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Life on the ground in Israel

It is nice to take time to see things

Another beautiful cool Spring morning. After the wonderful breakfast buffet on the patio, I wandered toward the old city. I want to check on some friends and do some computer work.

Yesterday, downtown or on Ben Yehuda street as I was walking around, I heard my name called. I looked up and there was Pamela. Now, Pamela is from Dallas, but more than that, she was our Friday night Shabbat singer at Shalom Shalom. This was the congregation that Zola started about 7 years ago. I am always amazed at the people I see in Israel. It was good to see her and remember her wonderful singing. She is trying to make Aliyah. Such good memories.

I also went to an Italian Synagogue Museum. It was very close to Ben Yehuda and I want to see things I have not seen each time I come to Israel. The building belonged to the German compound and when they moved away, the Italian community was given permission to worship there. In the early 1950’s, the building become available and the Synagogue’s interior from Conegliano, Italy was brought to Israel and established. A very small museum, but with wonderful artifacts from the 16th century. Beautifully done in the Italian style.

It is nice to take time to see things. I am sitting in a small book shop that also has computer connections. The sweet lady’s husband died about 9 months ago and she is keeping the book store open. Interestingly, I had asked my friend at Shorashim for an internet cafe and he recommended her shop. We talked a little about being widows. Very comforting. God is in the little details. I will come back here.

News From The Jerusalem Post

Israel Number 2 in EU patent applications.
Israel ranked second after Japan in the number of patent applications submitted in Europe in 2005, according to research published by Business Data Israel on Monday.
Comment: I saw no Muslim countries listed.

Pro-Israel AmericansAmericans more pro-Israeli, Gallup poll shows.
Americans are more pro-Israeli in their views today than they were 10 and 20 years ago, but they are also more polarized, according to a recent Gallup poll. Sympathy for Israelis rose from 41% to 53%, while the average sympathy for Palestinians rose from 13% to 16%.
Comment: About time!

Banned book containing Palestinian folk talesHamas Education Ministry bans book of folk tales.
The Hamas-run Palestinian Authority Education Ministry has ordered an anthology of Palestinian folk tales to be pulled from school libraries and destroyed because of sexually explicit language, officials said Monday, in what critics charged was the most direct attempt by the Islamic militants to impose their beliefs on Palestinian society.The book ban angered and worried many Palestinians, who long feared that Hamas would use its victory in last year’s parliamentary election to remake the Palestinian territories according to its hard-line interpretation of Islam.
Comment: It is just the beginning. This is what happens when the religion of peace takes over.

I am off to the old city to support the Israeli economy.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

5 Responses to “It is nice to take time to see things”

  1. Bob&Irene Thompson Says:

    G’Day from down under !!!
    Hi Sandra, isn’t it nice to be home again in Israel, we are soon coming too!!! We will be there from the 11th to the 26th of April with a small group of only 8 people. Our leader is Ruth Marrion she is the Area Coordinator for Bridges for Peace in Western Australia. We will do lots of walking “Following Jesus up to Jerusalem” I’m soooo excited to be back in Israel soon !!!
    I absolutely love reading your journal, love the details !!!
    Please give Becky and Marshall lots of love from us and tell her I look forward to dance with her in the Streets of Jerusalem, in the City of our soon coming King (I think she will remember our little dances in the Bus)
    We are sending you and Will lots of love from down under and just have a great and very blessed time home in Jerusalem … and oh yes we pray for the peace of Jerusalem always

    Shalom and blessings

  2. Dottie Lamont Says:

    Love to read your travel adventures in Israel led by the Holy Spirit! Perhaps others would like to visit the B&B you love so dearly,I would when we go again this year, Lord willing! Are you able to share with us the B&B’s name and where it is? Also, how you find the Italian Synagogue? All who have been to Israel should know Ben Yehuda St.,such a favorite, with Zion Square at the end. The book store you mentioned, is it on Ben Yehuda St.? We know Shorashim is in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and a delight to visit,share and buy their lovely gifts. Just want to say,thank you for the beautiful T.V. programs, your Internet site, and the love you have for Israel and our Lord Yeshua and God bless all who labor with you in the Good News Message! Father God loves you and so do I!
    Zahava…the girl who lives in Golden, CO

  3. Ralph Ballou Says:

    So many years with Zola’s tv programs and I started missing him as soon as the Lord called him Home. TBN is misguided. Now I turn to your Web page to keep in touch. I’ve been on your mailing list for many years and now my computer brings your programs. Your blog is another way to fellowship. You and your Ministry are in our prayers. Blessings

  4. patty Says:

    hi everyone and sandra. i’ve watched Zola now for about 4 years now, and learned so much from his shows. i miss seeing him, but thank God we can see Jeff and Sandra on the miracle of the internet.
    Really appreciate the postings from Jerusalem. I’ve gone to Jerusalem twice before and will be in the Old City for three weeks from june 17th to july 5th just to see the museums, local walking tours, etc. that i didn’t get to last time.
    i’ll be staying at the Hebron Hostel in the Old City if anyone is there at that time, email me–we’ll take a walk together!
    Keep up the good work, Sandra!

  5. Jerrilyn Wells Says:

    This is great! I would love to visit Israel – just haven’t been able to work it into my schedule. This blog gives me the ability to enjoy it through your eyes, making me feel as if I were there walking along with you. Thanks for taking the time to share your reactions with me and the many others who read your entries.