Nvidia taps into Israeli innovation to build generative AI cloud supercomputer

Chip giant says Israel-1 supercomputer valued at several hundred million dollars is a ‘major investment’ that will boost next-generation AI workloads

By: Sharon Wrobel – The Times of Israel; timesofisrael.com

US gaming and computer graphics giant Nvidia said Monday that it will build the nation’s most powerful generative AI cloud supercomputer called Israel-1 which will be based on a new locally developed high-performance ethernet platform.

Valued at several hundred million dollars, Israel-1, which Nvidia said would be one of the world’s fastest AI supercomputers, is expected to start early production by the end of 2023.

“AI is the most important technology force in our lifetime,” said Gilad Shainer, Senior Vice President of high performance computing (HPC) and networking at Nvidia. “Israel-1 represents a major investment that will help us drive innovation in Israel and globally.



Israeli Murdered Near Hermesh Identified as Father of Two

Israel National News; israelnationalnews.com

Meir Tamari, 32 and the married father of two young children, is identified as the Israeli civilian brutally murdered near Hermesh.

The Israeli man brutally murdered near the town of Hermesh in northern Samaria has been identified as Meir Tamari, a 32-year-old Hermesh resident.

Tamari, who was shot dead by terrorists on Tuesday afternoon, is married and the father of two children, ages one and three.

Tamari moved to Hermesh four years ago, after marrying his wife, who grew up in the town. Just recently, the couple finished building their home.

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, said, “This is very difficult news. Our heart breaks together with that of the entire family, the town, and the entire nation of Israel. It hurts so much to say this now, but we all understand: The writing was on the wall. We could have prevented this terror attack. This terror attack occurred just meters from a checkpoint which, if it were active, this terror attack would have been prevented.”



Tel Aviv ANU–Museum of the Jewish People buys Codex Sassoon for $38.1 million

By: Menachum Wecker – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

The near-complete Hebrew Bible edged out a volume by Leonardo da Vinci as the most expensive sold at auction ever.

First, there was the possibility that Renaissance man par excellence Leonardo da Vinci was Jewish. Now, the oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible, Codex Sassoon, which dates to around the year 900, beat da Vinci’s Codex Leicester as the most expensive book ever sold at auction.

Business magnate Bill Gates bought the latter for $30.8 million in 1994.

On May 17, Tel Aviv’s ANU–Museum of the Jewish People bought Codex Sassoon for $33.5 million at Sotheby’s auction house in New York. (Although the Hebrew volume is a higher price, the da Vinci manuscript is pricier when adjusted for inflation; with the buyer’s premium, a charge in addition to the hammer price, the sale totaled $38.1 million.)

Alfred H. Moses, a former U.S. ambassador to Romania and active member of the Georgetown Jewish community, and his family purchased the Hebrew manuscript on behalf of the American Friends of ANU and gifted it to the museum, according to a press release from the auction house. Moses is chair of the museum’s international board of governors.



Five Years on, the US Embassy in Jerusalem Remains the Key to Peace in the Middle East

David Friedman – Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

Some have said that the Abraham Accords were achieved despite moving our embassy to Jerusalem. No, the Abraham Accords were signed because of the move.

On May 14, 2018—exactly the same date and even the same hour that David Ben-Gurion announced Israel’s independence 70 years earlier—I presided over the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem, the eternal and undivided capital of the State of Israel. Apart from family milestones, it was the greatest day of my life, and an experience I will never forget.

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was, of course, deeply meaningful to Israel’s citizens and all of world Jewry. It was a firm rejection of the false claim that Jerusalem could or should be divorced from Israel’s national identity. Even more important, it was the recognition by the leader of the free world that Jerusalem, indeed, represents the realization of thousands of years of fervent prayers by an ancient people to be restored to their national capital.



‘Iran is 50 North Koreas,’ Netanyahu Tells Bipartisan Congressional Delegation

A nuclear Iran could blackmail every U.S. city, changing history, according to the Israeli prime minister.

Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) led a bipartisan congressional group, which met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel on Thursday.

“Iran is 50 North Koreas. It is not merely a neighborhood bully like the dynasty that rules North Korea,” Netanyahu told the visiting lawmakers, according to the prime minister’s office. “This is an ideological force that views us, Israel, as the small Satan, and views you as the Great Satan.”

