Greetings from Katharine in God’s "hometown"!
What a journey this has been. Although we have been to Israel many times, this tour has been outstanding. Zola Tours attracts the nicest pilgrims! We had so many earnest questions and sincere Believers with us that it was a joy to minister among them.

It was particularly special to be with Sandra on our first Zola Tour. We carry the same vision and passion for the “Jewishness” of the Gospel and the joy that comes from seeing people discover the Lord in his Hebraic expression. The Israelis loved Zola and these tours are known to be memorable.
The staff and the participants graciously received Myles and me. We felt a seamless transition from the past to the present. As we look to the future, we anticipate more exciting and enlightening trips to the God’s Holy Land, Israel.
We enjoyed introducing people to the joy and rest of Shabbat (Sabbath). We even arrived in Jerusalem on Shabbat, so we felt the peace of the Sabbath descending as we overlooked the city from Mt. Scopus. Sandra read a psalm of ascent and Myles greeted us in Hebrew and English. The boat ride on the Galilee was a highlight for many. Myles spoke about the authority of Jesus over every principality and power and then we worshipped the Lord as His palpable presence filled us to overflowing. It was awesome!
What a privilege it was for me to teach on the Mount of Beatitudes. The Mount is very special to me because that is where Yeshua expounded the Torah in its Kingdom dimensions.

There is great beauty in the Galilee region, especially in the “Jesus triangle” (Capernaum-Chorazin-Bethsaida) where much of His ministry took place. Matthew recounts that people came from very far to hear Him and experience His miracle power. Even today, we see the nations coming to Israel to honor the King and stand for His Word. The biblical sites were bustling with tourists from all over the world—it was encouraging to see.
The TV shows we worked on will greatly bless the ZLM community. We captured the turmoil in Greece for a prophetic show about the Bible and current events. We are also producing a series on the early Church and how the contemporary Body of Messiah is carrying out the early Church’s vision. The interviews Myles and I conducted will challenge and inform our viewing audience.
Even though it is good to come home, my heart is always set on going up to Jerusalem again.
Shalom, shalom to you all.