Dear Friend,
Feast your eyes on a heartfelt endorsement of the nation of Israel from Dutch politician Geert Wilders. Speaking at the 2010 Jerusalem Conference on Tolerance and Anti-Semitism, his message remains as eloquent and relevant as ever.

Israel is a beacon of light in the Middle East. It is a democracy, a society that respects human rights, and a land of innovation and opportunity. But Israel is also a country under siege, surrounded by enemies who want to destroy it.
Israel is a country of miracles. It was founded in 1948, in the midst of a war, by a people who had been scattered for centuries. Against all odds, Israel has survived and prospered.
Today, Israel is a technological powerhouse, a leader in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and science. It is also a country of great cultural diversity. Israelis come from all over the world, and they bring with them their unique traditions and perspectives.
But Israel’s greatest achievement is its democracy. Israel is a country where everyone has the right to vote, to speak freely, and to practice their religion. It is a country where the rule of law prevails.
Despite its many achievements, Israel faces many challenges. It is surrounded by hostile neighbors and is subject to constant terrorism. In recent years, the situation in the Middle East has become even more dangerous. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism has led to a wave of violence and extremism.
Israel is at the forefront of this battle against extremism. It is fighting for its very survival, and it is doing so with courage and determination. We must stand with Israel in this fight. We must not allow the forces of extremism to prevail.
Israel is a beacon of light in a region of darkness. It is a country that stands for freedom, democracy, and human rights. We must support Israel, and we must never abandon it.
Zola Levitt Ministries has been retooling to continue supporting and blessing Israel, “the apple of [God’s] eye” (Deut. 32:10). I’ve concluded that God blesses this ministry because we bless Israel. Beyond that, I’ve seen God bless those who bless this ministry because we bless Israel (but I’m not espousing any prosperity Gospel claptrap).
So here we ministry staffers are, in the Evangelical trenches. Like the Israelis who require weapons to defend the Holy Land, our outreach needs funds to reach the hungry who cannot begin to support our endeavors that edify and bless them.
Decades ago, my father Zola asked an auditorium full of speaking engagement listeners to raise their hands if they watched Zola Levitt Presents (now Our Jewish Roots). A sea of hands went up. Then he asked how many support this ministry. The number fell to about 3% of the audience. Now, we’re seeing significantly less than 3% supporters among those who partake of our teaching. Let’s face it: This world has more souls who are hungry for the Word than donors who can contribute after paying for their own necessities.

Please consider our recent social media figures related to interest in Israel’s war:
- We presently have nearly 60,000 YouTube subscribers.
- On Oct. 7 alone, we received 10,040 new subscribers.
- Episodes 7 and 8 of our new Dateline Jerusalem series garnered 23,200 views in 18 days.
- Our 1,300 viewings per day, on average, skyrocketed to 3,500 per day.
- For the week of October 7–14, we had a total of:
63,000 hours of watch time,
28,000 new subscriptions,
and only $437 resultant earnings.
That works out to just 4/100ths of a penny received per viewing and just 7/10ths of a penny for each hour of watch time. The bottom line is that we’re extremely efficient in delivering tons of teaching to the spiritually hungry, and we need your help to keep doing so.
Nonetheless, if you’re someone who routinely feasts at our Biblical buffet despite not having a spare nickel, I say bon appetit. Eat well because a fellow Believer in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah has graciously paid for your meal ticket. Even more, please tell your friends and family to dine to their spiritual hearts’ content at levitt.com. There they’ll find an abundance of free television programs (ALL of those that we offer for sale), free reading (decades of the Levitt Letters and Personal Letters), and much more.
If you appreciate previous ZLM teachers more than our current ones, that’s fine. Please, go read their varied writings and watch their edifying TV programs in the levitt.com archives. There are several teachers through the decades: 1) Zola (1989–2006), 2) Jeff with Sandra (2007–2011), 3) Myles with Katharine (2011–2016), 4) Jeff with David and Kirsten (2016–2023), and now 5) the Bearded Bible Brothers, Joshua and Caleb (raised on the milk and meat of this ministry’s Bible teaching) with David and Kirsten.
Roughly 20 years ago, when Zola and the Berg Productions crew filmed the studio portions of Zola Levitt Presents in the den at Zola’s house, the noise from a thunderstorm stopped them. One of our cameramen, Caleb, took the oily mats from the floor of Zola’s garage (his beloved, old cars occasionally leaked fluids), climbed onto the house (despite the lightning), and used the mats to cover the skylights to dampen the storm’s noise. Thus, it was not too surprising for me to discover, during the first days of Israel’s current war, that Josh and Caleb fearlessly ventured outdoors for man-on-the-street interviews while missiles streamed overhead.
Please, let’s not muzzle the oxen. Let’s compensate these servants, who have children to feed, as they deserve. I’ve promised that when our monthly revenue returns to a level where we’re not burning reserve funds to keep the engines running, I’ll remember that they are the ones using innovative methods to persuade today’s busy, spiritually hungry folks to pause from their labor and leisure long enough to hear God’s message.

