July 2020 — Our Jewish Roots Production Update
The show must go on? Writing this in the middle of July 2020, it is easy to conclude that caution is a prudent response during a surge in Coronavirus cases. It would be reckless for any organization (including ministries) to coerce employees or volunteers to do something out of their comfort zone. When the original pandemic lockdown order came in March, we made very sure that everyone was comfortable with the safety protocols we adopted. If anyone hesitated, we were willing to change our plans and procedures to accommodate their concerns.

With this in mind, when scheduling the Harts’ trip into Dallas for our next studio session, we wondered if they’d be okay with air travel, which could increase their exposure to the virus. Kirsten and David responded positively and without hesitation: They were ready and willing to fly in from Branson, Missouri to record the studio segments. We have come to expect such cooperation from them. (Praise the Lord for that!) We offered an alternative — driving as they had done in the past — but they insisted on a preference for flying. We proceeded as planned.
Still, what if another, more-severe lock down happened? How could “the show go on?”
We are currently in the process of installing a system of computer, lights, microphones, and support equipment in the Harts’ home. With this setup, they can record interviews using the Zoom video conferencing app. You, the viewer, will be able to watch these interviews, not on our television program but on our social media outlets. Keep an eye out for these virtual conversations. If you are not connected with Our Jewish Roots on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, you are missing out on a lot of interesting and educational content.
Even though the quality of Zoom is sufficient for social media, it is unfortunately not high enough resolution for our television broadcast stations and networks. You might have seen late night talk shows or news programs on your local stations that appear to be a Zoom meeting. Don’t be fooled! The networks are using equipment that is specially designed to meet technical broadcast specifications. This technology is constantly evolving, and OJR will continue to look into it. We pray that we will never need it.
Meanwhile, we are making prudent decisions to safeguard everyone’s health while keeping the production wheels at Our Jewish Roots spinning! Please join us in praying that the Lord will protect us all from the virus and guide us into new ways of sharing the Good News of Yeshua!