Dear friends,

It’s time for your vote on new programs. From time to time we ask your opinions (and we take them seriously). Those of you receiving this letter know our program very well and you are its owners. You should have some say in what it produces.

I realize that the vast majority of you like teaching programs whether they be in the studio or on location in Israel. But I’d like you to be more specific, if you can, and tell us just what subjects you would like to see taken up. As long as your material can be found in the scriptures, I’m all for it; but keep in mind that we like to only quote one book—the Bible. That Book covers a lot of territory and we’d like to be responsive to what you think needs our emphasis. Let us know by return mail since we have to get cracking if we’re going to make spring programs.

We also will be able to offer you the opportunity to sponsor certain new programs if you wish. These can be given as gifts or memorials to friends and it helps us a great deal. Just drop us a line if you’d like to know more about dedicating a ZOLA LEVITT LIVE program.

For Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex viewers, we have a new and very convenient air time on Channel 33—6:00 PM Mondays. Channel 33 is a UHF station which you can select with your UHF tuner, just as you select Channel 39. You should get a good picture and we hope that this more agreeable time will spare you from sitting up until 11:00 PM Sundays to see our Channel 39 transmission. That Channel 39 spot will stay on, by the way, so you’ll now have two choices in our home area in addition to the cables, if you have them. I hope that those of you watching this new time will do what you can to support it because new stations tend to be a dead loss for a long period and we haven’t quite built up the funding really necessary for this new outreach. We thought the opportunity was worthwhile, however. I personally have never found anything I really wanted to watch at 6:00 PM Mondays so maybe we’ll be a big hit in that time.

The office is in serious need of a new typewriter, a sure sign of progress and good works. We try to stick to the IBM Selectric III but if you have a way to provide a comparable machine, we would deeply appreciate it. As always, I would rather ask you first if anyone can donate equipment than to buy it with funds we could be using to minister. This gift would be tax deductible for you and you can be sure it will be put into the Lord’s work the moment it arrives. (Our typing elements are for Selectric III’s so this would by far be the most practical and efficient for our use).

Permit me one more reminder about the summer tour. Travel is becoming so popular and sought-after that tour opportunities open and close very fast. If you think you can join us we need your deposit immediately in order to make your reservations. Also we can get cheaper domestic air flights by being the early birds and you’ll save money in the long run by registering as soon as possible. Tour dates are May 29–June 11, Israel and Greek Isles Cruise, $2999 (Israel only, $1999). A $200 deposit reserves your place for either choice. It is refundable if you change your plans.

Your newsletter of two weeks ago has proved to be a great witnessing tool for many people. Look it up and save it. We’re getting awfully good response from unbelievers on these simple proofs of Biblical truth.

God bless you all.

In His love,

Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars.

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