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Life on the ground in Israel

Finding the artillery

We are the only ones at breakfast. Will has our day planned out and off we go. Our first stop is Safed. There is no one on the road. I still think, “OK, it is Shabbat.” There is no one on the road.

Firefighter in the Hula Valley (near Kiryat Shmona)We find an apartment that has been hit by a rocket and Will takes pictures. We ride around and decide to move on to Kiryat Shmona, but we see fire back from Highway 90 and we set out to investigate. Will is really good about investigating—he is on it. We find the fire and more pictures and video are taken. Will interviews one of the firemen.

It is lunch time and we stop at a gas station to eat. Nothing is open. Will asks the owner if he is scared and he shrugs. Not so much.

Fence at the border with Lebanon at MetullaNow we are on our way to Metulla, way up in the North. It is so beautiful up there—beautiful mountains. We see the good fence. I do some filming from there and we meet a nurse and interview her. She is not leaving. It is funny, because five houses down from her, they are packing and leaving. Will and I laugh and wonder how much the real estate is now. Then we see some more fires and we head toward Misgav Am.

Fire from a Katusha rocket at kibbutz Misgav AmWe are taking about a block from Lebanon. The kibbutz is gorgeous and the views are stunning. I can understand why people live there. Will is taking pictures of the fire and an artist invites us up to the kibbutz to see—and be interviewed about what is going on there. Wow, we go! We sit on his patio and have coffee.

Then the loud speaker says to go to cover. We do not move. The artist says it is OK—and it is. The Israeli’s are sending artillery at Lebanon and Lebanon is sending rockets to Israel. All in all, I have to say it was one of the most frightening moments of my life. I lived, but I am impressed with anyone who stays there. The sounds of the firing are chilling. Am I so naïve to believe that there should be no war?

Lebanon from MetullaWill had to find where the artillery was firing from and he did. Everyone in town knew where they were. But, they would not let him film them. We find another group and they OK us to take some pictures of Lebanon, and we do.

Back to Nof Ginosar. We shower and meet some friends for dinner on the Sea of Galilee. Wonderful fellowship being with Brooke and Rachel. The sirens go off again and they are a little scared. I just smile. Let me tell you about scared. Off to bed.

One Response to “Finding the artillery”

  1. Carmen Says:

    Dear Sandra: make me feel like if I was there…..I love your detailed writing. It is easy to follow you on this trip. Thanks for writing. I thank God for takin care of you while you were there……God bless you and keep your writings coming to us….Thanks….Shalom and we do pray for the peace of Jerusalem……….Carmen