Teaching on global jihad
On a rain-soaked and gloomy day, we ventured to Jericho to film “The Sword of Allah,” one of eight segments in our series on the End Times.
Yasser Arafat demanded Jericho as his first concession from Israel, and then set up his headquarters here. Why? Because he knew that Joshua had been given Jericho by the hand of God, and Arafat wanted to wheedle it into Islamic hands.
After Katharine and I taught in front of the mosque built with U.S. and international funds, we “happened” upon this sign, which in no uncertain terms identifies the now-Moslem stronghold with the moon god of the desert, Allah! YHVH (the God of Israel) and the Islamic allah are NOT the same! “Allah” may be a common, generic word in Arabic for “god” but the character, purposes, love, and redemption of YHVH share NOTHING with the barbaric, slaughtering, sharia-loving moon god of Mohammed. PRAY for us and for all Believers, please.