March 2022 Personal Letter

Sarah Liberman


Dear Friend,

Shalom from the Holy Land. In 1975, in response to the Arab nations’ surprise attack in the Yom Kippur war, Tel Aviv University established a think tank and research group to investigate and predict security threats against Israel. In 2006, this group became the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). Since then, the INSS research has become a critical component of closed discussions among leading policymakers in Israel.

Russian President Vladimir Putin with former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the Kremlin in 2017
credit: Sergei Karpukhin, AP

Current Threats to Israel

In January 2022, the INSS released a report on current threats against Israel, focusing primarily on Iran and its intentions in the Middle East. The report establishes that Iran is only weeks away from nuclear bomb capabilities. It also reveals Tehran’s motivation and investment in the ability to attack Israel not only directly but also through proxy organizations and countries.

These threats include simultaneous attacks — involving missiles, rockets, unmanned aerial vehicles (such as drones), and more — from Lebanon’s Hezbollah and pro-Iranian elements in Syria.

According to the INSS, Iran’s relentless pursuit of nuclear bomb capabilities is the greatest threat Israel faces in 2022. Additionally, Iran’s strategy to build up military capabilities closer to Israel’s borders, including support of the Palestinian cause, means Israel must be prepared to engage in simultaneous war on multiple fronts. Recent violent events between Arab and Jewish populations reminded the Israeli public that once such an altercation occurs, they will probably face internal instability and security concerns from violent riots.

Options for dealing with the Iranian threat involve “structured” difficulties for the Israeli government. Solutions depend on collaboration with the U.S. leadership and policymakers. But these entities don’t always align with Israel’s viewpoint.

President Biden’s administration, along with leaders from prominent European countries, support a diplomatic approach to Iran. They have initiated talks in Europe seeking a peaceful resolution to Iran’s aspirations. Israeli officials think this position places the country in a predicament: If the talks succeed, Israel will be forced to live with what it considers to be a bad agreement, enabling Iran to move forward in its nuclear pursuits. But if the talks fail, Iran will have no incentive to hold back and will develop a nuclear warhead immediately.

Neither of these outcomes is acceptable for Israel. Unfortunately, Israel is currently missing some important capabilities it needs to face Iran alone in war. The U.S. holds the necessary technology, but it has yet to be transferred to Israel as the U.S. hopes to prevent war between Iran and Israel.

Israel is not the only country deeply concerned about Iran’s nuclear aspirations. Neighboring countries such as Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and others are closely monitoring the situation. Many in Israel believe that the Abraham Accords peace agreement expansion is propelled by Iran’s pursuit of nuclear capabilities.

Map of the Middle East
credit: Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook

The Middle Eastern Perspective

The Middle Eastern perspective, which is lacking in the West, is that talks or negotiations will not satisfy aspirations like those held by Iran. Rather, they will inevitably lead to a violent clash. These countries expect that the West (primarily European countries and the U.S.) will not engage directly in such a war. Consequently, Middle Eastern countries must find a motivated ally to fight on their behalf.

Iran has already attacked Saudi Arabia and its oil installations. Other signs are already clearly posted on the “regional wall.” The West’s delay and distaste for using force is a major concern to all countries threatened by Iran. Thus, they are making these open peace agreements with Israel.

On this backdrop, the Russian government made a surprising announcement on January 24, 2022. Russia has been operating militarily in Syria since the Arab Spring uprising in 2011. By 2015, Russia deployed some of its most sophisticated weapons in Syria, along with 100,000 troops on the ground. The official reason for its military presence is to aid the Syrian regime in defeating the uprising against it.

Meanwhile, if Russia had so desired, it could easily have helped the Syrian government gain full control long ago. By allowing the conflict to continue, Russia can justify its presence in Syria. Thus, it has had no incentive to resolve the tense situation. Hezbollah and Iran have also been operating in Syria, supporting the government’s attempts to survive and deepening their hold on land closer to Israel’s borders.

On January 24, the Russians announced what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) detected the day before: Russian and Syrian fighter jets had begun joint aerial patrols in Syrian airspace, flying along the border with Israel in the Golan region and flying toward the north of Syria.

These fighter jet patrols caught Israeli officers off guard. While Israel has not publicly admitted to its frequent attacks on Iranian military bases in Syria, it has closely coordinated with the Russians (behind the scenes) about those attacks.

The announcement also added that such patrols would become a regular occurrence. They will hinder Israel’s ability to stop Iran from establishing a significant military presence in Syria.

It is nothing new that there are Arab nations around Israel who could go to war against her. However, Russia’s desire to gain and increase a foothold in the region is a new and significant change. As Bible believers, we must recognize this alliance’s significance because it mirrors an alignment of forces described in Ezekiel.

Ezekiel’s Prophecy

In Ezekiel 38, a group of nations comes against the people regathered in the Land of Israel. This vast army covers the land like a cloud. When we cross reference the lands mentioned in this chapter with today’s same geographical locations, an interesting axis of countries emerges: Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Some observers also include Afghanistan, parts of Turkey, and certain African countries such as Libya in this group.

Russian icon of the Prophet Ezekiel (early 18th century) Iconostasis of Kizhi monastery, Russia

Ezekiel speaks God’s pronouncement about a day when these armies will come from the north and attack the peaceful and unsuspecting people of Israel:

This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, My hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign Lord. In My zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at My presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble, and every wall will fall to the ground.
— Ezekiel 38:18–20

God continues:

I will summon a sword against Gog on all My mountains, declares the Sovereign Lord. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones, and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. And so I will show My greatness and My holiness, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
— Ezekiel 38:21–23

Speaking as a mother living in Israel today, seeing the forces involved in this prophesied war amassing troops near our borders and pursuing military collaboration, this is not a comfortable situation.

