Palestinian Authority Awards $150M to Families of Terrorists Prompting Push for Taylor Force Follow-Up

By: Matt Galka – CBN News;

More than $150 million – that’s what the Palestinian Authority paid to the families of terrorists in 2020. Their “Pay to Slay” policy is still in force, using your American tax dollars to fund terror campaigns.

In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act to cut off certain economic aid to the Palestinians to stop the practice of rewarding terrorism. Now, more legislation is needed to finish the task.

Taylor Force’s family is hoping Congress can go a step further to try and end those payments.

Not a day goes by when Stuart Force doesn’t think about his son Taylor who was taken from the world six years ago. “Probably more like an hour goes by that we don’t miss Taylor. There will always be an emptiness,” said Force.

Taylor Force was a U.S. Army veteran murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel in 2016. His family made it their mission to end the Palestinian Authority’s so-called “Pay to Slay” policy, where the PA pays stipends to the families of the terrorists who commit the crimes. 

“It’s sad to say, but the same countries that are hell-bent on destroying the United States, destroying Israel, have no problem using U.S. dollars to fund their terror campaigns,” said Stuart Force.


Israel’s Minister of Aliyah Touts Recent Diaspora Immigration

By: Faygie Holt – Jewish News Syndicate;

Speaking with Nefesh B’Nefesh co-founders Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart, Israel’s Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata said that more than 100,000 new immigrants have moved to Israel from other countries in the last four years.

NEW YORK—Israel’s Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata heralded the growing number of Diaspora Jews who have come to the Jewish state in recent years. Yet if she had it her way, the influx is just beginning.

Speaking at a press conference with Nefesh B’Nefesh co-founders Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart on Monday, she said that more than 100,000 new immigrants (olim) have moved to Israel from other countries in the last four years.

“It’s a huge achievement,” she said, noting that “our destiny is as one people, bound together.”

Last year, more than 4,000 Jews from the United States made aliyah. They were among the more than 27,000 Jews worldwide who moved to the Jewish state in 2021, marking a 30% increase in immigration overall.


Russia’s Withdrawal From Syria Is an Opportunity for Israel | Opinion

By: Jacob Nagel & Jonathan Schanzer – Newsweek;

sraeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz revealed details about the largest Israel Defense Force (IDF) drill in recent years last week. The drill included simulated airstrikes on Iran and a simulated multi-front war against Iran-backed proxies in Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza. The message was unmistakable: The Israeli government is weighing its military options, and the military is readying for whatever the government decides. Iran should be worried.

Right now, however, all eyes are on Syria. The war in Ukraine has prompted Russia to redeploy some forces and hardware out of Syria, where it has been buttressing the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad. As the Russians depart, the Iranians want to fill the void.

The Israelis are determined not to let that happen. The Syrian-Israeli border, as well as key bases and facilities in Syria, have witnessed significant clashes in recent years. The Iranian regime continues to build its capabilities to target Israel from this war-torn territory. And Israel continues to erode those capabilities.


US Congresswoman Introduces Resolution to Label Israel’s Founding a ‘Catastrophe’

By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Monday introduced a new House resolution to recognize the “Nakba,” the Arabic term for “catastrophe” that Palestinians use to describe the mass displacement of Arabs during the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948.

Tlaib, who is a Palestinian-American, submitted the resolution to coincide with “Nakba Day”, when Palestinians commemorate the event.

The resolution claims that Palestinians were “expelled or fled” from their homes by Israelis before and during Israel’s war for independence in 1948. The war, which Israel won, began when five Arab nations attacked the Jewish nation after it declared independence in territory that was formerly controlled by the British.

The resolution states that by the end of the war, “Israel had depopulated more than 400 Palestinian villages and cities, often demolishing all structures, planting forests over them, or repopulating them with Jewish Israelis.”

Study Finds 37% of Pastors Have Biblical Worldview: Spiritual Awakening ‘Needed in Our Pulpits’

By: Anugrah Kumar – The Christian Post;

A new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University has found that just 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a biblical worldview, demonstrating that spiritual awakening is “needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews,” according to the pollster.

The nationwide study of about 1,000 Christian pastors found that just slightly more than a third (37%) of the U.S. pastors hold a biblical worldview. The majority (62%) possess a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism.

The study, released Thursday, showed that 41% of senior pastors — as compared to 28% of associate pastors — have a biblical worldview. Further, only 13% of teaching pastors and 12% of children’s and youth pastors have a biblical worldview.

The lowest level of biblical worldview was among executive pastors, with only 4% of them holding consistently biblical beliefs and behaviors.

Israel Needs to Get Ready for Russia-style Sanctions – Opinion

By: Yaakov Katz – The Jerusalem Post;

Support like that which Israel received from the Biden administration during last year’s war in Gaza cannot be taken for granted anymore.

