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Life on the ground in Israel

The chicken is in the crock pot

Shabbat Shalom

It is Friday and I love watching everyone get ready for the Shabbat. I see people cleaning and buying groceries and flowers. The weather is cloudy, no rain, so far and in the 50’s. Everyone is taking advantage of the weather and are out and about.
I went to the “pie crust lady” grocery store and have stayed under the radar so far. I bought a chicken in my “pigeon” Hebrew. Echad Pollo. I finally had to break down and use English. The butcher and I got the chicken picked out and wrapped up. I too like getting ready for Shabbat. The chicken is in the crock pot and we will have friends over tonight for Shabbat. We are blessed.

Later this afternoon, I am planning on interviewing my friend Cindy for the upcoming Women series coming out in the Fall. She is an American who lives in Jerusalem. She and her husband, Gary, also have a place up in the Galilee.

I am hoping for a quiet Shabbat. The group for the tour comes in on Monday, so Sunday will be my last Blog until March 28th. One of my greatest joys is showing pilgrims Israel. I love when the lights come on in their hearts and their minds.

Will and I had pizza in the old city and are enjoying being here. I have my eye on a painting at Blue and White Gallery, so we are heading there one more time.

Met an American at the B&B this morning from Oregon. Jim came to Israel for the first time in 1971. I would have loved to have seen Israel then. But, God’s timing is always perfect.

News from the Jerusalem Post

Predator wasps flying to the aid of nation’s eucalyptus trees
Predator WaspA shipment of predator wasps arrived in Israel two months ago to take on the gall wasp pest that have been ravaging Israel’s eucalyptus trees. The predator wasps have already successfully routed one pest species. Fifty percent of the problem has been taken care of now, said David Brand, manager of the Jewish National Fund’s Department of Forestry and Development.

Israeli’s overall use and time spent by students on Internet up
Teenagers are spending 25% more of their time surfing the Internet. More than they did in 2004 reports Comscore Networks. Number one on the computer is Canada which spends 39.6 hours, Israel with 37.4, followed by South Korea with 34 hours each week. Teenagers in the U.S. spend 31.6 hours each week on the computer.

Have a blessed Shabbat

One Response to “The chicken is in the crock pot”

  1. Kevin Says:

    Reading through the blogs and your frequent mention of shabbat remind me of a recent faux pas, one of the reason that I first came to appreciate Zola’s teaching.
    To be very brief I am getting ready to do some work in Elat, Israel and having been reading up on El Al. I had put the US phone # in my cell and while waiting on a friend I decided to call and ask some questions. Closed? I thought that someone of El Al’s ability would have a 24 hour center. Then it dawned on what day it was–Saturday, shabbat. As Sandra has been saying, “Duh!” I told Zola when i wrote to him so many years ago that if the Apostle Paul was the Jes’s Jew then I certainly ws the Gentile’s Gentile. Just not used to thinking of these things. God Bless and Shalom in Jerusalem.