By: Carrie Keller-Lynn – The Times of Israel;

Three flights Monday evening and Tuesday carry medical supplies, systems that provide potable water, and winter gear

The final portion of Israel’s 100-ton humanitarian aid package to Ukraine was prepared for transport Tuesday morning at Ben Gurion Airport, with the El Al plane carrying the aid — preceded by two additional flights in the past hours — set to take off later in the day to Warsaw, for expected delivery in Ukraine this week.

“This is a gesture of friendship to the Ukrainian people,” said a representative from Mashav, a division of the Foreign Ministry that coordinates Israel’s national aid, as the third plane was being loaded.

“The mission, 100 tons in one day to Ukraine, is without precedent and we should be proud about it,” she said.

The aid includes 17 tons of medical equipment and medicine, water purification systems intended to supply 200,000 people, emergency water supply kits to supply 100,000 people, winter tents to house 3,000, 15,000 blankets, 3,000 sleeping bags, and 2,700 winter coats.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid finalized the contents of the package, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.


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