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Life on the ground in Israel

Thoughts on this past weekend

I have many thoughts on this past weekend. I want to write everything down so quickly. I don’t want to forget one thing.

Of course, the first thought is that we are in spiritual fight for our lives. The devil uses whatever and whenever he can. If Lebanon had not accepted the terrorist Hezbollah and supported them, the Lebanese people might have had a chance at a life. But the Lebanese government did nothing and the terrorist stepped in and took over.

Writing and looking back at the weekend is sad. Iran started it by telling Hezbollah to make a little trouble so that the heat would be off them and they could continue to build their weapons. So, Hezbollah started a little trouble, except they picked on the wrong guy. Israel is also sending a message to Iran—Back off.

Next weekend we head South.

One Response to “Thoughts on this past weekend”

  1. Rhett Vorster Says:

    Speaking of Hezbollah making trouble, I thought you all would find it interesting what I found in the UN Yearbook for 1971. I was looking to see what all was happening in Israel during my birth year; here is an excerpt of complaints logged by the UN concerning Israel:
    ‘Israel stated on 19 January that since 30 December there had been a further intensification of sabotage raids and shelling attacks on Israeli villages…on 2 January five raiders coming from the Lebanese harbor of Sarafand had attempted to land in northern Israel but had been captured…During the night of 14/15 January, an Israeli unit had acted to disable that terrorist base and had killed ten saboteurs…’
    And the list goes on. Well, folks, the struggle continues as we see that Lebanon is getting its due.