By: Emily Jones – CBN News;

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is setting up a field hospital in Ukraine to serve those trapped in the war with Russia.

The field hospital will include treatments for children and adults, an intensive care unit, a delivery room and first aid clinic, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced.

“We are acting on our moral duty, we increase the humanitarian aid and we extend our help to the Ukrainian People,” said Minister of Health, Nitzan Horovitz. “The Ministry of Health sent aircrafts with medical equipment and medicines and now we will also establish a field hospital to aid the refugees on the scene. The Ministry of Health and the State of Israel stand clearly on the side of the Ukrainian People. We shall continue to assist, as much as needed, in saving the lives of civilians whose lives were destroyed in a moment.

The field hospital will be operated by Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, Clalit Healthcare Services and medical staff from other hospitals.


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