Israel's Right to the Land

No one can understand the outcome in the Middle East without the interpretation that comes from Scripture. Only the Bible yields an accurate view of that which is to come.

Myles WeissI remember a conference in Argentina several years ago where the Argentines repented of their Nazi past. As you may know, dictators Juan and Eva Peron exchanged blank passports for stolen Jewish gold. That is how some of the Nazi high command escaped into South America. Our conference met in Mar del Plata, the same city where the submarines with gold were said to dock. After I taught about these shameful alliances, marketplace leaders knelt before the small Jewish contingent and asked forgiveness for their countrymen’s dark complicity with the Nazis, a complicity that opened the door for Hezbollah by entrenching anti-Semitism in Argentina.

Before the public meeting where this repentance took place, there was a private prayer meeting. During that intercessory meeting, a leader stood up to say, “If America abandons Israel, there may be no Israel.” I stopped the prayer meeting.

“With all due respect to my brother,” I said, “If America abandons Israel, there may be no America.” We sat in silence as the Holy Spirit brooded over this confession.

God has restored the Jewish people, land, and language, and is in the process of restoring us Jews to our God (Ezek 36:24–28, Amos 9:15).

Zola often pointed to the four principles that support Israel’s right to the land:

1) prior possession—Jewish presence goes back to antiquity;

2) the Abrahamic Covenant, God’s Genesis promise to the Father of Faith;

3) the Balfour Declaration, the early 20th century resolution that the world agreed to;

4) military might—ignoring it creates the absurd requirement that only Israel, among the nations, needs to return land won in battle.

Here is a short video in which Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

God is fulfilling His own prophetic Scriptures in our day! It is time to pray afresh for America (Gen 12:1–3), that the Almighty will grant us time to turn back to Him and be counted as a nation that blesses His people, Israel.


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