Dear Friend,
Greetings from the Holy Land. When I asked you, kind Reader, if you would like to know more about the Garden of Eden being in Jerusalem, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Thus begins my new series of letters in which we will explore the themes both Biblical and cultural that support this claim. Throughout the series, I will share many important and valuable revelations — “keys” — not only about Eden but also about Jerusalem, Heaven, and God’s plan for mankind.

Before we can investigate whether the Garden of Eden was located where today’s city of Jerusalem stands, we must consider two points:
- Realize that the Garden of Eden was, in fact, a physical place on Earth. In the Creation story, Adam and Eve resided in a garden somewhere on Earth from which they were later cast out. This situation begs the questions: If the Garden of Eden is a physical place on Earth, then where is it now? Can we find it?
- Determine the validity of options other than Jerusalem for its location. Throughout history, scholars widely accepted a view that supported the Garden of Eden being somewhere in Mesopotamia. The literal translation of the word mesopotamia is “the area between two rivers.” Genesis 2:10–14 mentions four major rivers springing from within the Garden of Eden: Pishon (Hebrew: פִישׁוֹן Pison), Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris), and Euphrates (Phrath).
The locations of the Pishon and Gihon rivers are unknown today; however, modern maps clearly identify the Tigris and Euphrates. Thus, even premier theologians suppose that the Garden of Eden was somewhere in the region of these rivers. Today this area stretches between Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, and the Persian Gulf. Could scholars have been wrong all along?
Similar to my writing about Armageddon, the answer is found in careful reading of the Biblical text (yes, there is a theme developing here): “A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters” (Genesis 2:10). Today’s Tigris and Euphrates rivers do not answer this description, as their sources are located hundreds of miles apart from each other … and they flow in the wrong direction! Note: the river that flowed from Eden was the single source of the four rivers. From there, they diverged and watered the Earth.

The Key of Eden
The Creation story in Genesis provides a few more clues where to look. We know that:
- the Garden of Eden was planted by God in a place called Eden — “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden;” (Genesis 2:8a)
- the garden was on the east side of Eden
- the river of Eden sprang from Eden eastward and watered the garden.
The Hebrew words used to describe the Garden of Eden in the east have dual meaning. The literal translation of the word Eden means “a place of pleasure.” But also wrapped into Eden is the root of the word aa-d (עד), which means “forever” or “eternity.”
The word used for east is not Mizrach (מזרח) “place of sunrise” (as in north, south, east, west); instead, the Writer uses the word Miqedem (מקדם), which means “east” but also means “from the beginning” or “from the ancient time.” The root of Miqedem is the same root for “moving forward,” so the dual meaning reads: There was a garden planted on the east side of Eden; it is also a garden of pleasure from ancient time to eternity.
Separation Theory
A popular answer to why we can’t find the Garden of Eden today is that it was destroyed in the flood during the time of Noah. This is also the explanation offered for not locating the Pishon and Gihon rivers mentioned in Genesis and why the rivers we do see differ in location and origin from what Scripture describes.
A young Israeli Messianic tour guide, Steven Harel, is currently writing a book about this and other topics related to Jerusalem. He shared a theory with me that could explain why we can’t find the Garden of Eden today: When Adam and Eve were cast out from the Garden, the curse of sin meant that they were now permanently separated from the presence of God. But this was not the only outcome.
When God sent Adam and Eve away, He cursed the earth as well (Genesis 3:17). The consequences of sin were to manifest not only in the lives of humans but throughout creation itself. Harel hypothesizes that the separation from God was like death … not only for man but also for the ground.
Human reality comprises two dimensions: the physical and the spiritual. We accept that when a person dies, their spirit (in Jewish thought, the “soul”) leaves the body and drifts upward. We also know that God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 2:16–17). But they didn’t die immediately upon eating it. Rather, it was a slow and gradual process of degrading until, over time, they eventually died after living a condemned life on the cursed earth. As the generations followed, the lives of their children and grandchildren, etc., became shorter and shorter.
Just as man was cursed and separated from God, His glory, and His presence (the spiritual realm that we know today), Separation Theory presents the view that Creation itself also experienced a slow and gradual separation of the spiritual from the physical. According to this idea, God’s glory slowly separated from Creation as the effects of sin began to manifest, bringing us to the point today where animals eat each other and nature suffers decay, drought, and destruction.
If this Separation Theory is valid, then the Garden of Eden in the spiritual sense — with the presence of God and animals that could talk — would have slowly separated from physical Earth. Floating upward (as our spirits do), that realm is now waiting for the Lord’s return and the new Jerusalem, which will descend to Earth. (We will explore the New Jerusalem later in the series.) Over time, when Adam and Eve returned to where the Garden had been, they would find less and less of God’s presence there until one day, they — or perhaps one of their descendants — would not find any at all.
Creation’s Longing to Be Set Free
On a recent hike, I pondered this Separation Theory, trying to decide if I agreed with it and whether I could find reasonable Biblical evidence to support it. Looking around me, I noticed the state of nature as I walked by. I considered that once, perhaps, the trees and the rocks around me could worship the Creator and be heard. I saw the dry grass and dying trees desperately needing water, and realized that they are not in their most perfect state.
Perhaps this is why the Bible says, “…the creation waits and groans with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom and glory of the children of God” (Romans 8:19–21).
During my certification studies in music, audio, and video production, I learned that humans have the physiological ability to process sounds that are much higher and lower in frequency than what we can hear now. We should also be able to see colors like infrared/ultraviolet etc., but we are somehow limited. Thus, while our bodies could perhaps originally process these sounds and colors, our brains no longer interpret this information. Now we can only hear and see to more limited extents.
One day, in Heaven, all our senses will be restored. Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians about this concept, comparing our current state to a dim mirror:
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am fully known.” – 1 Corinthians 13:12
This state of separation was never God’s plan for us or for Creation. In the coming months, each of my messages will present a new set of keys that will build on the previous, so you will want to catch every installment. I will discuss the keys of the Holy Hill, sacrifice, the two trees, restoring waters, the Mount of Olives, inheritance, the Tabernacle, paths, and others.
It is my hope that these keys will unlock doors to exciting revelations about how Believers (“Believers” is short for “believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah”) can better understand Scripture and God’s magnificent plan of redemption from the curse of sin for all of mankind and the Earth.
Im tirdefu lada-at oto —
“Press on to know HIM!” (Hosea 6:3 NLT),
Sarah Liberman
P.S. I love receiving your emails and steady encouragement. If you have a testimony or story you would like to share with me, I am waiting to hear from you at our P.O. Box or staff@levitt.com.
: The Ancient & Eternal City
Kirsten and I have been anticipating your article on the Garden of Eden, Sarah, and you surpassed our expectations. When reading the Bible, many Believers skip over or simply don’t grasp the in-depth meaning until we dig deeper — especially into the original Hebrew. We’re thrilled that you’ll be presenting more in this “key series.”
We’re also pleased to offer pilgrims the opportunity to walk the Land of the Bible. A trademark of Zola Tours is transporting our study tours to the northernmost points in Israel, through the lush Jordan Valley and into the Eternal City, Jerusalem. If Sarah’s insight about the Garden of Eden being in Jerusalem itself excites you, imagine walking the streets in the city that serves as the key to mankind’s past, present, and future. Come and study with us! Our travel manager, Sandra, can make registration quick and easy. Contact her today at 214-696-9760, travel@levitt.com, or levitt.com/tours for more details.

