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Life on the ground in Israel

Sunday, and the streets are busy again

Sunday in Israel is the first day of the week. Everyone is bustling about doing errands and going to work–quite a site. The week has started.

I returned the rental car back to the agency. I think this is the first time I have driven in Israel in all the times I have been here. Someone has either driven us, or we have been with the TV crew or on the tour bus. Verrry interesting. Remember, the new statistics are out and 253 people were killed on the roads so far this year. I was a little nervous driving, but pray and all is well.

Will and I decide to go to the old city again. I want to talk to some of our friends down there and get their opinion about what is going on. We go to Blue and White Art Gallery and visit with Udi and Israel. Udi’s family were one of the first families in the old city. He owns the art gallery and is an artist himself. His work is in the Israel Museum and most of the Prime Ministers have his art. He is off to a meeting, so we have very little time to talk, but he is most optimistic about the war. We talk to his assistant Israel and he too thinks Israel will win.

Off to the Quarter Cafe, one of my favorite places to eat in Jerusalem. The best potato latkes ever. And don’t even get me started about the chocolate cookie. Alon (his name in Hebrew means Oak) says it is not a war, but a battle. I liked what he said. He too feels that Israel will win. We eat, we visit…

Our next stop is to Shorashim and a visit with Moishe. He writes an internet newsletter that is worth reading. They are religious Jews and like what Zola has done for Israel. Moishe says it will be OK. Israel just needs to finish the job this time. We are all in agreement.

Will and I have a few errands to run downtown. That means Ben Yehuda street. I have not seen so many people in a long time. They are everywhere. We are looking for some electronic equipment and go to several shops until we are directed to a shop in a basement. It has everything we need. It is like we are real people and not just tourists! Sorta like a speakeasy. I almost felt like we should need to give a password to get in.

I ended up staying at a B&B in an area called Baka this visit. It is a ten minute walk from Will’s place and is just what I need. People always ask me if it is safe in Israel. I walked home from Will’s Saturday night (or rather Sunday morning) at 12:30am by myself. Would I do that in the States? NO way. But I was not the only one walking at that time of the morning, nor was I the only woman on the street. Zola always said that Israel is not a country with crimes against persons, but a country with terrorism. The people here are all related to each other.

I take a Sunday afternoon nap and get ready for dinner with Will and Zvi Rivai. Zvi is our head tour guide. He is a walking encyclopedia of information. He knows history and the Bible. He just got back from the States Wednesday—speaking in some churches. We visit and talk about the “battle.” He too says that Israel can declare victory when they finish the job. That seems to be the thought here—stay and finish the course. I love what Golda Meir said: “We will not commit suicide so the world will speak kind of us.” She understood that the world does not like Israel.

I got a sweet email from Merry Ann. They had not heard from me in a couple of days and were concerned that we were OK. Thank you for the prayers.

9 Responses to “Sunday, and the streets are busy again”

  1. Yevgenia Shlefer (Jane) Says:

    Dear Sandra,
    I don’t know if you are able to read this. But I want to tell you. That you and your son really an inspiration, to see the Love for Israel and for the Jewish people in you, is really encouraging. I am a bet jealous to tell you the truth I wish I could be there too right now. But I have to go back to school in FL in 2 weeks. Most of my family in Netanya and others had to evacuate from the north to Jerusalem and Ashdod. I was in Israel in May and its just sad and my heart cries out because I love that Country because it’s the Lords. And I believe we will win because the Battle is not ours but the Lord. when people Rise against God. God will not be silent. I am Praying for you and your Son daily. Keep the Good work for the Kingdom.

    His servant
    Jane .S.

