28 Ways You Can Help Israel
By Others
- Buy Israeli Products and services — Go out of your way to support Israel’s export trade. Websites like blessedbuyisrael.com and TheIsraeliOnlineShop.com let you buy Israeli products directly. In the grocery store, look for food brands like Strauss, Sabra, Telma, and Osem, and Ahava beauty products.
- Speak out — Write a pro-Israel piece for a local newspaper, set up information tables at your high school or college, or simply talk to people.
- Get the facts — For daily news, visit The Jerusalem Post (JPost.com) and IMRA (imra.org.il) websites. For background information, read Israel: A History by Martin Gilbert, From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters, and Myths and Facts by Mitchell Geoffrey Bard.
- Pray that God will: bring peace to the Land, give wisdom to Israel’s leaders, provide safety for Israeli civilians, and protect Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. Ask God to heal Israel’s wounded soldiers and civilians. And pray for Muslims to realize the true nature of their leadership and doctrines.
- Protest bias in the media — When you discover bias, respectfully complain to the news agency. You can join a media watch email list at HonestReporting.com, which gives guidelines for effectively contacting the media, and has over 140,000 subscribers protesting biased news against Israel.
- Give Tzedakah — Donate specifically for Israel to a worthy organization.
- Empathize with terror victims — A list of terror victims—and suggestions to help—is online at projectonesoul.com.
- Visit Israel — Go to Israel on vacation, to study, or simply to walk where Jesus walked. Encourage your local organizations to sponsor trips—study tours, religious tours, etc. Spend as much money as you can afford in order to help the economy. Talk to others about the beautiful landscape of Israel and about the uniqueness of thousands of years of Jewish existence in Israel. Visiting Israel shows Israelis that you really care; it also enhances your own sense of connection.
- Support Magen David Adom — Israel’s medical emergency service responds quickly—often first on the scene—to disasters around the world. This commitment has a severe financial impact. Get your church or school to start a fundraising campaign, or contribute online at MDAis.com.
- Conserve energy — American foreign policy is heavily influence by the need for imported oil. Reducing fuel consumption diminishes Arab clout.
- Recognize the God factor — The very existence of the Jewish people after 3,500 years—and the return to their Land after a long exile—is miraculous. Understand the significance of Abraham’s covenant with God.
- Rally for Israel — Hold a rally in your city. Hundreds or thousands of people turning out to display support sends a strong message to politicians and the news media. Fly an Israeli flag.
- Know your enemy — The Arab world tends to say one thing in English, but sends a very different message in Arabic. An excellent tool for becoming aware of the differences may be found at The Middle East Media Research Institute (memri.org).
- Holocaust education — Learning about the Holocaust helps us appreciate the depth of anti-Semitism and its root causes. One resource: anti-Semitism.net.
- Contact and visit your Congress members and senators — Form a concerned-citizens group, and make an appointment to visit with your elected representatives. Then go. They need to learn how serious their constituents are about the survival of Israel. Ask that Israel, rather than being required to back down, be allowed to fight terrorists just as America does.
- Post on the Internet — Pro-Palestinian activists flood chat rooms and online bulletin boards. Speak up for the legitimacy of Israel’s right to its God-given land, and for the right to its “spoils of war,” i.e., Jerusalem and the “West Bank.”
- Learn Hebrew — Order the book Zola’s Introduction to Hebrew. Call your local synagogue and inquire about joining Hebrew classes. This will build your bond with the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.
- Get the Israeli side — After an incident in Israel, visit the websites of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA.gov.il) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF.il/english) to get the truth.
- Read the Bible, and teach it to your children.
- Contact the U.S. president — Write a short, personal email with a subject line like “Support Israel’s battle against terrorism.” Urge the president to make policy decisions based on what is morally correct, not economically or politically expedient. Every call, letter, and fax is counted. To send the president a message, visit WhiteHouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments, or call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 (TTY/TTD 202-456-6213) or 202-456-1414.
- Distribute literature on college campuses — Print and distribute literature on campuses, highlighting Israel’s humanitarian achievements, democracy, and ethnic diversity.
- Recite Psalms — King David wrote stirring words that seem to be written for our exact situation today. Say a few psalms daily (e.g., Psalms 20, 83, 121, 130, and 142).
- Register and vote — If you are not already registered to vote, then contact your local Board of Elections and ask for a voter registration application; and be sure to vote in upcoming elections.
- Buy Israel Bonds — You can invest in Israel for a little as $100 at IsraelBonds.com or 888-764-2631.
- Share both sides of the refugee issue — In conversations and in the media, emphasize how the Arab states have mistreated the Palestinians, e.g., refusing to grant them citizenship in order to keep the “refugee” issue an open wound.
- Hold governments accountable — Write, call, and email the tourism consular and airline offices of countries that are complicit in anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activities. Boycott products from such countries.
- Hold prayer rallies — Communal prayer is more powerful than an individual’s, so invite people to join together to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).
- Support Israeli craftsmen — When tourism declines, many Israelis who depend on it for their livelihood suffer. If you plan to buy a gift, try to buy a work (piece of art, clothing, jewelry, etc.) by an Israeli artist. (See #1 above.)
Based on an article from IsraelInsider.com.