March 2025 Personal Letter

Sarah Liberman


Dear Friend,

Staff Sgt. Aviel Wiseman credit: IDF

Greetings from northern Israel. On January 13, 2025, Messianic soldier Staff Sgt. Aviel Wiseman (20), the son of a dear childhood friend of mine, was killed in Gaza. On that day, the national anguish I felt for the past 18 months became a piercing personal pain. According to Jewish tradition, the funeral was set for the next day, only 24 hours after we received this devastating news. As a result, Israeli (and Jewish) funerals usually include demonstrative expressions of raw emotion because people have had very little time for processing, reflection, or self-composure.

The Funeral

I have attended many funerals here in Israel. As I have shared in previous letters to you, several people in our community have family members who were murdered on October 7. We also have a family of (now former) hostages. The last 16 months have been a difficult season, but nothing quite prepares you to watch a close friend — whom you’ve known for many years and who has invested so much into his family — bury his son.

I wept as I stood at the gravesite atop a green, treeless hill whose magnificent view overlooked the Sea of Galilee. Mordechai, Aviel’s father, began the eulogy: “We’re here on the face of the Earth to be an expression of God’s love, for His glory. We are His craftsmanship, His musical instrument.” Mordechai then read a portion of the card that he wrote for his son’s 18th birthday, instructing him how to grow into a man of God: “Don’t compromise on the truth, pursue righteousness … invest in what is right with integrity and confidence. Do that and you’ll be a blessing to all those around you.”

Surrounding me were almost 1,000 people from the relatively small Messianic community here in Israel. While I’ve known most of them all my life, I haven’t seen some of them in many years. Their faces echoed my own disbelief and sorrow. During this time, when my own children face their military service and the potential for this worst outcome is real, I felt the grief of the moment more deeply than ever.

With his voice breaking, my friend concluded with the Apostle Paul’s words: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing” (2 Tim. 4:7–8). Then he added, “Rest in the embrace of God, my son, until we see each other again in eternity.”

I spent the next week in a state of heightened awareness, going through the motions of life but thinking constantly about this painful loss as if I had experienced it myself. As I thought of Mordechai grieving Aviel, I thought of my own children and thanked God that I did not have to experience the same loss.

In an interview several days later, Mordechai encouraged people to make the most of their time with their children: “Cherish those everyday moments — they’re what you’ll remember. When your kid’s absorbed in their phone or computer, walk into their room anyway. Give them a hug. Place your hands on their heads and say a prayer when they leave the house.”

Mordechai added that Aviel lived his life as he wanted and was very proud to be part of something bigger than himself. His eulogy was a gut-wrenching reminder of the price that we pay to live in Israel and be a part of God’s plan for His people.

Arbel Yehoud surrounded by Hamas terrorists before her release on January 30, 2025. credit: Reuters

A Bad Deal?

The day after the funeral, Israel announced a ceasefire and second hostage deal — the terms of which raised a host of reactions from Israelis. Some were elated that more hostages would finally return and considered it as the biggest win of the war — a necessary starting point for healing from October 7, 2023.

Many others, however, were dismayed that the hostages’ freedom was secured under what they considered appalling terms: the release of thousands of Palestinian mass murderers (which history shows will all return to terrorism), the return of Palestinians to the northern part of Gaza (giving back land), no guarantee or way to verify that Hamas will be decimated (which means the threat of another October 7 remains), and the de facto end of the war.

The agreement unleashed deep frustration for many who believe it indicates that we have lost this war. Others, however, argued that we lost the war on October 7, 2023, or that there was no way we could ever “win” it.

In a Facebook post, one of my friends echoed a common concern about the agreement: “I’m not sure what I think of this deal. On one hand, hostages will be released. On the other, there seems to be no real guarantee that Hamas won’t stay in power, meaning that this war was likely for nothing. Over 800 soldiers killed. For what? Our reality will stay the same, and in a few years, rockets will fall on our cities again, the IDF will start bombing again, and we’ll be back to square one.”

