By: Benjamin Weinthal – The Jerusalem Post;

Despite the Iranian regime’s ban of demonstrations against Putin, the group of Iranians declared “Death to Putin” in what might be an unprecedented move by anti-Putin Iranians.

Reports and video footage on Saturday show a group of Iranians assembled outside of Ukraine’s embassy in Tehran urging the collapse of Vladimir Putin’s government in an audacious protest against the Islamic Republic’s full-throttled support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Despite the Iranian regime’s ban of demonstrations against Putin, the group of Iranians declared “Death to Putin” in what might be an unprecedented move by anti-Putin Iranians.  

“Bravo to Iranian compatriots who gathered in front of Ukrainian Embassy in Tehran to show solidarity with victims of Putin’s aggression. They reminded the world that Islamic President [Ebrahim] Raisi, a Putin protege, doesn’t represent the views of our people. Protesters behaved with dignity,“ wrote Amir Taheri, a prominent Iranian journalist on Twitter.


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