By: Israel 365 –

“It is no secret that Christian scriptures have been misused over the centuries to incite antisemitism,” says Tricia Miller, who holds a PhD in the Hebrew Bible and currently works as a senior research analyst in the Christian department of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA).

“Too often, biblical passages have been taken out of context,” she says. “Influential translations and commentaries sometimes omit the Jewish dimensions of the ancient texts, leaving out the Jewish faith and practices that provided the context for the growth of Christianity in first century Judea and Samaria.”

But a new translation called the Hebrew Heritage Bible Newer Testament seeks to rectify the problem by highlighting the Jewish roots of Christianity.

Survey: Most Young Arabs Want to Leave Middle East

But contrary to conventional wisdom, the Jewish state is one of the few where young Arabs are content

By: Ryan Jones – Israel Today;

Israel as the great and intractable foe of the Arab world is a notion that’s crumbling before our eyes, in more ways than one.

The Jewish state was supposed to be a place where all an Arab could expect was discrimination and racial hatred. It’s an “apartheid” state, they told us. So why, then, is Israel one of the very few places in the Middle East from which young Arabs aren’t trying to escape?

 Trying to escape

Every year since 2008, the Dubai-based research group ASDA’A BCW has conducted the “Arab Youth Survey.” And every year the numbers have been getting progressively worse.

The 2020 edition of the survey found that more young Arabs than ever before see no future for themselves in the Middle East. It’s a situation no doubt exacerbated by the coronavirus crisis, but equally driven by government corruption and sectarian violence, which combine to leave little, if any, economic hope.

Among Arabs aged 18-24, a full 42 percent across all the Middle East and North Africa want to emigrate, and 15 percent are taking steps to do so.

Chinese Christian Children Face Bullying, Discrimination from Communist Gov’t, Schools

By: Leah MarieAnn Klett – The Christian Post;

A Chinese Christian has opened up about the severe persecution he and other Christian children have endured for their faith, from bullying and discrimination at school to restrictions on freedom of thought and religious expression. 

“Growing up as a Christian in China was a difficult experience,” a Chinese Christian identified only as “Enoch” said during the United Nations Human Rights Council Side Event: China Bans Faith for All Children webinar, hosted by the Jubilee Campaign on Monday. 

Because his father was a pastor, Enoch’s entire family was monitored by Chinese Communist Party officials, neighbors, and surveillance cameras 24 hours a day.  The family was prohibited from worshiping together in church, while Enoch and his siblings were ordered to refrain from sharing their faith at school.  

“We were to only believe in the CCP,” he recalled. “If our religious affiliation was discovered, we would receive punishment from the school.”

Scientists of Jewish heritage among trio to win Nobel prize for black hole finds

By: AP and Times of Israel staff – The Times of Israel;

Britain’s Roger Penrose and American Andrea Ghez receive physics award along with German Reinhard Genzel for showing phenomenon predicts general theory of relativity

Three scientists won this year’s Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for advancing our understanding of black holes, the all-consuming monsters that lurk in the darkest parts of the universe.

Briton Sir Roger Penrose, descended from a Hebrew scholar and of Russian Jewish heritage, received half of this year’s prize “for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity,” the Nobel Committee said.

German Reinhard Genzel and American Andrea Ghez, who also has Jewish heritage, received the second half of the prize “for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of our galaxy.”

Psalm 57 comes to life as terrorists die in trap they dug against israel

By: Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz — Israel 365 News;

They prepared a net for my feet to ensnare me; they dug a pit for me, but they fell into it. Selah.

Psalms 57:6

A terrorist tunnel in northern Gaza collapsed on Sunday evening, killing two Palestinian terrorists and injuring at least eight others. 

Over the weekend, Israeli security forces detained four Palestinians who attempted to infiltrate into Israel by crossing the border fence from the Gaza Strip.

Hamas, the elected governing body of Gaza, has constructed a sophisticated network of military tunnels running some dozens of kilometers within the Gaza Strip. The tunnels are used to hide its arsenal of rocketry, to facilitate communication, to permit munition stocks to be hidden and to conceal militants, making detection from the air difficult.

Honduras to relocate embassy to Jerusalem by year’s end

Jewish News Syndicate –

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hails the “authentic friendship and steadfast support” that Jerusalem has received from Tegucigalpa.

Israel and Honduras will open embassies in each other’s capital cities before the end of this year, according to a statement released on Sunday by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.

The joint announcement came following a conversation earlier in the day between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, said the statement. During their talk, the two leaders reaffirmed the close ties between Jerusalem and Tegucigalpa, and Hernández also congratulated Netanyahu on the historic agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, known as the Abraham Accords.

The Honduran leader also extended his best wishes for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Coming Soon to Israel: Medical Tourism from UAE, as Part of New Hospital Deal

By: Nathan Jeffay – The Times of Israel;

Sheba Medical Center says Israel will become popular destination for treatment, due to geographical proximity to Gulf state and convenience of having many Arabic speakers on staff

Israel’s biggest hospital expects to see an influx of medical tourists from the United Arab Emirates, following a deal with a large Emirati investment fund.

Seizing on opportunities opened up by the new Israel-UAE normalization agreement, Sheba Medical Center has just signed a memorandum of understanding with Abu Dhabi-based APEX National Investment. There will be a special ceremony in Abu Dhabi later this month which will be attended by the UAE’s minister of health and members of the royal family.

Those Embassies Moving to Jerusalem

By: Hugh Fitzgerald – Jihad Watch;

There is more good news for Jerusalem on the diplomatic front. On September 4, Serbia announced that it was moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. And on the same day, Muslim-majority Kosovo announced that it would not only be establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, but according to Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci, will be placing its embassy in Jerusalem. This will make Kosovo the first Muslim-majority country to have its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.

Serbia to Move Embassy to Jerusalem; Mostly Muslim Kosovo to Recognize Israel

By: AP & Times of Israel Staff –

Gestures to Israel come as part of US-brokered agreement between Balkan nations signed at White House; Israel to establish diplomatic relations with Kosovo

WASHINGTON  — Serbia announced Friday that it would move its embassy to Jerusalem, while Muslim majority Kosovo is to recognize Israel. The moves come as part of US-brokered discussions to normalize economic ties between Belgrade and Pristina.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the moves and said Israel would establish diplomatic relations with Kosovo.

After two days of meetings with Trump administration officials, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti agreed to cooperate on a range of economic fronts to attract investment and create jobs. The White House announcement provided US President Donald Trump with a diplomatic win ahead of the November presidential election and furthers his administration’s push to improve Israel’s international standing.

Mosques Flourishing, French Churches Up for Sale

By: Giulio Meotti – Israel National News;

Europe’s empty churches are now hotels or empty lots not far from where shuls were once burned to the ground. And mosques flourish. Op-ed.

A traveller to Eastern Europe can visit the sites of once-famous yeshivas like Slobodka, Kelm, Volozhin Telze and Ponevech and mourn at seeing buildings that once echoed with Talmudic study and which are now either empty ruins or have been transformed into community centers or shops.

Those yeshivas, however, abandoned because of the Holocaust and prior periods of persecution, and the shuls burned to the ground by Nazis and their cohorts, have been reborn in Israel (and the USA)..Today, the sound of Torah echoes from thousands of voices, more than there ever were in the renowned European yeshivas.

One cannot say the same about what is happening to Christianity in Europe, with France at the head. The worshipers are no more, and now it is the turn of the buildings.