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Life on the ground in Israel

Grocery store day

I ended up going to bed about 8pm last night and slept until 7am this morning. I could not believe it. I must have really been tired! The B&B has a new breakfast buffet out in the courtyard and it so pleasant. I must have had two or three helpings of the best egg salad I have ever tasted.

Today was grocery store day. I went to what we call the “big store.” It is a full size grocery store as opposed to the small grocery stores in the neighborhoods. The prices are also much better. Before I left the States, I bought a rolling cart for $5.00—what a deal. I see lots of people here in Israel with the rolling carts. It comes in handy with the groceries. I bought ground meat, chicken, tomato sauce, water, pasta—figuring my cart would carry it all. I was so excited.

I checked out and started loading my cart, and when I went to pull it I noticed that it would not roll. Turns out that one of the wheels had broken off. I just could not believe it! So, I dragged my cart to the home center next door, thinking I could replace the one that had just broken. I looked at two—one was orange and one was green—and it looked like they were on sale so I bought the green one (I do not like the color orange). It turns out the orange one was on sale, not the green one. 🙁 After much negotiating, I transferred everything to the new cart and I was on my way back to the apartment. Always an adventure. It really was funny.

I met Will and some friends for lunch close to Ben Yehuda street. There were so many people on Ben Yehuda today, most dressed in Purim costumes. It was good to see them. Even the dogs had on costumes! Because Jerusalem is a walled city, Purim was celebrated today. Everywhere else in Israel, yesterday.

Gorgeous day: Cool weather, but clear and sunny. Only in the late afternoon did it turn colder and cloudy. A taxi driver told me that it always rains on Purim. We’ll see.

I am hoping to go to the old city tomorrow.

3 Responses to “Grocery store day”

  1. Arle Says:

    18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. – Matthew 7… I thought of this scripture when reading what you write about your son… You have a AWESOME trip- We are celebrating Purim in our home today also! May the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bless you with what I call the “P” blessings- Peace, Protection, and Provision! Please tell Will that we LOVE listening to him on the Bridges for Peace newscasts! Thank you both for your work in the Body of Yeshau/Christ- it is greatly appreciated- I love hearing about Israel!

    Enjoy your Journey (John 10:10) !

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, Psalm 122:6!

    We Love U!- Thanks 4 Blogging!

    Arle and my son Beau…(he’s almost 16)…

  2. Jody Steakley Says:

    Dear Sandra: God Bless you and praying for you and Will. Your blogs are inspiring and entertaining. Have a blessed time and give our best to your wonderful son. Keep up the good work you are doing for the ministry. I wish I was with you for Purim, it is a fun and festive holiday.
    We love you,
    Bill & Jody Steakley

  3. world cookery Says:

    God bless you and your life in Israel. Even though it is a dangerous part of the world, it must be wonderful to be living in the land the Lord gave to His people. May he bless you richly my sister
