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Life on the ground in Israel

If it is so dangerous, why is the real estate so expensive?

The Torah reading for this week is: Genesis 23:1 through 25:18, I Kings 1:1-31.

Shabbat dinner last night was delightful. Dinner was scheduled for 8pm but we ate at 9pm. We just laughed and called it Israeli dinner time. It was good food and good fellowship. There were six of us—one from Germany, Will and I from Texas, one from Michigan, and two from New York. We will probably see them for Thanksgiving. We have shifted the dinner to next Saturday. It certainly gives me more time to find the final items for the meal. Many thanks to all who sent recipes for the pie crust.

Today, Will and I are relaxing. We will go later to the Baptist Church on Narkis Street. It is in Hebrew with translations in English. Even if I do not get the ear phones, it is wonderful to be with Believers, listen to the music and the sermon.

I am meeting some friends tomorrow, Monday, Thursday night and Friday. Busy week ahead with the Thanksgiving meal on Saturday. I am asked what I do here in Israel. I sometimes wonder myself, but I am usually busy either visiting tourist sites, or hotels, other ministries or friends. And of course working on the computer both doing the blog and some writing. How did I manage without a computer?

Mark had gotten me a Blackberry several months ago. At the time, I really felt like a computer geek, but I have really enjoyed having it in Israel. I tend to read my bible here and study the word more while I am here. It is just so rich in meaning being in the Land.

Let’s not forget how I like to bless Israel with a little shopping! No trip is ever complete without a little shopping.

There is no paper on Saturday. So the Friday edition is very large with ads and news of the weekend. I noticed that there were two full pages of ads for apartments and homes for sale in Jerusalem. The cheapest one I saw was for $185,000 in French Hill. Most were priced in the $200,000 and up. I will repeat what Zola said, “if it is so dangerous to live in Israel, why is the real estate so expensive?” My question exactly. Jerusalem is very pricey. The Galilee area is not so expensive and, of course, the farther out you get from the major cities, prices are lower.

Articles from the Jerusalem Post include:

Zola would tell this joke: the history of the Jewish holidays is this: They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat. Funny, but think about it. They will try to kill us, we will win and we will have our marriage supper with the Lord. Amen. How I miss Zola.

My question of the day is this: Does anyone really believe that Abu Mazen and the Hamas PM Haniyeh are not on the same page to destroy Israel? Do we think that one is an Islamic extremist and the other is not? Can anyone tell me who is the extremist and who is the moderate?

OK, three questions, but still only one answer. Both are playing the media and everyone else for fools.

Again: Real Believers love Israel.

3 Responses to “If it is so dangerous, why is the real estate so expensive?”

  1. Jennifer Blankenstein Says:

    Our government seems to indicate that Mazen is the lesser of two evils. I think this means the US feels like they can keep him in line better with money deals. Any intelligent person knows that they both want Israel wiped out. Haniyeh is vocal on this,and any research on Mazen will prove that this has always been his goal.

    BTW, what is the name of the Baptist church you attended?
    Jennifer Blankenstein

  2. Lisa Cockrell Says:

    trying to find a great friend that i have lost touch with…again!!!! this is Lisa Cockrell, Jenn, if this is you, please e-mail me back at thanks!

  3. Janet Kerns Says:

    Oh Sandra, Iam sure you do miss Zola, how could you not? My husband is my right arm, I’d be lost without him, but God would teach me how to cope. It isn’t easy I’m sure. I miss Zola,and I only saw him on TV.
    I wish to comfort you, but I don’t know how. Forgive my bumbling ways. God Bless You, and He will keep you and all of us and teach us what we need to know.
    I truly wish I were able to go to Israel, my health would not allow me to keep up with your pace! But, one day MY Savior will allow me to see Israel, not as it is now, but as it should be.
    You make everything sound so wonderful there, eating your breakfast, taking a walk to get your paper, taking your laundry to be done, going to church, to visit friends and eating at a cafe, all things I would love to do there, how my eyes would love to feast on the beauty of that land. But through your eyes I can get a glimpse of it, and I thank you for that. You have a gift. Thank you very much! Much love and prayers.Janet Kerns