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Ancient Shiloh!

Apr 22, 2015

We first came to Shiloh in 2005, before the new exhibit was built with the audio visual explanation of Shiloh for pilgrims. This tremendously significant site is where the Ark of the Covenant rested f …

Reality vs. Media Hype

Apr 15, 2015

These two photos are enlightening for several reasons. Our friend David Rubin practices Orthodox Judaism and is a former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. He knows that I am a Messianic follower of Yeshua. But …

The Bride of Weiss!

Apr 08, 2015

Could there be a more perfect pic of the spirit of Esther? More than anyone I have encountered on my journey, my wife embodies the love for Israel, the hope for the Christian world, and the reach to t …


Apr 04, 2015

CHAG PESACH SAMEACH! A synchronized Good Friday points us to the Hebrew roots of salvation as pictured in Passover. May the God of Israel bless you and your house during this season with a fresh revel …

Handmaiden of the Lord withstands Moslem intimidation

Mar 30, 2015

Our new friend, Jane Kiel from Denmark, has been living in, and interceding for, Israel. Living by faith, she has spent hours praying on the Temple Mount, an act that provides a shining example of the …

Heart to Heart

Mar 26, 2015

In making our new series, we scored a stirring interview with Jonathan Feldstein of “Heart to Heart.”  An Orthodox Jewish family man, Jonathan helps Christians donate blood to the ambulan …

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