Sarah Liberman


Dear Friend,

Greetings from Israel. This month marks the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s horrific attack on the border towns of southern Israel, in which the terrorist group brutally murdered 1,200 people.

Why isn’t the war over?

Throughout the world, many people wonder why this war drags on and Israel has not defeated Hamas, especially given the strength and capabilities of the highly respected Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Essentially, there is a threefold answer to this question:

  • First, the IDF is slowly clearing terrorists’ nests and eradicating tunnels in Gaza towns because of concern for Israeli hostages who might be held captive in those locations.
  • Second, the army takes special care to prevent the loss of life not only to Israeli soldiers but also to civilians in Gaza.
  • Third, most Israelis say that America, while helping Israel greatly in this war, also hinders us from winning it.
Trucks from Israel delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza. Credit: IDF

Regarding America, Israelis believe that a strong, pro-Israel foreign policy by the U.S. will deter our Middle Eastern enemies from further antagonizing Israel. Yet, the U.S. and other Western nations require Israel to provide large amounts of humanitarian aid to Gaza. This only undermines Israel since Hamas hijacks the aid and then uses it to support their militants or enrich their coffers by selling it to civilians.

As a result, Hamas remains strong, with little need to negotiate an end to the war. Hamas’s goal is survival at all costs. When Israel gives them food, medicine, and fuel instead of an effective siege, Hamas has ample time to prolong the conflict.

Beyond staying alive, Hamas seeks to eradicate Israel. They don’t care about the tremendous suffering of civilians in Gaza. Hamas leaders hope for a regional war that would remove IDF forces from Gaza. An expanded conflict would allow the terrorist organization to regroup and prepare for another massacre against Israelis.

The war’s harsh results

The October 7 attack and ongoing war have profoundly impacted Israelis in several ways.

1. Emotional toll

The assault caused trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many Israelis still grieve over the sheer number of deaths. The Jewish grieving process includes mourning rituals at seven days, one month, and one year. Therefore, the media coverage prior to October 2024 — with more stories about survivors and hostages — only added to the burden.

During these past 12 months, I have experienced a deep, ongoing sorrow. I can’t imagine how those who don’t know the Lord endured this year without becoming overwhelmed. Even so, my faith and prayer times have enabled me to live with hope, as King David prayed: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He will not let your foot slip — He who watches over you will not slumber” (Ps. 121:1–3).

While our children know the basics of what happened, my husband and I have tried to shield them from the dreadful details. Still, just as other military-age youth in Israel rose to the challenge of bravery and sacrifice, our children do likewise as they prepare for their upcoming military service.

2. Uncertainty

In just a few hours on October 7, the airport closed, the army issued massive call ups, and hundreds of thousands had to leave their homes. Since then, many Israelis have endured major financial hardship because of businesses that closed and family members who have served extended military reserve duty. Most people in Israel have very little certainty about anything.

Thus, we don’t plan too far in advance. Likewise, I don’t travel outside of Israel without my family because I’m concerned about the possibility of being separated during another escalation. This consequential loss of income creates a financial hardship for my family.

The IDF’s failure to defend Israelis on October 7 resulted in a lost sense of security. Many citizens now fear that Israel may be attacked again without warning … or help. We live with the ongoing threat of rocket attacks, listening for sirens and looking for shelters. This potential danger adds to the anxiety.

Despite the uncertainty, I continue to remind people of God’s protection over Israel since October. In April, Iran launched a massive attack with drones and missiles that was miraculously and completely thwarted. In August, Hezbollah also attacked with a similar outcome. As the psalmist affirmed, “Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:4).

3. Anti-Semitism

Israelis are surprised and dismayed at the rise of anti-Semitism and pro-Palestinian rallies in Western nations. This indicates that many people have forgotten the Holocaust’s atrocities. The increase in global anti-Semitism is a wake-up call for Jews everywhere — not to take their fragile security for granted.

For many Israelis, the conflict renewed a sense of national identity centered on survival, resilience, and a connection to Israel as the Jewish homeland. For my family, anti-Semitism has further cemented the importance of living in Israel and the high calling of impacting this nation for the Lord’s sake. It is worth the sacrifice and the hardship, as it brings tremendous blessing.

