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Life on the ground in Israel

You have selected the wrong piece of meat

Shabbat Shalom,

Today is Will’s birthday. I am so blessed to have a wonderful son. When he moved to Israel almost 4 years ago, Zola and I watched as God opened door after door in his life. He is doing broadcasting and reporting at Bridges for Peace, reporting for Zola Levitt Presents, written a book, “Disengagement through the Lens,” published an article in the Jerusalem Post and is working on another book. God is so good.

We had dinner at Focaccia with some of Will’s friends last night, one of my favorite restaurants. We laughed and remembered good times. The music track this time was Latin guitar. One of the songs playing was “God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen.” I think I was the only one in the restaurant who knew what it was. What a great and subtle witness. Life is good.

As I was getting ready for Shabbat, one of my errands was to the grocery store. More adventures… I wanted to get Will a steak to fix for his birthday. At the meat counter, I pointed to the steak I wanted and the butcher just shook his head no. He then pointed at another cut of beef and proceeded to take it out of the case and cut it. I had no idea what I was getting until the end when he said “entrecotte” (it is a good cut of beef). Only in Israel will the butcher tell you that you have selected the wrong piece of meat.

I did find, to my delight, pie crusts in the freezer section. I just laughed to myself as I put them in my basket. Will has asked for a pecan pie for his birthday. It is in the oven as I write this blog entry.

Someone asked me if PM Olmert is serious about giving away the Golan. He just cannot mean it. Anyone can see that it is strategic to Israel’s security. Please pray. Remember that Olmert is an unbeliever and will do anything to save his job as Prime Minister. He is a politician, after all. Right now, he is just saying it. Until, something more concrete happens, I am praying that he is only talking big.

I walked to Will’s this morning and it was about 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Just so nice outside for a June 16th day.

The most disturbing news for me was the BBC apologizing to the Arabs for saying that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. This was on the front page of the Jerusalem Post on Friday! When will we learn?

As always, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

4 Responses to “You have selected the wrong piece of meat”

  1. Kelly Says:

    Sandra, you are doing such a wonderful job of carrying on for Zola. As is Jeff. You bring a personal touch, as did Zola, to the programs, and Jeff offers such strong teaching. I so look forward to your blogs. I know your job is not easy, despite all the miraculous rewards, and I’m praying for you, ss ever.

  2. orvel Says:

    Happy Birthday Will, I miss you and look forward to seeing you again soon.
    Sandra, great writing job. I miss you also.
    Be safe.
    Uncle Orvel

  3. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    I know it was a pleasure for you to be with Will for his birthday and I know it was an enjoyable time for both of you……Happy Birthday Will…I have a daughter who will have her birthday the 21st and her daddy who is now with the Lord had his birthday June 19th, so we always look forward to June.

    I am glad the butcher pointed out the good cut of meat for you….Only in Israel…good…and I know that Pecan pie was excellent.

  4. Phyllis Nelson Says:

    Dear Sandra; I enjoyed reading very much. I have listened to Zola for years and then lost contact but am back now. I did”t think anyone could take Zola’s place but I love you already and love to hear Jeff teach. I could say “be careful” but I know you have the best protecter ever so “a sister in Christ