  2. beth Says:

    Dear Sandra, Im so enjoying your daily walk in Israel….I was there on a mission trip in June and would give anything to be there now! the jewish people are amazing and made us feel so welcomed, they love americans…and let us know it!! Spend some money for me there!! I know the economy needs some help now. Christian Friends Of jerusalem.. is doing some great work there right now. Tom Marrow is actually going up north to where the rockets are hitting and offring love and comfort in the name of Yeshua to these dear people….needless to say…lives are being changed. If anyone would like more info on CFI…they have a website. God bless and thanks so much

  3. Jennifer Blankenstein Says:

    Hi Sandra,
    What you are doing is so awesome. Thank you for letting us feel like we are right there. This is better than a book! I can’t wait to hear August 1st! It is almost like we can smell and taste Israel. Zola would be so proud of your courage. Ergun Caner spoke at our church Sunday morning, and he was shouting for people to stand with Israel. We are blessed to have the peace that whatever happens, God will take the final battle.
    God bless you and Will. Thanks for blessing us.
    Jennifer Blankenstein

  4. steve hancock Says:

    Justwant you all to know that I am praying for your safety and also blessings on the fine job you all are doing continuing Zola ‘s ministry. thanks and God bless you all and Israel too.

  5. Inez Says:

    Thanks, Sandra, for sharing your trip with us. Think most all of us would have liked to have been there with you and Will. Zola must be very pleased with his Sandra 🙂 I know that ZLM will always be a watchman for Israel: Isaiah 62:6-7
    I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give Him no rest, till He establish, and till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

  6. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    My Dear Sandra,
    I am so proud of you and I wish I could be there with you to see if I could do any help…..This is great what you are doing and we are all enjoying your reports so very much…..You can be so proud of Will and the interviews he has held on the TV programs have been very very good….He is doing such a good job and choosing very interesting people to talk with.

    You have chosen the right person to fill in for Zola….It thrilled my heart to see Jeff Seif come aboard to work with you and Mark…Praise the Lord….I could not be happier…Jeff Seif is a wonderful teacher…I am an old student of Institute of Jewish Christian Studies and I am determined to get back in there and finish every one of them……You are all doing a great job…..Zola would be so proud of each one of you.

    God bless you Sandra and I am praying for your safety and well being…We love you and Will….God bless you both there in Israel.

    With My Love and Prayers,
    Dortha Mae Spurgeon, Redding, CA.

  7. Arle Says:

    Hello- This is so interesting. Thank you so very much for the online Blog/update. I was on and AOL site today with threads about the War- Oh The Luciferian Spirit. People are so deceived. May the Lord’s Grace, Peace, Protection, Prosperity, Mercy, Wisdom, and Love abound in all you put your hands to…

    Enjoy Every Minute!

    EVERYONE!!! Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, Unity in the Body of Yeshau, and the Lost- the Rapture is sooooo close…

    See You in Heaven or Sooner

    Arle Masters

  8. Mike Tillman Says:

    Hello Sandra,
    I too am so proud you! I know Zola is smiling.
    I wish I could be there there with you guys. Sandra, My wife Brenda and I would like to help but we don’t know how/ where. Any information you can give us will be helpful.
    You and your staff are in our prayers.
    Looking foward to the return of our LORD.

  9. Becky Says:

    I sit amaized reading your daily walk in Israel. I read all the wonderful comments from your family in Christ that support you.
    I too support you and agree that Zola would be proud of what you are doing. However, Zola was ALWAYS proud of you, for what you did and accomplished because you kept your eyes on our Lord.
    I am so amazied (and proud) on how you took the Lord by the right hand (during your trying times when most of us would have hid from the world for a while) and you are allowing HIM to lead you into places and into situations where HE needs you. You are truly a soldier for the Lord and General Zola was an excellant leader.
    Now I am honored to be a soldier for the Lord under your leadership and I want to thank-you for allowing our LORD JESUS CHRIST to lead you and to use you for HIS glory, in Israel, in the ministry and anywhere you are. I see Gods light shining thru you “all for the Glory of God”.
    Thank-you for your inspiration and your continuing teaching of my Jewish roots.
    I have found a love in Israel that is consumeing me – thank you.! I thank God for bringing you, into my life !!!!!!!! I have been soooo blessed!
    Wish I was there with you as so many do.

    My prayers are with… You – Will – ZLM and for the peace of Israel.