Deluxe — Israel | October 18–28 | $5,288 |
Grand Petra — Israel & Petra | October 18–31 | $6,488 |
Deluxe — Israel | March 14–24 | $5,288 |
Grand Petra — Israel & Petra | March 14–27 | $6,488 |
A Note from David and Kirsten Hart
David and I just relocated from Branson, Missouri to sunny Florida! You met our son Ryan on Our Jewish Roots (levitt.tv/media/watch/1904) when we highlighted his work in Jerusalem with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). He and his wife, Bekah, accepted new positions in Orlando, and we realized we were ready for a move, too.
The Florida Harts recently enjoyed a day in the local waterpark, floating along “lazy rivers,” plummeting down waterslides, and (our favorite) navigating a roaring river, more intense than a lazy river. Life jackets are mandatory, or else you could get tossed about in the churning water.
Our reading and viewing supporters keep this ministry afloat every month, and we’re sincerely grateful, because we would drown without your financial contributions and earnest prayers.
ZLM offers a smorgasbord of ministerial teaching. Our two monthly publications (one of which you now hold in your hands) and the weekly television program Our Jewish Roots are only the tip of our outreach’s iceberg. If you haven’t browsed www.levitt.com lately, please take some time to explore each of our website’s dropdown menus. You’ll find countless hours of free Bible-teaching programs to watch, fascinating articles to read, and opportunities to discuss Biblical topics with fellow Believers from around the world.
In addition to www.levitt.com’s vast content, our social media pages bring you a variety of interesting mini-shows and Bible teaching. David and I host a series of YouTube videos called Cabin Chat in which we interview pro-Israel Believers from across the globe. Cabin Chats are typically only three to four minutes each, so you can view them during coffee breaks. Search “Our Jewish Roots” on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. We’ll see you there!
Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim! —
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6),
David & Kirsten
P.S. ZLM is a television program and a full-time ministry, and we take the ministry title seriously. We’re very thankful for our office staff who keep the wheels turning, yet are never too busy to pray for you and your needs. You are not alone; please write to our P.O. Box or email us at staff@levitt.com. We’d be honored to take your requests and pray over them. Shalom.

Our Jewish Roots TV programs in September
We’re wrapping up the reprise of our series Eretz Israel, and bringing to you the brand-new Faith for the Future programs. Believers need faith as much as ever during these uncertain days. Please grab a friend and tune in all this month. You’ll want to catch every episode.
Eretz Israel —
- Israel Fulfilling Prophecy
- Connecting the Chosen People with the Land of Israel, Dr. Jeff Seif and former CBS correspondent David Dolan review the State of Israel, considering what’s ahead on the not-too-distant Biblical prophecy timetable.
- Faith for the Future: Our Journey with the Patriarchs. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob acted on their faith in God by taking small steps — and sometimes leaps — of faith. These actions often dramatically altered the course of their lives while directing them toward increased dependence on the Lord.
Faith for the Future:
Our Journey with the Patriarchs
In this 10-part series, Dr. Jeffrey Seif shows us strategic events in the Patriarchs’ lives through dramatic re-enactments filmed in Israel. Dr. Barri Seif (Jeff’s wife) provides a personal perspective.
- Stepping Out in Faith
- Leaving the familiar for an unknown destination requires putting faith into action. In Genesis, the Lord called Abram to leave his home and travel to the land of Canaan. The journey included difficult situations but culminated in a promised homeland for the Hebrews. Today, may we Believers boldly place our trust in Him and step out in faith!
- Conflicting Directions and Destinations
- Abram/Abraham was promised descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. Little did he know that his two sons (born from different mothers) would father two nations whose hostility toward each other would last millennia. Sometimes our journey of faith leads us into conflicts and challenges that require greater trust in God.
- Delivering the Unexpected
- We Believers must prepare ourselves for times when God intentionally delays the fulfillment of His promises until we think it is too late. How could a couple in their 90s have a child? God can and does deliver the unexpected.