Regarding financial stewardship, this ministry has no airplane, limousine (or even a car), mansion, or fancy furniture. We lease a quasi-basement space in a modest office building that’s on the cheaper side of a noisy expressway where our cross street lost its exit to a major expansion.
Our staff has comprised baby boomers for long enough that our motley crew somewhat resembles The Expendables — the 2010 film (and sequels) featuring aging but still elite mercenaries who complete difficult missions. Consequently, when you call our office, you probably sense that you’re speaking with a sincere Believer who loves her work and will go above and beyond to help you with your purchase, concern, contribution, or Holy Land tour inquiry. (Please email your Bible questions and prayer requests to staff@levitt.com.) Zola never ran his ministry any other way, and neither would I. Therefore, we have very low turnover — thank goodness.

We have received the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) accreditation for 12 years in a row and Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars. We’re still a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which makes us eligible for tax-deductible donations. The IRS has audited us twice over our four decades and concluded that we’re on the up and up. Our volunteer auditors ensure that our checks and balances are beyond reproach. Why shouldn’t they be?
What you see with this ministry — whether on television, in our newsletters, or at levitt.com — is tons of Bible teaching and only a modicum of fundraising. We’ve never hired slick marketing agencies with their gimmicks, such as mailing magic oil or pseudo-sacred prayer cloths that supposedly work wonders if you donate sacrificially. To the contrary, I wrote a Levitt Letter article entitled, “Pray About Your Two Pence” to dissuade ZLMers from donating more than they can afford.

At one point this ministry began experiencing steady downward giving trends and I considered advising readers that we were facing a major downsizing. I emphasized, however, that God is not the author of confusion — that we didn’t need ZLMers sacrificing their necessities to keep us afloat. That conviction continues today: Please give to this ministry out of your abundance.
Give as you can. Give for your neighbor. Give for our viewers in Israel now that our main network, Daystar, reaches the entire Holy Land with our two weekly broadcasts. Give for the Jews who watch us behind closed doors and for the Muslims who need the real Messiah of eternal life instead of their false prophet who came and went. Give as you can, please, but only as God leads you, based on the anointed work that you see us performing. Perhaps then this outreach can grow enough to fill the Bible teaching gaps created by declining churches — and the moral majority becoming a wistful memory.
Also, please write to our P.O. Box or email staff@levitt.com with ideas of what this ministry might do differently. What would you like to see more of or less of? How can the Bearded Bible Brothers speak better to your spiritual needs? What topics would you like to see in the Levitt Letter and Personal Letter and on Our Jewish Roots? What teaching materials have you seen elsewhere lately that jump out at you as items we ought to offer to your fellow ZLMers? We are eager to receive constructive criticism. We also crave your prayers as we operate this ministry.
In the meantime, once again, at blog.levitt.com/israeli-support you will find the pro-Israel funds (both domestic and overseas) for whom we encourage and accept donations. Of course, our general fund is what keeps our television broadcasts and news magazines going, so please prioritize it.