Essential Changes

Radical Islam is a problem that may never go away. In order to experience a future where terror doesn’t continually rear its ugly head, several major changes must occur:

  • The Palestinian “refugee” status must end. Palestinians are no longer refugees, any more than Israelis who emigrated from post-Holocaust Europe or from Muslim nations after 1948 are refugees. No more UNRWA, and no more UN and Western funding for the Palestinians. They must become a productive people.
  • Rebuilding Gaza can only occur with the stipulation that the Gulf States, Egypt, and Jordan will proactively join the U.S. and Europe in re-educating and de-radicalizing the Gazan population.
  • Iran must be stopped. They funded and trained their proxies to attack Israel. If sanctions won’t curb Iran’s actions against Israel, then the U.S., Israel, and others must launch a joint military effort to overcome the radical Islamic nation.

Can Zionism Be Defeated?

The hostages endured jeers and shouts from the crowd as Hamas terrorists swarmed around them on January 25, 2025. credit: Omar Al-Qattaa / AFP

With the hostage deal, the people of Israel endured the cruelest reality show on Earth. Each week, Israelis — especially the families of those who were taken — held their collective breath. Hamas’s psychological terror game caused everyone to wonder which hostages would be released and whether some would even return home alive.

The torment continued on January 25 as Hamas released the second group of hostages — four young, female IDF soldiers. After being seized from their beds, these women experienced many horrors during their 477 days in Gaza. But before being released to the Red Cross, Hamas paraded the women in front of thousands of screaming terrorists who waved guns at them. As part of the sickening spectacle of the “release ceremony,” a large banner on the stage displayed this statement (in Hebrew!): “Zionism will not win.” Hamas thus reinforced their position that Zionism, and thus the state of Israel, has no future.

The mindset is different in Israel, however. While Zionism had become almost obsolete in the last decade, Israelis have rediscovered its tremendous value. Though the world moves further away from Biblical values, Zionism — which is based on the Bible — is infiltrating parts of Israeli society that did not previously consider God’s Word as foundational to their worldview.

Regarding the Land, Israelis now prefer initiative and pioneering over waiting and passivity. A large majority value strengthening our borders and settlements. Also, most Israelis have awakened to the reality that some of our former “partners” no longer affirm our right to live here.


The wave of pain in my heart has subsided. In times like this, I dwell more on Heaven, our eternal future and destination. Focusing on living forever beyond our time on Earth is very comforting because it reminds me that our current afflictions are temporary: “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:17–18).

I can rest in this truth.

Im tirdefu lada-at oto“Press on to know HIM!” (Hosea 6:3 NLT)

Many blessings from Israel,

Sarah Liberman


P.S. Thank you for praying for the people of Israel. Your prayers, and your financial contributions to ZLM, will help Israelis and others to experience Yeshua’s salvation and the peace, strength, and hope that comes in a relationship with Him.

Zola Tours: Right to Return?

The Jewish people have a right to their Covenant land. And while there is no “right” for Believers to tour the Holy Land, we deeply desire to do so.

We continue praying for the safe return of every hostage and soldier, and we pray for open doors for Bible study pilgrims to return to Israel. Tourism, one of the greatest sources of income for many Israelis, has been put on hold because of the war. As we eagerly await the green light to return safely to Israel — not only to explore the land but also to support its people — would you consider going with us? To join the waiting list for the Fall Tour, contact Sandra, our tour manager, at 214-696-9760,, or

Fall Tour 2025 options

Deluxe — IsraelOct. 20–Oct. 30$5,288
Grand Petra — Israel & PetraOct. 20–Nov. 2$6,888
Prices include tips, taxes, and airline surcharges (subject to change).

A Note from Joshua and Caleb Colson

The enemy is an expert at boasting. Pride was Satan’s first sin and always leads to his downfall (Eze. 28:17; 1 Tim. 3:6). Proverbs 16:18 proclaims: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Although Satan designs Hamas’s parades and psychological torture to signify victory, those charades are no more than the reflexes of a roaring lion. He’s backed into a corner, stiffening his posture and raising his fur in order to look more formidable. This is why we have hope — even better, anticipation! Hamas has sealed their fate. Satan’s last-ditch plan to break the hearts of God’s people has only accelerated the coming judgment on Hamas. The account of King Hezekiah’s showdown with the Assyrian King Sennacherib illustrates the reality of what is about to happen in Israel.

