By: Caitlin Burke – CBN News;

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Large-scale protests are ongoing across Iran even after the government restricted internet access and blocked social media apps. Now, U.S. lawmakers are urging the State Department to do more to help the Iranian people. 

While the U.S. recently eased international internet restrictions to counter Tehran’s government censorship, billionaire Elon Musk wants to take it one step further. He wants to provide Iranians with Starlink, his unique satellite internet service. While the satellites are now active over Iran, the signal won’t be accessible until portable receivers can be distributed throughout the country.

“In Ukraine, he pushed thousands of them, but obviously, we had a government to work alongside. In Iran, we don’t. But there are NGO’s on the ground. We have covert means through various partnerships and routes that we can get these things in,” Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) told CBN News.

Congressman Waltz believes the U.S. government should coordinate those efforts. He and Rep. Maria Salazar recently wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting the State Department get involved.


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