Many thanks and blessings,

P.S. One particular prayer request is for our television production crew to be able to return to Israel next spring. Would you also pray for Israel’s tourism to fully recover so that we can take two or more busloads of pilgrims eager to visit the best and safest Holy Land sites with their Bibles and cameras? ✡
A Note from David and Kirsten Hart
The Land of Hope
Though it’s hard to believe that 2024 is here, we’re eagerly anticipating where the Lord will lead our ministry this year. Despite ongoing conflicts in Israel and growing anti-Semitism worldwide, we remain optimistic that peace is possible. As Peter (quoting King David) stated on the Day of Pentecost, “I’m glad from the inside out, ecstatic; I’ve pitched my tent in the land of hope” (Acts 2:26, The Message). Even during uncertain times, we can hold on to hope.
Like you, we are overwhelmed at the horrors that Hamas carried out against Israel. How can Israelis keep going with so many unknowns and so much hate coming against them? The “land of hope” refers to more than just a physical place for God’s people — it emphasizes remaining in God’s presence and relying on His promises. Thus, despite hardships and inconceivable trials, they can live in hope. And so can we. Psalm 30:5 assures us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” While it may be difficult to imagine at the moment, joy will come again.
ZLM’s Future
Last year brought changes for this ministry. While Dr. Jeffrey Seif still remains active behind the scenes, the Colson brothers are now our primary teachers on OJR. These two Believers — husbands and fathers — are an excellent representation of Messianic Judaism. They have a passion for reaching lost people. We are thankful for their ministry, and we are grateful for all the positive feedback we’ve received about them and their teaching from you, our viewers. We look forward to a thriving future.
While the Colsons resonate with younger generations, “seasoned” ZLMers understand that consistent giving sustains this ministry’s future. Many of you donate regularly, and you recognize the importance of your contributions. Thank you for your support! Your gifts are like a vote to keep our ministry healthy.
All of us eagerly await the “green light” for us to return to Israel with our Zola Tours pilgrims who long to enhance their spiritual journeys. So, until Israel is once again open for tour groups, please continue to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6) and for all of Israel.

Happy New Year!
David and Kirsten
P.S. Although monthly donations are valuable, becoming a benefactor after you pass away is also an excellent way to ensure the longevity of ZLM. While “you can’t take it with you,” you can leave a legacy that will benefit others. As you support this ministry through your will, you help teach the Jewish roots of Christianity and positively impact lives around the world. For more information, please call our office (214-696-8844) during business hours, email us anytime (staff@levitt.com), or write to us at P.O. Box 12268, Dallas TX 75225-0268. ✡

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in January
The new year starts with a repeat program introducing Joshua and Caleb Colson — the Bearded Bible Brothers. Having taught on ZLM’s social media for five years, they are especially popular with younger viewers. Next, we continue with two stand-alone programs of “hot topics” from the #BeardedBibleBrothers archive that were previously available only on social media outlets. Later in the month, we begin the new series, Roadmap to Armageddon. Filmed just as the current war started, it features Joshua and Caleb teaching at different locations throughout Israel. There’s also a special guest appearance by someone we’ve come to know and love.
Mission and Messengers — We take a retrospective look at over 40 years of ZLM’s television ministry. What began with our founder, Zola Levitt, did not end when God called him home in 2006. Our Gospel outreach still continues, although with new faces. In this program, you will meet the messengers who will continue Zola’s mission and take us into the future.
The Bearded Bible Brothers discuss:
Salvation — The BBB examine several questions related to the salvation Yeshua enacted through His sacrificial death and resurrection. Why does a loving God send people to Hell? Does sin really exist? Will Messiah save the remnant of Israel?
Our Authority in Messiah — Yeshua came as the “last Adam” to free humanity from the curse of the “first Adam.” Joshua and Caleb examine the Believer’s authority in Messiah and how Believers can live a life free from bondage and sin. Yeshua’s sacrifice was sufficient to purchase our salvation and empower us for victory on Earth.

Roadmap to Armageddon
Psalm 83 War — We begin our journey on the Roadmap to Armageddon with the Psalm 83 War. Starting at the Sea of Galilee, Joshua and Caleb take you north to Kiryat Shmona near the border with Lebanon. With David and Kirsten Hart in the studio, this program also includes a special appearance by Dr. Jeffrey Seif.
The Rapture — The Rapture is the next stop on God’s Prophetic calendar. Will the Bridegroom rescue His Bride before the Father unleashes His wrath upon the world? To fully understand the timing of this prophetic event, Joshua and Caleb travel to Nazareth to investigate how Yeshua’s own people confused His first and second coming signs. Is it possible that Christians today confuse Yeshua’s Rapture with His Second Coming?