At the end of Passover
By Myles Weiss
As Passover concludes around the world, I thought this photo of the original Southern Steps (they date from the time of Yeshua) makes a poignant statement of the Jewish historicity in the Land of Israel and Israel’s intimate connection to the Gospel. We found a rare, quiet moment to review the connection between the Feasts of the Lord in the Tanakh (OT), and the institution of New Covenant (NT) fulfillment of them.
Pilgrims gather here still, as in the days when they would flood these very steps on their way to the Temple to make sacrifices for themselves and their families. They would walk up these stairs, gingerly, as the steps are purposely uneven, causing even the most confident to look down and take care.
Walking with rapt attention is a healthy frame of mind when approaching a Holy God! On the left upper corner are the remains of the exit doors, where “those that mourn” would be “comforted” (Matthew 5) with prayers and coins as the worshippers left their meeting.
So it is today: “rapt attention” is still a salient quality to display when dealing with things that pertain to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Every year at this time, Jews thank God for His miracle-working power in our deliverance from Egypt by the blood of the lamb. Now, many of us also celebrate the blood of Yeshua, the once and perfect sacrifice for our sins. Katharine and I served 120 folks at a seder at Beit Abba in Napa, California. Jews and gentiles worshipped together, as the revelation of “Yeshua in the Passover” came forth. What a blessing to lift up “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,” as His cousin Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist) dubbed Him.
Our seders always contain revelation from the Word, good humor, great food, and spiritual encounters.
Here is a a delightful video clip from, a Jewish web think tank/clip purveyor…enjoy!
And as we say at the seder — L’Shana Haba B’Yerushalayim — Next year in Jerusalem!