While watching the atrocities committed in the war-torn regions of Syria and Iraq, I often wonder about this prophecy in Ezekiel. Understanding that all of this violence will one day be unleashed on Israel, I can only imagine how terrible that day could be for me and my family.

I draw comfort from Ezekiel’s prophecy because it teaches me how to pray. It also reminds me I can stand on God’s promise that He will overthrow this evil plan. He will go to battle with these armies, and He will show His greatness by keeping His word and covenant to Israel.

Many Believers (“Believers” is short for “believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah”) agree that we are living in what the Bible calls the “End Times.” Where we are on that timeline is not clear. Still, we know that the current events are unprecedented; these changes point us toward the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies.

As you watch this Bible prophecy unfold, remember that just as God has been faithful to Israel and His Word throughout the ages, He will be faithful to fulfill all of His promises to you and me as well (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Im tirdefu lada-at oto
“Press on to know HIM!”
(Hosea 6:3 NLT),

    [Sarah Liberman]
Sarah Liberman

P.S. Do you have a testimony about God’s faithfulness? Please write to me at or our P.O. Box. I love hearing from you! *

Zola Tours: Marching On

Why don’t you take a step of faith and join us for our fall tour? Israeli food is spectacular, our hotels are wonderful, and our tour guides are the best. Kirsten and David Hart will be your hosts and worship leaders. They will ensure that you are well-informed and safe while you enjoy your journey, all while singing “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” Please contact our travel manager Sandra at 214-696-9760,, or We hope you will join us in a few months!

Fall Tour 2022 options
Prices are PENDING. We hope to have them confirmed very soon.
Deluxe — IsraelOct. 24–Nov. 3
Grand Petra — Israel & PetraOct. 24–Nov. 6

A Note from David and Kirsten Hart


Many Believers are fascinated by End Times prophecies. We study words and passages in the Bible as we try to understand the coming events and interpret their timing. Yet reading Sarah’s observations, written from a mother’s perspective, causes us to examine the End Times through a different lens. Israelis who will be fighting future wars are mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters. The inhabitants living within the walls that will crumble (Ezekiel 38) include precious babies, adorable toddlers, and protective grandparents.


While we Believers can’t prevent looming wars, prayer gives us access to the power of God that can move mountains. We can pray for the Lord’s wisdom and protection for all who make decisions and carry out military commands. While uncharted, dark days lie ahead, we take hope in our promised future. Sarah, please know that we ZLMers continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for you and all who live there with the imminent threat of war and instability.

ZLM continues aiding ministries in Israel as we share the Lord’s message of hope and reconciliation. We still believe that “He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4). Claiming that promise, we support this blessed nation through all this ministry does. We are extremely purposeful with the donations from you and your fellow donors. We will always stand with and for Israel.

Will you do us a small favor? While Zola Levitt’s name has related to Messianic insights and ministry for decades, our television program’s name is newer. Will you tell people you know about our weekly television program, Our Jewish Roots? Word of mouth is our best marketing to let people know about what this ministry offers as a Messianic outreach.

Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim!
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6),

David & Kirsten

P.S. Sharing the Good News through the eyes of the Jews remains our heartbeat. Thank you for your financial contributions that enable us to continue this anointed ministry. *

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in March

We’re marching onward with our plans to film in Israel this month. With great anticipation, our TV production team is scheduling time in the Galilee (the region around the Sea of Galilee). We have camera operators, producers, Israeli actors, Dr. Seif, and David and Kirsten Hart prepared with new authentic costumes, detailed props, and filming sets. These resources will converge to bring captivating dramatic reenactments, interviews, teaching, and worship to viewers like you! We believe you will love what we’re preparing for you.

While the new Galilean footage is shot and edited, we’ll be delighted to offer you the conclusion of our series, The Warrior King: David-like Leadership in Goliath-like Times, along with the first program of our new series on Jeremiah.

The Warrior King: David-like Leadership in Goliath-like Times

Ascending the Throne
Though anointed by God for kingship, David spent 13 years running from Israel’s first king before ascending to the throne himself. As we discover the story of David’s patient rise to power, we see him give glory and credit to the Lord.
Royal Lineage
From the Shrine of the Book museum in Jerusalem, Dr. Seif teaches from the writings of the prophet Isaiah. We examine how the Old Testament predicted a coming Davidic Son, which leads to the New Testament revealing the Son of David.
Poetry and Psalms
David’s gift for creating poetry and music shows that he was in touch with something beyond the state of his armies. Viewers will benefit from this program’s window into the softer side of the prolific songwriter.
The Ultimate Son
In the end, David marveled at the Lord’s call on his life and the coming of one of his Descendants as the Messiah. You’ll conclude this series saying, “He lives!” and, we hope, believing that He lives in you.
Jeff Seif
Michael Brown

Jeremiah: Television Series Overview

Known as the weeping prophet, Jeremiah received the assignment of warning his countrymen of the coming judgment and deportation at the hands of the Babylonians. A message of hope and deliverance is woven through Jeremiah’s writings. This nine-part series features Bible teaching by Dr. Jeffrey Seif, dramatic reenactments by Israeli actors, commentary from Dr. Michael Brown, and applications in studio discussions with David and Kirsten Hart.

Young Man’s Visions
The Babylonian war machine was coming to Judah. The Lord chose a young Jeremiah to be His prophet and to deliver the call to return to the ways and values specified in God’s Word. Their culture, like ours, veered off the path and was about to reap the consequences.

Zola Levitt Ministries is ECFA approved and has Charity Navigator’s top rating of 4 stars, plus Ministry Watch’s Give With Confidence Score of 100.

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