November 2024 Personal Letter

Sarah Liberman


Dear Friend,

Greetings from the Holy Land. In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush coined the phrase “axis of evil” in his State of the Union address when describing the converging threats that led to the war in Iraq. Bush emphasized the responsibility of the U.S. and other Western (European) countries to root out this evil. As a response to the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. launched a campaign against Muslim forces in Afghanistan, targeting Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda terrorists.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Akbar Ahmadian during a meeting in Russia in September 2024. credit: Sputnik / Kristina Kormilitsyna / Kremlin via Reuters

Later, al-Qaeda became the breeding ground for ISIS, which threatened the annihilation of Israel and “the West,” especially the U.S. Since then, another dark force — the Islamic Republic of Iran — has been amassing power in the Middle East and threatening both Israel and the U.S. Joined by its proxies — Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iraqi and Syrian militia, and the Houthis in Yemen — this new axis of evil vows to eliminate Israel as their first step to dominating “the West.”

Unfortunately, many people around the world view Israel’s war with Hamas as a local fight related to Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Actually, it is part of a larger context that includes other conflicts like the Russia/Ukraine war and China’s ongoing threats toward Taiwan. Examining these conflicts together reveals the nearing potential of another world war.

The Cold War and Afterward

In 1949, the U.S. and 11 Western countries formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This defense partnership addressed potential invasion threats by the Soviet Union. In response, seven Eastern European countries joined the Soviets in establishing the Warsaw Pact in 1955, leading to the Cold War.

After the USSR crumbled in 1991, some Warsaw Pact countries — including Poland, Hungary, and the Baltic states — joined NATO. In 2007, the U.S. announced its intention to post missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. The following year, Russia declared that it was no longer committed to the European order and supported the annexation of parts of Georgia. So, Russia invaded and annexed part of Ukraine in 2014. As other countries watched Russia’s aggression, more of them joined NATO. Then Russia, who objected to NATO’s eastward expansion, invaded Ukraine in 2022 in response to Ukraine’s desire to join NATO, which is currently made up of 32 member nations.

Since then, Russia’s insolence has continued. Responding to U.S. plans to deploy defense missiles in Germany, Russian broadcaster Yevgeni Popov recently claimed: “Geographically, it would only take three missiles fired from Russia at Western European NATO capital cities, and their entire civilizations would shatter.”

A Malicious Partnership

Today, a new axis of evil has emerged among four primary countries: Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran. NATO has repeatedly sanctioned these nations because of their aspirations of domination.

These Eastern, totalitarian regimes all object to the dominance of the U.S. and NATO. Their cooperation with one another is often concerning. For example, the Chinese and Russian militaries recently took part in a joint drill in Belarus, near the border with Poland — a NATO member.

China is sending an obvious message through its posturing in Belarus: “We have our own treaty, and it stretches from East to West.” Beyond Eastern Europe, China has deployed military assets in Africa, Antarctica, and other areas adjacent to NATO countries.

Recently, China has increased its threats against Taiwan, which manufactures 90% of the world’s computer chips. If China gains control of this sector, they could dominate technology development for artificial intelligence, robotics, medical advancements, and various space programs. [Note: The 2022 CHIPS and Science Act has the U.S. investing hundreds of billions of dollars in semiconductor manufacturing, technology research and development, and more to counter China and protect our national security. —Editor]

North Korea supplied Russia with more than one million artillery munitions for its war in Ukraine. In return, Russia agreed to provide nuclear warhead technology to North Korea. Thus, at some point in the future, North Korea will be capable of launching nuclear missiles toward western parts of the U.S.

Incursions in the Middle East

China buys oil primarily from Iran, ignoring NATO’s embargo against Iranian oil. Iran buys Chinese weapons with which it arms its proxies, who are fighting against Israel and its allies in the Middle East.

In addition, China recently hosted talks between the leading Palestinian groups, Hamas and Fatah, hoping to broker a united representation for the Palestinian agenda.

Russia buys fighter drones and jets from China, who buys oil from Russia, bypassing the Western sanctions against Russian oil.

China, Iran, and Russia have signed a new space agreement by which they will launch a massive number of spy satellites. This will provide axis members like the Houthis in Yemen access to prized information, allowing them to enhance their terrorist activity.