In 2017, Benjamin Netanyahu visited Bogota. It was part of a larger prime ministerial sweep through Latin America that included stops in Brazil as well as Argentina.

At the Colombian presidential palace, Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, were met by an impressive honor guard. Colombian soldiers – decked out in dress uniform, ribbons and white gloves – stood at attention as the Israeli leader marched toward his host, Juan Manuel Santos, who a year earlier had won the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Israel has been a friend and ally of Colombia, and lately it has been a great ally in the construction of peace in our country,” Santos said later that day during his meeting with Netanyahu.

It was a warm friendship. Four years earlier, Santos visited Jerusalem and met with Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres. During that visit, Santos – who Peres called a “true and dear friend” – signed a free-trade agreement with Israel’s economy minister at the time, a young politician who had just been elected to the Knesset, Naftali Bennett.

That was then. Today, it is doubtful that anyone in Israel would call Santos a true and dear friend. He published an op-ed on Sunday in Spain’s El Pais newspaper calling on the world to apply its aggressive response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to Israel.


Manifesto Attributed to Buffalo Shooting Suspect Pushes anti-Semitic Conspiracies

By: Luke Tress – The Times of Israel;

Screed posted online by Payton Gendron before mass shooting espouses white supremacist, anti-Black and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories; urges ‘real war’ against the Jewish people

NEW YORK — A man suspected of killing 10 people in Buffalo, New York, on Saturday appeared to target Black Americans, in what authorities called “racially motived violent extremism.”

The mass shooting killed mostly Black people and the FBI was investigating the attack as a hate crime.

In an alleged manifesto posted online before the attack, Payton Gendron, 18, also directed intense hatred at Jews, expressed support for Nazism and subscribed to the anti-semitic and racist Great Replacement conspiracy theory, which says Jews are plotting to replace white Americans with non-whites.

The 180-page manifesto circulating online included the alleged shooter’s name, described the attack plans and matched statements from law enforcement. Researchers from the Anti-Defamation League cited the document and said it wasn’t clear where it was first posted.


Libeling Israel: ‘The New York Times’ is at it again

By: Lenny Ben-David – Jewish News Syndicate;

While the “Gray Lady” may have hired a new Jerusalem correspondent to cover Palestinian affairs, the paper continues to pump out the same old anti-Israel narrative.

In her April 16 New York Times article on Israel’s response to the deadly terror wave the country has suffered in recent weeks, Jerusalem correspondent Raja Abdulrahim fails to mention that the majority of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces were members of terrorist groups.

The article, titled, “‘We’re Exhausted’: Palestinians Decry Israeli Raids as Collective Punishment,” decries the Israeli “killings” of Palestinians “in response” to terror attacks that claimed the lives of 14 Israelis.

Given that the terrorists’ local obituaries include pictures of them in uniform or carrying weapons, this omission raises troubling questions.

These questions are not new; the Times has been guilty of journalistic malpractice in its Israel-related reporting on many occasions. In June 2021, for example, the paper published an anti-Israel blood libel purporting to document “Gaza’s Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People.”


Israel is Likely on the Way to Elections in September

By: Danielle Roth-Avneri – Jewish News Syndicate;

From its outset, the government was built out of incompatible puzzle pieces that seemed almost impossible to put together.

Earlier this month, former Israeli governmental coalition chairwoman Knesset member Idit Silman of the Yamina Party dropped a bombshell. Shortly before 7 a.m. on April 6, she publicized a resignation letter she sent to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, chairman of Yamina, announcing her departure from the coalition.

The immediate significance of Silman’s move is that the government’s narrow advantage over the opposition—an advantage of a single vote—is now gone, and the opposition and coalition are at a tie.

In Israeli politics, a tie means that in all likelihood, the days of this government are numbered.


‘The Two-State Solution’: A Figment of the Western Imagination

By: Ken Cohen – Jewish News Syndicate;

The two-state solution—most recently advanced yet again by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Negev Summit—is a figment of the Biden administration’s imagination that is of no value to the pursuit of true Middle East peace. In fact, it will only cause more blood to flow in Israel. Based on Palestinian leaders’ pronouncements and recent Palestinian opinion polls, the danger of the two-state solution lies in how the Palestinians intend to make use of it: They plan to pursue the destruction of Israel following an interim period of “two states.”

With its Palestine Partition Plan of November 1947, the U.N. General Assembly tried for a peaceful resolution to the blood-letting between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. The plan was often referred to as a two-state solution. (In fact, two states and an internationalized zone in Jerusalem were proposed.)

We now know that it wasn’t to be: Like most of the hapless efforts by the United Nations, the proposal simply poured gasoline on the Palestine fire. Israel has suffered numerous terrorist attacks and wars ever since, with little sign of any resolution.