Jerusalem Delivered from Sennacherib, woodcut for Die Bibel in Bildern (1860), by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794-1872)

Second Kings 18–19 reveals the Kingdom of Judah’s despair when the greatest and most violent army ever to grace the Earth stood at Jerusalem’s doorstep. The Assyrian army had already conquered most of Judah’s fortified cities and murdered countless thousands, after previously decimating the Kingdom of Israel and exiling its people. While King Sennacherib was busy wiping out the city of Lachish and flaying its inhabitants alive, he sent a messenger to the gates of Jerusalem to deliver the king’s pompous words to the people of Judah: “… Do not listen to Hezekiah, for he is misleading you when he says, ‘The Lord will deliver us.’ Has the god of any nation ever delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria?” (2 Kings 18:32–33)

This arrogant statement is the same taunt that Satan makes through Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. This ridicule isn’t merely against the Jewish people; it is against the God of Israel! But God will not be mocked. After Hezekiah humbled himself and prayed to the Lord, God sent the Prophet Isaiah to declare the end of Sennacherib and his army. In 2 Kings 19:34, the Lord promises: “I will defend this city and save it, for My sake and for the sake of David My servant.”

The rest is history. That night, the angel of the Lord wiped out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Archaeological evidence recently discovered on Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem attests to this moment. King Sennacherib then escaped to his home in Nineveh, where his two sons later assassinated him.

So, let Hamas arrogantly proclaim their “victory.” Soon God will completely switch the situation in a way that no man could ever see coming. Do not despair, our victory draws near.

Joshua and Caleb

P.S. Please continue to Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim! — “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6). It will come to pass.

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in March

David and Kirsten Hart

While the devastation that Israel has experienced since October 7, 2023, is excruciating, we are beginning to see hope in the resilience of its citizens and the power of restoration. Just as the people will rebuild their lives, so the destroyed cities and kibbutzim will flourish again.

In Rebuilding the Ruined Cities, Joshua and Caleb document the ongoing restoration, revealing how God’s hand is moving in Israel and its people. This month, the brothers visit nonprofit ministries that are serving as Yeshua’s hands and feet to people who have been affected by the horrible war with Hamas. Like us, you will discover that hope is certainly on the horizon.

The Rebuilding — Outside Jerusalem’s ancient walls, Joshua and Caleb describe what the Babylonian exiles experienced after returning to their homeland under the leadership of Ezra and Zerubbabel. When the returning Israelites struggled to rebuild the city and Temple, God sent the prophets Zechariah and Haggai to encourage them and assure their success. And while some people who remembered the First Temple were disappointed in the Second, God promised a future Temple where the Shekinah (God’s presence) would return.

The Bridge — The Bearded Bible Brothers™ travel to Jerusalem to meet with Bridges for Peace, a longtime partner of Zola Levitt Ministries. At their warehouse in Jerusalem, CEO Peter Fast discusses the organization’s work to support impoverished Israelis and the communities most affected by the war with Hamas.

The Diaspora — In the most sobering moment ever filmed for Our Jewish Roots, Joshua and Caleb gain unprecedented access to the ruins of Kibbutz Be’eri. In the shadow of the horrific murders waged by Hamas, the brothers teach about the steps that led to the destruction of the Second Temple and the scattering of the remnant of the Hebrews. Unfortunately, many Christians have fallen prey to Satan’s master plot when utilizing Replacement Theology to displace the Jews from their God-given inheritance.

The Protocols of the Elders of ZionFrom the grounds of the horrific Nova Music Festival massacre, Joshua and Caleb explain the true story of Zionism and Satan’s plan to stop the rebirth of Israel. The modern movement of anti-Semitism began with one falsified document that would create mistrust against the Jewish people for all time. The brothers uncover The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and note how Stalin’s Marxism and Hitler’s Mein Kampf would be used for ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars, plus Ministry Watch’s Give With Confidence Score of 100.

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