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Life on the ground in Israel

Archive for the ‘From Israel’ Category

Kosher baseball

Monday, June 25th, 2007

Shalom from a very hot Jerusalem! Temperatures should reach near the 100 mark. I know hot—being from Texas—and this is hot! Will and I ventured up to the Galilee area this weekend and got into the heat there also. Still, it is good to be in Israel. We ended up staying at one of the […]

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Did anyone think that Hamas did not want to kill everyone?

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

It is official. It is hot in Jerusalem. Whew! I knew the nice weather had to end sometime. Last night as I was waiting for the bus on Emek to go my hotel, I saw a big tour bus coming down the road. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be our head bus […]

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I know how good the security is in Israel

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

The heat wave is on. The weathermen are predicting temperatures in the 90’s for Jerusalem this weekend. I noticed last night that it was not as cool when I was heading back to the hotel from Emek. I had a chance to visit with Aviel Schneider with Israel Today. I think his magazine is a […]

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What part of “terrorist organization” do we not get?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Psalms 27:3 — “If an army encamps around me, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then I will keep trusting.” The news all around me is just bleak—until I remember that God is in control. Is it me or does everyone have a solutions to the problems in Gaza? […]

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The news is all about Fatah and Hamas

Monday, June 18th, 2007

It is another beautiful morning in Jerusalem. The temperature at night is in the 60’s and the high during the day is the upper 70’s with a breeze. It just could not be better. Last year when I was here, the city was having a heat wave. The highs were in the 90’s. Quite a […]

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You have selected the wrong piece of meat

Saturday, June 16th, 2007

Shabbat Shalom, Today is Will’s birthday. I am so blessed to have a wonderful son. When he moved to Israel almost 4 years ago, Zola and I watched as God opened door after door in his life. He is doing broadcasting and reporting at Bridges for Peace, reporting for Zola Levitt Presents, written a book, […]

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What we are digging in is their trash

Friday, June 15th, 2007

This is a sad time for me. The group has gone back to the States. We have become mespacha (family) and I miss them. I especially miss the children that we had on the tour. They were such a delight and it was so rewarding to see them fall in love with Israel! We have […]

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Never did I think I would be an expert in Falafel

Monday, June 11th, 2007

We are in Jerusalem and the group has gone to the Dead Sea, Qumran, and Masada today. I have stayed back at the kibbutz to work on the book about women that Jeff and I are writing. I had hoped to be able to update the blog during the tour and it has turned out […]

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Someone asked me for directions

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

Shalom from a sunny Jerusalem!  It is cooler, and the clouds are expected to come in and out today.  It has rained the last 3 days, so I am grateful for a little reprieve from the weather.   Will and I had an interview scheduled with Cindy and Gary Bayer, on Friday afternoon.  We got […]

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The chicken is in the crock pot

Friday, March 16th, 2007

Shabbat Shalom It is Friday and I love watching everyone get ready for the Shabbat. I see people cleaning and buying groceries and flowers. The weather is cloudy, no rain, so far and in the 50’s. Everyone is taking advantage of the weather and are out and about. I went to the “pie crust lady” […]

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