By: Alex Traiman – Jewish News Syndicate;

The new agreement taking shape will pave the way for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state, says former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “It is a horrible deal. We should oppose it with every fiber of our being.”

Former Israeli prime minister and current opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of American Jewish leaders on Tuesday that the nuclear deal with Iran taking shape in Vienna would lead to war.

“This deal will bring war. This deal that [the Americans and world powers] are coming back to,” he said. “This region will become a nuclear tinderbox. This will bring war, and then another war,” he said. “We are going from a bad deal to a worse deal.”

Netanyahu made the remarks to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations’ Leadership Mission during their visit to the Knesset.

Having Iran sign a deal “doesn’t kick the can forward. It lightly nudges the can for two-and-a-half to three years,” said Netanyahu. “You’re not even kicking the can down the road, which by the way, is a nuclear can,” he added. The new deal, he continued, is essentially a “seal of approval” for Iran to become a nuclear threshold state.

“It is a horrible deal. We should oppose it with every fiber of our being,” he emphasized.


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