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Life on the ground in Israel

I hope I will never run out of things to see in Israel

Ps 8:1 “Oh Lord, our Lord, How majestic is your name in all the earth”

Will and I went to the Galilee Friday and returned to Jerusalem on Sunday. I love Spring in Israel, and when you get out of Jerusalem and see the mountains up in the Galilee, you have no idea just how gorgeous it really is. The flowers are red, yellow, pink, white, lilac—even a flower I am calling a Texas Bluebonnet. The cherry trees, plum trees, apple trees and of course the Almond tree is blooming. The mountains have grass and greenery all over them. Really a site to see.

I think everyone had the same idea. We got the last two rooms in The Scots Inn. I had never stayed there before and it was a real treat. It was redone and reopened in 2004. About 70 rooms with some of the best food I have ever had at a hotel. I said that to our friends Brooke and Rachel on Saturday night and they both said in unison “that’s because it is not kosher.” We laughed and laughed. That’s what everyone says about the food. It is really good.

Will and I went to Gamla and looked at the site of the Galilee Masada. Very impressive. We also went to an artist village called Aniam, near to Gamla. About 10 individual galleries of painters, sculptors, food, anything artistic. We stayed about two hours there and I helped their economy by buying a couple of original water colors by Hanan Milner. His wife is the famous Olga Orfreshnikov from Russia. I would encourage anyone who is visiting the Galilee area to make this a stop. I found that there were prices for all budgets.

We also went to Nimrod’s castle, but did not stay long. I had wanted to see it, but it just was not the site I thought it would be. We arrived in Kerat Shemona to see the damage of the battle with Hizbollah. I was so impressed with the greenery of the mountains. We saw very little damage of the mountain sites. Some brown trees, but most of all, it looked like the God had healed the land.

Off we went to see our friends at the Jesus Boat. It is so good to see people we know and care about. We discussed what had happened in the Summer with Hizbollah. Everyone is of the same opinion: They hope no more rockets. But this is nothing new to Israel.

Back to Jerusalem on Sunday. We met Becky and Marshall at the Western Wall tunnel tour. It was a first for me. Very interesting to see the entire length of the Western Wall. It is a retaining wall for the Temple Mount. We walked and walked. I have several more sites to see, that I have not seen before. I hope I will never run out of things to see in Israel.

Today is laundry day. I took my laundry and he just laughed at my small amount. Nothing changes. I told him I was Will’s ema (mother) and he said, I know, I know. I am blessed. It is also Levitt Letter article day for me.

One of the food items I brought with me were taco shells, so I promised Will I would fix tacos tonight. That means a trip to the grocery store. Should be easy: Lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, onions, ground meat. I think I can handle it.

The weather had been glorious—cool in the morning and warming up to about 72 degrees during the day, then cooling down as the sun sets. I just could not have asked for better weather.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

5 Responses to “I hope I will never run out of things to see in Israel”

  1. Dortha Spurgeon Says:

    My Dear Sandra,
    What a wonderful time you are having in your beautiful Israel and it thrills my heart to read about them and your time with your precious Will…..You make us feel like we are right there with you…How wonderful to be in all those places we have heard about for so many years, and also to see friends there.

    I know this brings the Bible to life for you and being there you can understand the heart beat of God’s Chosen People and oh how He loves them….My burning desire is that they might come to the saving knowledge of knowing Yeshua as their Messiah.

    God bless you and keep you safe…You are in my prayers each day.

    Your Sister in Christ,
    Dortha Mae Spurgeon, Redding, California

  2. Inez Says:

    Hi Sandra – enjoy very much reading your posts. Got to go to Israel once (only 2 days) in April – at the time of Passover. Remember at night walking down one of the walks in the Jewish quarter and came to the end and there was the moon – HUGE – like it took up the entire night sky – this huge dome of a moon – and there to the right the Mount of Olives with the beautiful light of the moon shining off of it. Very wonderful to see. Praying God’s protective hand over you and Will. Miss Zola. Praying for peace in Jerusalem. (did you see the Debkafile article – implies President Bush is pressuring Israel to proceed with the Roadmap even though required conditions are not met – this way he (supposedly) will get support from Israel’s enemies for his policies in Iraq and Iran.

  3. Erin Says:

    Hi Sandra,
    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences in Israel. I really feel like I am there with you as you describe the scenes so beautifully. My husband and I are planning to visit Israel with you and ZLM, just as soon as we can save the money. God bless you in your travels, and I hope to meet you and Jeff someday soon.

  4. Louise Melbye Says:

    Every morning I check my emails and some news headlines and then right to your trip in Israel..I look forward to your comments on the daily living. I’m so touched by your continuing Zola’s ministry. and the programs are very well done. Your heart for Israel comes through loud and clear and, I agree with you about that land. God has given you the microphone, and you use it wisley. May God continue to bless all efforts concerning the ministry.

    Keep the travel log coming. I’ve been to Israel twice and I am visualizing what your explaining. wish the Lord would heal me from a dizziness so that I could go again to that land.


  5. Arle Says:

    Ms. Levitt… It sounds to me as if your “Angels” are very BUSY! Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)… Can you imagine how busy Will’s/ Jeff’s/ Aaron’s/ Mark’s- are! Pray and thank the L-rd for Angels… I am praying for New Cars with Insurance, Gas, and Pink slips for all of us- as I write this I do not own a car- maybe the L-rd is saving lives… LOL- Have a GREAT day- Enjoy every moment… You really make Israel come to life for me- I have never been- I long to go and have my whole family baptized in the Jordan River… Please say a prayer for my Families Salvation… I was physically removed from my son-inlaws house for wearing a “Star of David”- he is in “Church” 2 times a week- and told me I am going to “Hell”… satan has really done a number on many churches in So. California… Where sin abounds Grace abounds!

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem…(I learned that from Zola- now I see it EVERYWHERE- YEAH)

    We Love you and pray for you, Will, your Family, and all at ZLM, to daily be blessed Physically, Emotionally, Financailly, and Spiritually…

    Love 2 all,

    Arle Masters