israelis and Palestinians Consider How Annexation of Jordan Valley Could Affect Them

By: Eliana Rudee – Jewish News Syndicate;

Both employers and workers believe that it could help them economically, though politically and socially is a different story altogether.

With campaigns under way before the third round of Israeli elections within a year on March 2, Likud officials, and the Blue and White Party, have repeatedly made statements over the past few weeks in favor of annexing the Jordan Valley.

And that has elicited vocal reactions among the public both for and against the idea.

The Trump administration’s peace plan, revealed at the White House on Jan. 28 with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in attendance, gave American approval for annexation, paving the way for the next Israeli government to actualize its campaign promises.

Trump Deal Flips Peace Process on Its Head

By: Israel Today Staff –

After 20 years of requiring painful concessions of Israel, it’s now the Palestinians’ turn

For the past two decades, the formula underlying the Middle East peace process was to accept the Palestinian positions, turn a blind eye to their transgressions (because they were the “oppressed”), and require painful concessions of Israel.

After more than 20 years of failure despite intensive diplomatic efforts, US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” finally proposes a different approach by effectively turning the peace process on its head.

As top Israeli media commentator Amit Segal wrote: “While Israel will gain its concessions immediately and without conditions, the Palestinians now have to go through ten levels of hell” if they want to gain theirs.

Israel Air Force Inaugurates its Second F-35 Squadron

By: Times of Israel Staff –

The Israeli Air Force on Thursday inaugurated its second squadron of F-35 fifth-generation stealth aircraft, known as the “Lions of the South,” reviving the historic 116th Squadron.

“The Air Force shoulders a great responsibility daily. From this moment, the 116th Squadron returns and becomes part of our strategic arm, part of our qualitative advantage over our enemies,” Israeli Air Force chief Amikam Norkin said at the ceremony at the Nevatim air base in the Negev desert where they will be based.

“The challenges that stand before you are many and varied. Now we are stronger,” he said.

Nazi Flag Removed from Australian Home Following Pressure from Neighbors and a Jewish Lawmaker

By: Henry Benjamin – Jewish Telegraphic Agency;

SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — An Australian woman has taken down the Nazi flag she was flying from her home following a joint effort by neighbors and local police, as well as a Jewish member of Parliament.

Cheryl Lawdron told reporters that she had German ancestry and had the right to fly the flag featuring a large swastika and other Nazi symbols on her property in the country town of Beulah.

Massive Gathering of Kings in Jerusalem on Thursday: A Realization of Psalms 48

By: Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz-Breaking Israel News;

“See, the kings joined forces; they advanced together.” Psalms 48:5 (The Israel Bible™)

On Thursday, Jerusalem’s role as a gathering place for kings will appear. The event commemorates the Holocaust but one rabbi sees it as a decisive moment in which the nations will choose which side they will fight for in the final battle between Good and Evil.

The Fifth World Holocaust Forum called “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism,” organized by the World Holocaust Forum Foundation in cooperation with Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, will take place on 23 January 2020 at the museum’s Warsaw Ghetto Square in Jerusalem. The event marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

On Anniversary of Ancient Egypt Feeding Israelites During Famine: Israel ‘Returns Favor’ with Natural Gas

By: Adam Eliyahu – Breaking Israel News;

And so, fear not. I will sustain you and your children.” Thus he reassured them, speaking kindly to them.” Genesis 50:21 (The Israel Bible™)

Egypt and Israel’s energy ministers announced on Wednesday the first transmission of natural gas from Israel to Egypt. The Biblical roots and prophetic implications of this modern energy deal are so clear as to be notable to political commentators.

The Leviathan gas field is a large natural gas field located in the Mediterranean Sea about 81 miles west of Haifa in waters 4,900 feet deep. Leviathan is one of the world’s larger offshore gas finds of the past decade and according to some commentators, the gas find has the potential to change Israel’s foreign relations with neighboring countries Turkey, and Egypt. Even by conservative estimates, Leviathan holds enough gas to meet Israel’s domestic needs for 40 years.

Ben-Gurion Airport: Passenger Traffic Climbed to 24.8 Million in 2019

By: Eytan Halon – The Jerusalem Post;

More than 2.32 million people passing through Ben-Gurion Airport in 2019 traveled to and from Turkey, a major and nearby aviation hub, representing 9.67% of all passengers.

More than 24.8 million passengers and nearly 168,000 flights passed through Ben-Gurion Airport in 2019, marking a record year for Israel’s leading aviation hub.

According to the airport’s annual report, international passenger traffic reached 24.04 million in 2019, an increase of approximately 7.5% since 2018. An additional 786,000 passengers traveled through the airport on domestic flights, up 32.73%, driven by the closure of Tel Aviv’s Sde Dov Airport in July.

Defense Ministry Completes Trials of Advanced Version of the Iron Dome

By: Anna Ahronheim – The Jerusalem Post;

10 years after the first interception test of the system, Defense Ministry boasts of over 2,400 successful interceptions

A decade since the first successful interception test of the Iron Dome system, Israel took a step closer to defending itself against heavy missile barrages with a series of complex, successful experiments for the advanced version of the missile defense system.

The complex series of experiments were carried out in the South by Rafael Advanced Systems and the Israel Missile Defense Organization in the Directorate of Defense Research and Development of the Defense Ministry.