ZLM-endorsed Israeli Benevolence Funds
Below are descriptions of Zola’s favorite benevolences, which we continue to support.
- To the Jew First Fund — Our ambassadors to Israel share the Gospel primarily with Jewish Israelis, and also reach for the Arabs. The fund covers expenses including airfare, meals, transportation, and other essentials.
- Good News Fund — This is a general benevolence fund that meets needs for fellow ministerial organizations as they arise. For example, it has subsidized the dental and vision care of a local charity that runs a homeless shelter.
- Lone Soldier — Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces are paid next to nothing and typically rely on their parents for financial help, housing, food, and laundry facilities on the weekends. “Lone soldiers” are generally Jewish men and women who have made aliyah to Israel by themselves and have no family members in Israel. This fund helps these Israeli soldiers with basics like food and clothing throughout the year.
- Jewish National Fund — Contributions to this cause sponsor tree planting in Israel. Each tree costs only $10. You can request a personalized certificate to reflect your donation.
- Bridges for Peace — This Jerusalem-based, Christian organization inspires Christians and Jews to work side by side for better relations and a more secure Israel. For more information about this organization, see https://www.bridgesforpeace.com.
- The Temple Mount Fund — This fund supports archaeological works that continue to demonstrate how science verifies the reality of the Scriptures.
- Aliyah Return Center — Jewish people from around the world are being welcomed to their ancestral homeland and many need a temporary place to stay. An abandoned boarding school in the Galilee is being renovated by this organization, led by Chaim Malespin. For more information about this center, see https://www.aliyahreturncenter.com.
- Hebrew4Christians — This fund assists John Parsons, author of our monthly Levitt Letter Hebrew Lesson and Zola’s Introduction to Hebrew book. The father of three young sons, John needs support while coping with chronic health concerns. Please visit and support his stellar, user-friendly website www.hebrew4christians.com.
You can contribute to our general fund while designating gifts to the worthy causes listed above on our donations page.
Also, send for our free pamphlet “28 Ways You Can Help Israel” or see the online version at www.levitt.com/essays/help-israel.