Russia has increased its presence and influence in Africa, supporting totalitarian regimes and helping to overthrow legitimate governments. The continent of Africa is rich with natural resources that are highly desired by many nations. Israeli strategic advisor Oren Nahari noted: “As the world continues to develop, we will witness more and more conflicts over control of these rare and expensive resources, as well as over strategic areas of control in Africa.”

Therefore, many African countries are seeking a strong ally — one that won’t eventually desert them. In the chaos that is Africa, these countries need a loyal patron. The U.S., however, does not have a notable record for loyalty — they abandoned the Shah in Iran, Mubarak in Egypt, and their allies in Afghanistan.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, has an excellent record of backing Syria, helping President Assad’s brutal regime to survive during a six-year civil war. Thus, some African countries tend to favor Putin, who is loyal to those who are loyal to him.

Russia has also strengthened ties with Iran, which supplies drones, munitions, and more for Russia’s war with Ukraine. In return, Iran receives invaluable access to Russian nuclear technology, ballistic missile acumen, fighter jets, and the most advanced Russian air defense systems. As a result, the war in Ukraine is subsidizing Iranian terrorism against Israel in a roundabout way.

Russia invests in the Middle East because it views this region as a strategic element in a new plan to challenge the domination of NATO and the U.S.

Israel sits in the middle of all of this commotion, with the East on one side and the West on the other.

A Coming World War?


The cooperation between the four countries in this new axis of evil increases their desire for global domination. Belarus, Brazil, and South Africa are also connected to the Eastern bloc, which has been fostering trade and economic cooperation to challenge Western dominance. Turkey, India, Venezuela, and other countries could also become part of this axis.

As we look to the future, we must learn from the past. World War II did not start in September 1939; at that point it was just a European war. Rather, localized conflicts expanded into a world war after Russia and Japan became involved.

Currently, three U.S. allies — Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan — are involved in the world’s primary conflicts against nations in the new axis of evil. Because the U.S. is not leading offensives in the current clashes, some see it as portraying weakness against the aggression of axis members. This action (or inaction) from the U.S. and NATO could bring catastrophic outcomes for the West. Truthfully, we are closer to another world war than most people realize (Matt. 24:6–7).

A Biblical Perspective

I am writing this message in a safe room at my house. Outside, sirens are sounding throughout the country, and rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon are exploding around us. While the Bible prophesies a future axis of evil — a major coalition and many catastrophes that will come against Israel, the Bible also assures us of God’s supremacy and power over all nations. As this northern conflict intensifies, I am reading Psalm 2, which is one of my favorite Psalms:

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the Earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” The One enthroned in Heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His wrath, saying, “I have installed My King on Zion, My holy mountain.”

I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, “You are My Son; today I have become Your Father. Ask Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance, the ends of the Earth Your possession. You will break them with a rod of iron; You will dash them to pieces like pottery.” Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the Earth. Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate His rule with trembling. Kiss His Son, or He will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him (Ps. 2:1–12).

Im tirdefu lada-at oto“Press on to know HIM!” (Hosea 6:3 NLT)

Many blessings from Israel,

Sarah Liberman


P.S. ZLM’s pro-Israel news and Biblical commentary must continue. Will you please prayerfully continue sponsoring this vital ministerial outreach?

Zola Tours: Great Anticipation

You may recall the classic Heinz Ketchup TV commercial with the song lyrics, “Anticipa-a-tion, it’s making me wait.” The voiceover announces, “Think how good it’s gonna’ taste when it finally gets there,” as the ketchup slowly drops from the upturned bottle.

Well, just think how wonderful it will be when our study tours can return to Israel again! Though the war on two fronts forces us to wait, we believe that Israel will soon open its doors to pilgrims from around the world who want to experience the grandeur and beauty of this Biblical land.

In the meantime, we’d love for you to join our waiting list and start preparing for the best Bible study tour available. Please contact our tour manager, Sandra, to check the current tour status. You can easily reach her at 214-696-9760,, or

Spring Tour 2025 options
Prices include tips, taxes, and airline surcharges (subject to change).
Deluxe — IsraelMar. 24–Apr. 3$5,988
Grand Petra — Israel & PetraMar. 24–Apr. 6$7,688

A Note from Joshua and Caleb Colson

While World War III isn’t mentioned in prophecy, neither were WWI or WWII. That’s because neither was connected to the Land of Israel. All Bible prophecy centers on Israel — the Fig Tree (Matt. 24:32–34) — which is God’s timepiece for past, present, and future.