4. Concern for the Future

Immediately after October 7, Israelis came together in solidarity to support the war effort and help those affected by the attack. The polarization over judicial reform, which had plagued our society throughout 2023, vanished quickly. For a while, people put aside political differences.

Since then, debates over the government’s handling of the war, appropriate use of military force, and how to rescue the hostages have deepened the previous rifts. Now, the unity we enjoyed previously is a distant memory. Some citizens rally in support of the government and military actions. Others protest, advocating for a hostage deal. Since these ongoing issues deal with matters of life and death, the dividing tensions run high.

The prolonged war has disrupted many business sectors, including tourism. With increased military spending and little hope for a solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, many Israelis are concerned about the future of living here.

Believers in Israel

The Body of Messiah also experiences the difficulties of living in Israel. Even so, many Believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah are engaging in extended times of prayer and worship, which builds greater unity in the Body and empowers us with spiritual resources to offer to others. We have helped people who were affected by the October 7 atrocities and supported families with members serving in the military. As a result, we are seeing more people in Israel come to faith in Yeshua. “Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you (Acts 3:6).

What Believers need to know

Most media outlets are highly biased, so it’s not easy to know the truth about what’s happening in Israel. Even so, there are several realities that Believers should understand:

1. Context

The current war has deep historical roots, including long-standing territorial disputes between Jews and Arabs. Believers must stand on two foundational, Biblical truths:

  • The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the one true God (Isa. 44:6; Jer. 10:10); He is almighty and supreme (Ps. 83:18).
  • God gave this Land to the people of Israel (Gen. 15:18; Deut. 4:40); He does not change His Word (Rom. 11:29).

2. Human suffering

This conflict has brought immense sorrow on both sides — with many people killed, families displaced, and communities devastated. Even so, the media focuses on the Palestinians, largely ignoring the Israeli suffering. Despite all that we have experienced, Israel continues to wage a “clean” war in terms of civilian casualties and also provides significant humanitarian aid to their enemies.

3. Can there be peace?

It is important to remember that the real battle here is spiritual (Eph. 6:12). Believers are called to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9). Thus, we can seek lasting peace in the region by praying for people to be open to God’s truth (rather than to the influence of radical Islam) and for the salvation of people in all Middle Eastern nations. Pray also for wisdom for Israel’s leaders.

4. The West is next

People in Israel believe that Western countries that allow public support (demonstrations) for Hamas lack the discernment to protect themselves from radical Islamic actions. Israelis say, “We are defending the West with our own blood. If we fall, the West is next.”

God warns the nations who do not support Israel but instead encourage those who seek to destroy it: “Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge You, on the kingdoms that do not call on Your name; for they have devoured Jacob and devastated his homeland” (Ps. 79:6–7).

As a Believer, you play a vital role in standing for Biblical truth and praying vigilantly for your nation. Become (or continue to be) involved in defending your nation before it is too late: “Do not hold against us the sins of past generations; may Your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need” (Ps. 79:8).

Im tirdefu lada-at oto“Press on to know HIM!” (Hosea 6:3 NLT)

Many blessings from Israel,

Sarah Liberman

P.S. This letter is part 1 of a series about the effects of this war on me, my family, and people in Israel. In part 2, I will examine how a broader war in this region could impact Western countries along with global geopolitical shifts that could lead to World War III. ✡

Zola Tours: Watching and Waiting

Like many of you, we at ZLM look daily at news from Israel. As we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all Israel, we continue gathering names of those who will be ready to travel when it is safe to visit our beloved Holy Land once again.

Is your passport up to date? If so, you will be only a packed suitcase away from preparing to visit the Promised Land. Contact Sandra, our tour manager, for the current tour status and to get on our waitlist. You can connect with her at 214-696-9760, or

Spring Tour 2025 options
Prices include tips, taxes, and airline surcharges (subject to change).
Deluxe — IsraelMar. 24–Apr. 3$5,988
Grand Petra — Israel & PetraMar. 24–Apr. 6$7,688

A Note from Joshua and Caleb Colson

The West is next? World War III? Sarah isn’t being an alarmist. In Scripture, God called His people to warn others of coming calamity. Israelis know that an Islamic nation like Iran — whose destructive intent is motivated by demonic spirits — is capable of fulfilling their threats. Israel has experience with this cycle — they are obviously on the front lines of it today.

