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Notes from the Webmaster about Zola's 2006 battle with cancer

Lung cancer

I just got off the phone with Zola. Not that things are GOOD, but things don’t seem as bad as I had originally heard. He does have lung cancer—a large tumor wrapped around his left lung. That’s about all they really know at this point. There are some lesions in the brain but they really don’t know anything about them right now. They may have come from the lung. He has no pain and no real symptoms except for a cough caused by some pneumonia from the problem in his left lung.

He’s up-beat and looking forward to continuing work. He plans on being very frank with the audience about threats he sees and issues he cares about and will address them with a new determination. He plans on working until he can’t anymore. Which will hopefully some time off.


8 Responses to “Lung cancer”

  1. Jeri Peek Says:

    The Lord has led me to Pray the whole chapter of Psalms 91; it is the Emergence Room prayer (911) for me to pray it directly from the Bible up to YHWH in the Mighty Name of Yahshua. Each verse is a a SPIRITUAL Special Physican and His SPIRITUAL medication used by YHWH for help and healing.

  2. Clint and Lola Mullins Says:

    We just want Zola to know we love him. And, we will pray for him.

    In HIS Love,

    Clint and Lola Mullins

  3. frank osborne Says:

    Just wanted to say we recently lost our son-in-law to this disease. He was 45 years old and had smoked for 30 years but quit about 7 years ago. We have followed Zola for years and my wife did his course and we have loved him and his ministry for years. We went to Isreal in 80 and 83 and always wished we could have gone with Zola at some point. We are praying that he has a peaceful crossing and we will see him on the other side sitting next our lord. Well done good and faithful servant! Love Frank Osborne


    dear zola,
    i want you to know my brother that i love you and will be praying for you. i have a friend in calif. that’s in a prayer group for people that have sickness’s. i will contact her and have her put you and your family on the prayer group’s list from all over the country….i’ve longed to be able to visit the country israel the home of my saviour’s birth. but never could afford it being disabled myself. but i want you to know zola i love the jewish people with all my heart…you’re GOD’S chosen people and i pray for them and the peace of know my brother you and your family are in my heart and in my prayer’s.if we never meet here look for me in heaven for i’ll be coming in GOD’S on time…if i could go thru this trial for you i would…GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU MY BROTHER…IN CHRIST….ROBBIE AYSCUE

  5. G. Goodman Says:

    My dear brother Zola,
    A few years ago, the year I retired, I met you by chance on television. You became so special in my life especially because I am Christian and my husband (and Jesus)was Jewish. You taught me, among other things, to love both (and all) religions.
    My heart is heavy at hearing of your ill health. I pray that He keep you comfortable and if it be His will, grant you a miracle. You are so good for so many.
    God love and bless you and your family always.
    Your friend,

  6. gail harrop Says:

    just to let you know that i have prayed in faith for you, Zola, i have enjoyed your teaching, being a jew myself, living in Scotland. The Lord has been touching my heart for Israel! I have suffered from cancer myself and have been healed.
    My prayer is that the Lord, who is your healer, will send forth a miricle of healing for you, if it is His will.
    Keep Strong my brother!
    Love in Jesus

  7. Nancy Duncan Says:

    Dear Brother in Christ, I just had my last radiation treatment for breast cancer and am supposedly cured, which I do beleive was a miracle. And it be Gods’ will you will have some too. Our Lord works in many mysterious ways in teaching us what we need to know. I know that I am more grateful for every day of my new life and all I can do is put it in the Lords’ Hands. Have Faith brother and His Will , will be done. God Bless You and Your Family. The cancer to me was no biggie, what really got to me was the effect it had on my family and friends. And it was so beautiful and reassuring that it was part of my healing. I Love you Zola, now you get better. Nancy Duncan

  8. Pat Godbey Says:

    Dear Zola: I have very much enjoyed your teachings and your obvious faithfulness to God. May that peace that passes all understanding envelope you in your need now and allow you to rest under God’s wing and in His care. To God be the glory! He’ll take good care of you, no matter what! Love to you and your family, in His name. Pat.