Yeshua “dropped a bomb” when He foretold the Temple’s destruction (Matt. 24). Like many Believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah today, His disciples wanted to know the timeline, so they asked Him: “…when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3).

Our Messiah benevolently outlined the signs that will precede His Second Coming. One of His key promises concerned the timing of Israel’s rebirth. When the Fig Tree blossomed — or was reborn on May 14, 1948 — we believe the clock began. Yeshua added, “Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place” (Matt. 24:34).

Though interpretations differ about the length of a Biblical “generation,” realize that time is short! Ultimately, prophecy doesn’t mention any future global conflict that doesn’t include Israel. We know, however, the culmination of every clash linked with Israel before the end. There are four possible wars to come: Psalm 83, Gog and Magog, Armageddon, and what we call “The Final Battle” at the end of Christ’s Millennial Reign.

Coincidentally, none of the nations in these conflicts could be the U.S., apart from its inclusion in the generic “all nations.” Because America isn’t mentioned in prophecy, apparently its global superiority will end. As Sarah noted, the U.S.’s authority is diminishing already. And just as many have sought a one-world government for some time, the emerging axis of evil could create such a global body by overtaking the West.

Not surprisingly, Russia, Iran, and Turkey are players in the Gog and Magog coalition (Ezek. 38–39). As for the kings of the East, these could refer to China and North Korea in the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 9:13–19; 16:22; Dan. 11:44). China could easily dominate the region by overtaking Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. This would form the eastern jurisdiction of kings that represent one region of the ten-king federation spearheaded by the Beast (Rev. 17:12; Daniel 2:40–43; 7:7–8).

We don’t know if Armageddon and WWIII are the same conflict. Nonetheless, please watch Our Jewish Roots this month as we teach the prophetic steps preceding the end. Beginning on November 20, our “Israel and America in Bible Prophecy” program will give you insights on the timeline of the four coming wars in Israel and our Scriptural reasoning for America’s absence in the future.

Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim! — “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6),

Joshua and Caleb

PS: “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in November

David and Kirsten Hart

This month, we conclude our series on King Josiah. If you missed any of the programs, they are available anytime at Though there’s no television in the Hart household anymore, we watch OJR whenever we want — through YouTube, various social media sites, and under the “Zola TV” tab at Online viewing options are convenient for viewers like us who used to wait for the initial broadcast of OJR on Daystar at 11:00 pm EST on Wednesdays (10:00 pm CST, 9:00 pm MST, and 8:00 pm PST; visit for the complete airing schedule).

Following our final Josiah series episode, we will present three timely programs related to current events. With Israel’s ongoing war, we had to revise our tradition of filming teaching segments in the Holy Land. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate these challenging times. We eagerly await the day when you will again be able to see Joshua and Caleb teaching a new series from the Land of the Bible.

Josiah and the Last Reformation

Escaping Coming Judgment — Joshua and Caleb revisit some of the best interviews from Josiah and the Last Reformation, with new segments from Olivier Melnick (Chosen People Ministries), Denise Mountenay (speaker, author, activist), Dr. Hormoz Shariat (Iran Alive Ministries), and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (author, novelist). This definitive epilogue underscores the need for God’s people to repent, and the glorious revival that awaits those who humble themselves before God.

Stand-Alone Programs

Mel Bond: Last Days Revival — Joshua and Caleb meet with Pastor Mel Bond to discuss the manifestations of God’s power evidenced through his ministry. Mel believes that a Last Days revival, accompanied by signs and wonders, depends on Believers who embrace the fullness of God’s love.

Israel and America in Bible Prophecy — A look back to the Bearded Bible Brothers’ timeless teachings on Israel’s and America’s future roles in God’s prophetic Word. Is America’s existence coded in Scripture? What is the blueprint of wars outlined for Israel’s fulfillment? The troubling answers create much debate and controversy in churches today.

Nimrod and the Unholy Trinity — Nimrod, the first antiChrist indwelled by Satan himself, offers a revealing archetype for the final antiChrist’s endgame. The Bearded Bible Brothers’ first-time broadcast of their past social media teachings reveals Satan’s master plan to masquerade a dark trinity to deceive the world.

Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars, plus Ministry Watch’s Give With Confidence Score of 100.

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