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Life on the ground in Israel

Archive for the ‘From Israel’ Category

War doesn’t stop the shopping

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

It is Wednesday and Will is headed up North with Bridges for Peace to deliver some care packages. They will deliver them to the Army and then the Army will distribute to those in need. You can help by donating to Bridges for Peace. Another way is to send Pizza to the soldiers. Check out […]

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A view on TV news

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

It is Tuesday morning in Jerusalem, and I am trying to digest all the news that I have watched since returning here. Fox News still seems to be the most balanced. Forget CNN and the BBC—what a bunch of junk! Again they are blaming the Israelis for this mess. I did not want to watch […]

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Thoughts on this past weekend

Monday, July 24th, 2006

I have many thoughts on this past weekend. I want to write everything down so quickly. I don’t want to forget one thing. Of course, the first thought is that we are in spiritual fight for our lives. The devil uses whatever and whenever he can. If Lebanon had not accepted the terrorist Hezbollah and […]

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My first bomb shelter

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006

I am thinking we will be the only people at breakfast, but there is an American. We talk about what is going on. He was with a group digging and touring. The students have all left because their parents made them go home. We get on the road—still no traffic. We are off to northern […]

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Finding the artillery

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006

We are the only ones at breakfast. Will has our day planned out and off we go. Our first stop is Safed. There is no one on the road. I still think, “OK, it is Shabbat.” There is no one on the road. We find an apartment that has been hit by a rocket and […]

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Where is everyone?

Friday, July 21st, 2006

We are on final approach to Tel Aviv and I see sailboats in the Mediterranean Sea. It doesn’t look like there’s too much action to me, but we will see what is going on. Will picks me up and we head to Nof Ginosar to spend the weekend. There is very light traffic. I’m thinking […]

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