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Life on the ground in Israel

I am already planning my next trip here

Tomorrow I leave Israel and head back to Texas.  I am already planning my next trip here in June and am counting the days.  Hard to explain:  I am ready to be back in Texas, but I am already missing my spiritual home. I am soaking in the local color even deeper today. The smells, sounds and the people of Israel.  The weather has been gorgeous.  Clear, sunny and warm.  The Lord willing, I will be back in June. 

As I was fixing dinner last night, Will got a call from Josh, who is in Israel with Gateway Church (Texas).  Josh and Will had worked for Berg Productions in Germany last Spring.  Plus, we were all at the Joel Rosenberg conference yesterday.  What a small world.  Good to see him and fellowship.  We shared the pecan pie. 

I have a few errands to do before Shabbat begins—mainly at the grocery store. 

Will and I had lunch at Foccacia.  Always good.  I will probably  get one last Almond croissant at Aroma Cafe.

Just taking it easy and getting ready to pack.

Thank you again for your prayers and for reading the blog.

4 Responses to “I am already planning my next trip here”

  1. Dixie Says:

    I have only had the blessing of going to Israel once in 2000, but it changed me forever. I miss it every day. Sometimes I hear something or see something or smell something and the longing comes back. Some day I would love to go with Levitt ministries (in many ways Zola was a spiritual father and shaped my faith. All my best, have a safe trip and may peace saturate Jerusalem and the land of Israel. Shalom, Dixie
    P.S. preparing for our own Passover celebration here, and found a fresh made Challah loaf in a local bakery!

  2. billy kirwan Says:

    I would love to go to Isra’el to see it (before I get to go at the Father’s expense, LOL) but Hearing you and others talk about it is so delightful. Thanks for sharing.

    billy k (Rom828)

  3. Rhoda Says:

    I’m a recent widow also, with a single adult son – sometimes I feel a little lost… a little scared and lonely adjusting to my new life without my husband of 30 years…it’s not easy going it alone at times…sometimes, I feel a little like one of those lonely soldiers at the front line.

    Well, I just went to Israel for the first time…Like Dixie, I will never be the same…each day I wake up remembering something about my trip..the big things…the little things..the people…oh, the people!!! And the land……Awesome!

    I compliment you. You have alot going for you…courage, warmth, wisdom and humility come to mind… – between the hair raising political problems you talk about on television, (which I thank you and Zola Ministries for…especially since the secular media could care less about Israel) I love to hear how you shlep pecans all the way to Israel to bake your son’s favorite pecan pie…I know you are a wonderful mom..I can tell… I Love your blogs and I hope you will continue them whether from Israel or Texas.

  4. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Dearest Sandra,

    Thank you so very much for your blogs to us on this wonderful trip to Israel……Words cannot express to you how very much this means to me……I long so much to be there, I know it is a life changing experience…..I can imagine what a blessing you are to those you come in contact with there.

    Thank you for telling us about your good pecan pies, I can just taste it, my favorite also…..I know Will misses you so much when you leave.

    Thank you for letting us feel like we were right there with you and I am looking forward to all the programs…..God bless you and all your crew…..We love you.

    Dortha Mae