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Life on the ground in Israel

Archive for the ‘From Israel’ Category

Forest fire tour

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

I went to the north again yesterday to view the damage done to the forests and agricultural fields by fire. Quite a large amount of land was consumed by fires from Hizbullah rockets that missed the populated areas, but still caused damage. A spokesman for the Jewish National Fund recently wrote in an article that […]

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Rockets and signs of life

Monday, August 7th, 2006

On my way back up to the north yesterday, I passed through Tiberias again. It was about 11:30, and this time there were people everywhere. While some shops remained closed, a great many more were open again. There were people in the streets, shopping, eating, and going about their daily life again. I had a […]

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Another difficult day in the north

Saturday, August 5th, 2006

I went on Saturday up to the north again, not looking for a particular story, just the overall feel of what is happening there. I stopped first in Tiberias and the streets were almost totally empty, except for the 5 or 6 ambulances staged at a building in the city center. Most of the businesses […]

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Israelis are like a cactus fruit

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

This is my last day in Israel. I am sad, but I know I will be back again. I pray that Will and I have given clear and accurate information on what is going on in Israel. It has been such a blessing to be here. Everyone is so grateful that an American is here […]

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Enjoying the flow of Jerusalem

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

It is Tuesday morning and I am already counting down to when I leave Israel. I leave on Thursday, also known as the 9th of Av and for me it will be so sad. On the 9th of Av, Jews all over the world will be fasting, reading Lamentations, and weeping because of the destruction […]

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Charles Krauthammer says what I want to say

Monday, July 31st, 2006

The Jerusalem Post has a wonderful article by Charles Krauthammer in today’s paper. Really, the consensus is that Israel should stay the course and finish the job with Hizbollah. Krauthammer says: What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities—everyone designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians—and is then vilified by the world […]

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Sunday, and the streets are busy again

Sunday, July 30th, 2006

Sunday in Israel is the first day of the week. Everyone is bustling about doing errands and going to work–quite a site. The week has started. I returned the rental car back to the agency. I think this is the first time I have driven in Israel in all the times I have been here. […]

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A quiet Saturday on the beach

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

Will and I head North today. We spend a quiet Saturday in Netanya on the beach. If I had not watched the TV or read the newspaper, I would not know that any kind of “War” is going on in Israel. Haifa is about 2 hours, by car, from Jerusalem. Netanya is about an hour […]

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Heading south before Shabbat in Jerusalem

Friday, July 28th, 2006

It is Friday and Shabbat (Sabbath) will begin at sundown. I will say it again, I love watching Shabbat happen. Everyone is hurrying around getting their errands finished, their homes are getting clean and the best meal of the week is being prepared. Flowers are bought on Friday for the Shabbat table. I love seeing […]

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While I was doing laundry…

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

It is a beautiful morning in Jerusalem. Will ended up in Kiryat Shmona yesterday with two others from Bridges for Peace. They delivered cases of green beans, powdered milk, diapers, canned pasta, etc. The army soldiers were so excited to get the food. They will distribute it where it is needed most and the best […]

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