A possible attack within America’s borders has been a warning that we Bearded Bible Brothers have experienced in our spirits daily for many months. God is trying to awaken the U.S. that terror attacks may be coming to us. On June 26, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security released information on over 400 immigrants who infiltrated our borders in the past three years. These people, who originated from the Middle East or Asia, were smuggled in by an ISIS-linked terror network. Though over 150 have been arrested, 50 of them cannot be found. And almost every month, we see reports of hostile governments — including Iran, Lebanon, and China — sending covert agents to breach U.S. borders and security networks.

We’re not spotlighting these scenarios to trigger a fearful response. Even this month, as the timely broadcasts of Josiah and the Last Reformation conclude, we sound the alarm for people to pray and seek God to avert a coming disaster. Our government’s response to Israel’s plight is akin to a “best friend” holding Israel’s arms behind its back while the schoolyard bully, Iran, takes cheap shots to the face! We don’t believe that the current administration’s policy matches our country’s historic supportive relationship with Israel.

Instead, U.S. officials try to neuter Israel from defending itself. Likewise, our divided country has made Israel’s destruction a political battle cry — people on college campuses, in businesses and public offices, and elsewhere actively curse Israel and praise Hamas. This response is terrifying when we consider God’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you…” (Gen. 12:3).

America was founded as a God-fearing nation, based on Judeo-Christian values. But this foundation has been crumbling for decades as we’ve jettisoned those values by popular vote. We want America’s best days to be in the future — to be now! While the 9/11 attacks took Americans by surprise, those assaults thankfully brought a brief moment of humility and return to God. Today, we pray that Americans will react to the current threat as King Josiah did, by skipping the “disaster” moment and instead experiencing a time of blessing.

Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim! — “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6),

Joshua and Caleb,
The Bearded Bible Brothers

P.S. Remember that God is love (1 John 4:16). He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love (2 Tim. 1:7).

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in September

David and Kirsten Hart

We who create OJR continue to pray for Israel and our ZLM “family” in the Holy Land. The production crew members there, who helped film our current series, continue to endure the war that threatens all Israelis.

This month, we finish our series Josiah and the Last Reformation. As was true for Judah in the seventh century B.C., our whole world needs a spiritual reformation. People must rediscover Scripture, apply its teaching to our lives, and strive to purify our land with a passion for justice. Join us as we consider parallels between Josiah’s day and our time.

Josiah and the Last Reformation

Beginnings of Reformation — Without the Law as a guidebook, King Josiah begins transforming the country with his limited scope of knowledge. From the Western Wall to the ruins of Tel Dan, Joshua and Caleb explore the bar mitzvah tradition and Josiah’s rise to the monarchy in Judah. The brothers’ teaching includes a disruption as they experience the horrors of October 7 — the morning of Hamas’s attack.

Discovering the Torah — The moment that shook the nation! Amid reforms, workers discover the Torah scroll, and its teaching changes everything. The Bearded Bible Brothers travel from the top of the Temple Mount to the depths of the Western Wall tunnels, revealing Josiah’s humble action that moves God’s heart.

Cleansing the Land — Josiah’s reformation moves into overdrive! The young king, guided by the Law, enacts extreme religious reforms. This leads the nation into a great awakening. How can Believers today act with the same zeal as Josiah? Is it too late for the Church to stand and change the world’s downward spiral?

The Bones of the Prophet — While Jeremiah prophesies judgment against Judah, King Josiah feverishly labors to atone for the sins of the twelve tribes of Israel. From the ancient Tomb of the Prophets to the high place of Bethel, Joshua and Caleb reveal the shocking prophecy that would forever change Josiah’s life.

The Coming AntiChrist — From Tel Megiddo, we uncover Josiah’s greatest mistake, which led to his demise. How easy is it for today’s Believers to succumb to pride and legalism? Although God temporarily held back the coming of the antiChrist Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire in Josiah’s time, will He restrain the coming of Babylon the Great and the Beast in our day? As Joshua and Caleb stand outside the Knesset in modern Jerusalem, they issue the call for both Israel and America to repent.

Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars, plus Ministry Watch’s Give With Confidence Score of 100.

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