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Life on the ground in Israel

Archive for April, 2008

Sharing some pictures I took

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Shalom from Texas! I must admit it is good to be in my own home after so many hotels and B&B’s. Thank you all for the prayers and emails. The trip back to Dallas was very uneventful, for a change. Planes were on time, luggage was right at the weight limit, and the pecan pie […]

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I am already planning my next trip here

Friday, April 11th, 2008

Tomorrow I leave Israel and head back to Texas.  I am already planning my next trip here in June and am counting the days.  Hard to explain:  I am ready to be back in Texas, but I am already missing my spiritual home. I am soaking in the local color even deeper today. The smells, […]

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Joel Rosenberg Epicenter Conference

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Most of today, I have spent at the Joel Rosenberg Epicenter Conference, in Jerusalem.  I was encouraged by Joel, Pastors Skip Heitzig, and Chuck Smith.  An old friend of the ministry, Marty Goetz was the featured singer.  Good to hear his voice again. The following statistics were released today in the Jerusalem Post.  The survey […]

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A lady complimented me (in Hebrew)

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

The pecan pie turned out very well.  I would say probably my best effort.  Will has eaten about half of it already. Will and I met with our friends Taki and Gavi at Tamago, a kosher sushi restaurant.  It has some of the best and freshest sushi I have had in a long time (here […]

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It is quicker to walk

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Sometimes it is easier to walk in Jerusalem instead of trying to get a bus or a taxi.  I found myself walking most of yesterday.  I don’t remember a time more crowded than now.  Our Israeli producer told us it is because it is the Passover season and everyone is on their way here. The Jewish people […]

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We lunched on their roof top patio

Monday, April 7th, 2008

I woke up to a cloudy day. Everyone is praying for rain. Yesterday started out warm and ended up with a few showers and cooler. Looks like Spring to me. Finished filming yesterday in the Jewish Quarter. I interviewed Udi Merioz from the Blue and White Gallery and Cindy and Gary. The interviews are for […]

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The sirens will sound Tuesday

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Matthew 24:6 “Wars and rumors of wars.” I have gotten several emails over the last few days asking me if the rumors of war are true. As Zvi, our head guide, would say, “I am on the wait list for prophet school.” I do not know or have any inside information. “Only the Father knows.” […]

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My egg salad is just not the same

Friday, April 4th, 2008

I am so blessed to be in the land of Israel. Berg Productions, Jeff and myself filmed at an Air Force Museum in Beer Sheba. I climbed in and out of a few of the planes. Yes, I have this picture of me flying and the Russians being very afraid. Brig. General Yakkov Turner started […]

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We will film all day

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Just a brief note from my phone: Started filming early and we will film all day.  Concert tonight.  I will tell all in the next blog. The weather is just glorious! Mid to high 60’s.  A wonderful spring.  Everything is blooming.

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They have become our “mespachah”

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

We put the tour group on the buses for the U.S. last night and it is always with sadness to see them go.  They have become our “mespachah,” or family.  Each one has a story of why and how they are in Israel and each story touches my heart.  I plan on writing my “Shalom […]

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