Differences on Key Issues Threaten to Bog Down Netanyahu-Gantz Unity Talks

By: Dov Lipman – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

Implementation of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria under the Trump peace plan, the distribution of senior government posts and the appointment of a new Knesset Speaker are reportedly three of the major sticking points threatening to send Israel back to the polls.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and challenger Benny Gantz have agreed to work towards the formation of an emergency unity government to end a bitter political standoff and respond effectively to the coronavirus crisis, negotiations on political appointments as well as government policies are proving difficult.

Several key issues are now placing the signing of a unity agreement in doubt. Likud MK Miki Zohar, a member of Netanyahu’s negotiating team, told JNS that “a unity government is important, but not at all costs.”


Prime Minister Netanyahu Sings Psalm 147 by Heart

In February 2020, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined Israeli television personalities Yinon Magal, Erel Segal, and Shimon Riklin in an impromptu jam session.

Together, they sang Psalm 147:12–13 in its original Hebrew. Netanyahu knew the Psalm by heart and didn’t skip a beat.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/E5ejLoVGBXc


Israeli Universities, Institutes Lead the Fight against Coronavirus

By: Eliana Rudee – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

Staff members are at the forefront of medical technologies and innovation, task forces, methods and vaccines in the making, working to protect the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Israeli universities and institutes—and their affiliated academics, researchers, doctors, scientists and students—are leading the fight against the coronavirus. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Technion‒Israel Institute of Technology, Rambam Health Care Campus, Migal Galilee Research Institute and the Sheba Medical Center are each at the forefront of medical technologies and innovation, task forces, methods and vaccines in the making that are working to protect the spread of the COVID-19 virus that has become a global pandemic over the last few months.


Israeli Company Is Donating Potential Coronavirus Treatment to Hospitals Across US

By: Emily Jones – CBN News; cbn.com

JERUSALEM, Israel – An Israeli pharmaceutical company is donating to US hospitals more than 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug touted by President Donald Trump and others as a potential new treatment for COVID-19 patients.

Teva, a pharmaceutical giant in Israel, has announced it will begin donating millions of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets to hospitals across the US starting March 31.

“Immediately upon learning of the potential benefit of hydroxychloroquine, Teva began to assess supply and to urgently acquire additional ingredients to make more product while arranging for all of what we had to be distributed immediately,” said Brendan O’Grady, Teva Executive Vice President North America Commercial, in a statement.


Norway: Muslim Migrant Sets Fire to Two Churches in Revenge for Alleged Qur’an-Burning by Norwegian

By: Robert Spencer – Jihad Watch; jihadwatch.org

“He has stated as a reason for his actions that he was angry and cursed because a Norwegian man had set fire to the Koran, without the police having done anything about it.”

Of course the police did nothing about it, because Norway is not a Sharia state, not yet anyway, and the burning of any book, while a despicable and stupid act, is not illegal. This migrant assumes that Norway should be, and should now become, a Sharia state. Norwegian authorities are likely to comply.

Will coronavirus Cause a Ceasefire between Israel and Gaza?

By: Anna Ahronheim – Jerusalem Post; jpost.com

All sides need each other in this fight, even sworn enemies.

Israel and the Gaza Strip are once again at war. But this time the enemy isn’t in the form of rockets or airstrikes but rather an invisible enemy. One that has crept into every country across the world, blind to religion and nationality, killing thousands.

Israel’s war against the novel coronavirus – which has claimed the life of one man and has been diagnosed in 1,238 others – began over a month ago. Borders were quickly closed to travelers and citizens who flew into the country were ordered to self-quarantine for two weeks to prevent the spread of the deadly disease.


Amazon Bans Sale of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ and other Nazi Books

By: Ron Kampeas – Jewish Telegraphic Agency; jta.org

Amazon has banned the sale of most editions of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and other Nazi propaganda books following decades-long pleas by Holocaust education organizations and Jewish groups.

Booksellers were informed in recent days that they would no longer be allowed to sell a number of Nazi-authored books on the website, including “Mein Kampf,” The Guardian reported Monday on its website, citing Amazon emails to sellers.

In one email seen by the Guardian, sellers of secondhand copies of Hitler’s Nazi manifesto were told that “they can no longer offer this book” since it breaks the Amazon website’s code of conduct.

US State Department Changes Name of Eastern Jerusalem Palestinians in Annual Report

By: Jackson Richman – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

The official description of Palestinians residing in eastern Jerusalem is now “Arab residents” or “non-Israeli citizens,” instead of “Palestinian residents,” in the department’s annual global human-rights report.

The U.S. State Department has changed its official description of Palestinians living in eastern Jerusalem from “Palestinian residents” to “Arab residents” or “non-Israeli citizens” in the department’s annual global human-rights report released on Wednesday.

The majority of eastern Jerusalem’s 340,000 or so Palestinians identify as such. The Palestinians consider the area the capital of a future state.


Iran Extends Christian Convert’s Sentence 2 Years for ‘Evangelical Zionist Christianity’

By: Samuel Smith – The Christian Post; christianpost.com

65-year-old Iranian Christian convert who was sentenced to three years in prison for “insulting Islamic sacred beliefs” in January has been sentenced to two more years in prison while nine other converts lost appeals of their five-year sentences.

Article 18, a nonprofit Christian persecution watchdog group, reports that convert Ismaeil Maghrebinejad was sentenced to the additional years on Feb. 27 for allegedly being a member of “a group hostile to the regime.”

Maghrebinejad, whose daughter and son-in-law live in the United States, was arrested in his home in January 2019 after he was accused of “apostasy” and “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.”

He was accused of being a part of a group that espoused “evangelical Zionist Christianity.”


Is the Coronavirus an End-time Biblical Plague?

By: Michael Brown – The Christian Post; christianpost.com

Does the Book of Revelation predict the coronavirus? Is it one of the prophesied, end-time plagues? If so, does that mean that this is just a harbinger of much worse things to come?

There is no denying the seriousness of the virus.

As Bill Gates noted in the New England Journal of Medicine on February 28, “In the past week, Covid-19 has started behaving a lot like the once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about.” And even at this early stage, “Covid-19 has already caused 10 times as many cases as SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome] in a quarter of the time.”

And evangelical commentator Michael Snyder included the coronavirus in his “list of 10 plagues that are hitting our planet simultaneously.”
