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Life on the ground in Israel

A view on TV news

It is Tuesday morning in Jerusalem, and I am trying to digest all the news that I have watched since returning here. Fox News still seems to be the most balanced. Forget CNN and the BBC—what a bunch of junk! Again they are blaming the Israelis for this mess. I did not want to watch the news this past weekend so that we would not be biased in any way. Will and I wanted to tell our own story. Please see the upcoming September Levitt Letter for our article.

I have been asked about tourism here in Israel. While we were in the Tiberius area, we saw few tourists. We felt safe and, in fact, we were safe. As for tours, most tours, including ours, do not go into risky areas. I encourage all to come to Israel to show their support for her. She needs us now. God is always in control. I could just as easily be injured in the streets of Dallas.

Zola would always say “How many are dead? Count.” He is right. There were two killed in Haifa when we were there. I wonder how many die in car accidents each day. [Editor’s note: According to the Federal Highway Administration, nearly 43,000 people died in 2004.] We feel that God has blessed Israel and the causalities have been few. The first “street” hits occurred on Monday. We noticed as we traveled on Saturday and Sunday that the rockets had touched none of the highways or streets. Again, God taking care of His people.

We saw in the paper that Abu Mazen did not want to meet with Secretary Rice before if she came to Israel. The real reason is that she did not want to meet with him. Any lie will suffice for an Arab politician. It seems now that Abu Mazen’s tune has changed. Anything to save face.

Why would anyone send $150 million to help Hezbollah? Some will say it is aid for the poor Lebanese people. What about aiding the Israelis that have been hurt and their economy that has been hurt?

If you get a chance, then see what the Omega Letter has to say today! Jack is right on as usual. Also please check out Charles Krauthammer’s article. The good guys need to take down Hezbollah once and for all. This is not just about Israel; it is also about the U.S. Remember, as Israel goes, so goes America. The Arabs want all who do not believe in Islam to be dead! Do not forget it!

Speaking of idiots, Pat Buchanan is our friend who recommended that President Reagan get out of Lebanon when our Marines were killed back in the ’80s. Thanks again, Pat. We could have taken out Hezbollah then and today’s dilemma would not be happening. The Arab nations saw our withdrawal then as a victory for them. America is so slow sometimes to understand.

One Response to “A view on TV news”

  1. Samaria Says:

    This is difficult… Because of course we wish things regarding the war could have been done differently. But the reality of this is that these things has to happen in order for God’s prophecy to be fulfilled. God knew the end before the beginning. So Mrs. Sandra don’t worry yourself about this too much. We as Christian must just educate as many people as possible about Jesus. To be honest, I feel like the sooner we (the world) get this over with, the sooner I get to be with Jesus… Amen