Netanyahu warned that a nuclear Iran, which could threaten and blackmail every U.S. city, would amount to “a changing of history,” per Netanyahu’s office.



King Charles III Coronation: A New Era for UK-Israel Ties? – Editorial

Jerusalem Post Editorial; jpost.com

If he hasn’t done so already, now is as good a time as ever for President Herzog to issue an official invitation for King Charles III and Queen Camilla to visit Israel.

The coronation of King Charles III on Saturday heralds a new era, not just for Britain and the Commonwealth, but also – hopefully – for British-Israeli ties. Nothing would crown this moment better than an official visit by the king to the Holy Land.

Charles has, in fact, come to Israel three times – once to attend the 2020 World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem, marking 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and previously for the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, in 1995 and 2016, respectively. During his last trip, he made a point of visiting the Church of Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives, the burial place of his grandmother, Princess Alice of Greece, who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust.

It is significant that at the coronation itself, the king was anointed with oil produced from olive trees near the Church of Mary Magdalene.



[Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives] McCarthy Hails Israel’s ‘Modern Miracle’ at Knesset, Says US, Israel Stand ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’

By: Chris Mitchell – CBN News; cbn.com

JERUSALEM, Israel – For the first time in 25 years, Monday, a speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives addressed Israel’s parliament, the Knesset.

In his speech, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) reaffirmed the deep bond between Israel and the United States.

Speaker McCarthy came at the invitation of Israel’s Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana. Together, they reviewed an honor guard and laid a wreath for the fallen soldier in front of the Knesset.

Beyond the ceremonies, McCarthy voiced the commitment of the United States to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

He told the Knesset legislators, “As we stand shoulder-to-shoulder against Iran’s regional aggression, we must always remain resolute in our commitment that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon.”

His speech came just days after Israel celebrated its 75th anniversary on the Jewish calendar.



Jerusalem Scriptures Central to Jewish, Christian 7th Knesset Bible Gathering

By: Chris Mitchell – CBN News; cbn.com

JERUSALEM, Israel – Jewish and Christian leaders recently gathered at Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to talk about the Bible. The discussion centered on how scripture says the law of the Lord will come out of Jerusalem.

The religious leaders focused on a key verse from the Hebrew scriptures.

Micah, chapter 4, verse 2 says, “For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

Rabbi Yehuda Glick of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation, explained, “And to understand that the word (of the) Torah and the word of HaShem (the Lord) does not belong to the Jewish people. It’s the word of HaShem to all nations. And we heard different implementations, different impacts of the word, these words to different people from different countries and how they connect and how the light of HaShem goes out from Jerusalem.”

The meeting represented the 7th Knesset Bible study, an idea birthed between Rabbi Glick and Dr. Jim Garlow and his wife Rosemary, founders of Well Versed Ministries.



Nearly 150,000 Shoah Survivors Live in Israel

Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

They include 521 immigrants from Ukraine who fled after the Russian invasion.

The number of Holocaust survivors living in Israel stands at nearly 150,000, according to statistics published on Sunday by the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The 147,199 Holocaust survivors residing in the Jewish state include 521 new immigrants from war-torn Ukraine who last year were recognized as survivors of the Nazi genocide.

Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual event in Israel commemorating the 6 million Jews murdered by the Germans and their collaborators, and those who fought back and partook in rescue efforts, takes place this year from Monday evening until the following evening. The somber day features a two-minute siren at 10 a.m. local time when the country comes to a standstill.


#EndJewHatred announces day of empowerment on ‘End Jew Hatred’ Day

Jewish News Syndicate; jns.org

The international grassroots movement will lead the nonpartisan day of unity on April 29.

The international grassroots civil-rights movement #EndJewHatred will lead a day of empowerment on April 29 with the intention of calling on people to answer the question: What are you doing to #EndJewHatred?

April 29 has been recognized as “#EndJewHatred Day” by elected representatives from both parties across the United States.

This year, people who support the fight against antisemitism, including celebrities, influencers, organizations and private citizens, are joining in unity with the Jewish community by sharing messages of support and empowerment online in a viral campaign using the hashtag #EndJewHatred. People are pledging to stand up against hate and to share what they are doing in the fight against bigotry and racism.

Across the country, people will be commemorating the day in different ways, some of them personal.

