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Life on the ground in Israel

Did anyone think that Hamas did not want to kill everyone?

It is official. It is hot in Jerusalem. Whew! I knew the nice weather had to end sometime.

Last night as I was waiting for the bus on Emek to go my hotel, I saw a big tour bus coming down the road. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be our head bus driver, David, driving his bus. The traffic was bumper to bumper and so he slowed down and we waived and he pulled his big bus over and opened the door. He had serviced his bus and was on his way to the hotel close to mine where his group was staying.

So, I got on the bus and was whisked to my hotel. His group was already at the hotel, so I was the only one on the bus. Quite a ride. David has been with TEI for about 18 years. He is like family. He was even on tour when his youngest son was born. He became a believer by listening to Zola and Zvi on the tour. He and Zvi are just the best!

Headline in the Jerusalem Post: “Abbas: Hamas tried to kill me.” I know it is not funny, but really, did anyone think that Hamas did not want to kill anyone and everyone? Abu Mazen (Abbas), a Holocaust denier, still wants dead Jews and all of Israel in Arab hands. Let me remind anyone, there is no such thing as a Palestinian. They are Arab-Muslims.

Gary Bauer has a wonder piece in his online newsletter:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer

Jimmy Carter’s Delusions

I would give anything to see Jimmy Carter go back to building houses for Habitat for Humanity. Instead, the former president increasingly lends whatever prestige he has left to supporting terror groups, and to undermining Israel and the United States. Speaking in Ireland yesterday, Carter, surveying the carnage in Gaza, finally found a criminal he was willing to name – the United States! According to Carter, the murder and mayhem is the fault of the United States and Israel because we did not embrace the Hamas killers after they got 42% of the vote in the Palestinian elections. Never mind that Hamas refused to disavow terrorism or recognize the right of Israel to exist. Carter says, “That action was criminal,” referring to our unwillingness to accept Hamas and give it foreign aid.

Strangely, Carter never calls Hamas criminal – not when they throw rivals off rooftops, not when they indoctrinate seven year-old Palestinian kids to “kill the Jews,” not when they fire rockets into Israeli cities, not when they send pregnant women to blow up Israeli hospitals. Carter only sees his own country and Israel as deserving of condemnation. Carter has also announced the formation of a new “moderate” Southern Baptist group that wants, among other things, to move evangelical Christians away from their support of Israel. We will oppose and expose him every step of the way.

Fund Fatah?

Carter’s love affair with Hamas is moronic, but what can one say about the rush by the Bush Administration and Prime Minister Olmert of Israel to “bet the farm” on the better dressed thugs in Fatah, led by Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas? Fatah has the same goal as Hamas – the military and/or demographic destruction of Israel. It just prefers it be done through negotiations for now. Under Fatah’s leadership, Palestinian poverty has grown and lawlessness has increased, in spite of the 60,000 uniformed gunmen it employs. Thousands of those gunmen cut and ran in Gaza last week in the face of the more militant Hamas fighters. Yet the Bush Administration, the European Union and the Israeli prime minister apparently agree that supporting this Palestinian mafia is the way to peace. They are now going to pour millions more of your tax money into Fatah’s coffers, where it will predictably disappear. How long will we allow delusions to slap around reality?

Other news:

Israel has the World’s first Virtual tourist guide
The data from the Tourism Authority’s website can be downloaded onto audio devices or burned onto discs. The project will enable tourists to get information on the many sites of interest in the city before they actually visit them.
Comment: What a great idea. Great to get a taste of Israel before you get here. But, there is nothing better than having a believing guide in person to show you the land.

Will and I are planning on going to the Galilee Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are a couple of sites I want to see and I want to get to Kiryat Shemona. We have been given tickets to the first ever baseball game in Israel on Sunday. I am a big baseball fan, so this should be fun.

A early Shabbat Shalom.

I will blog on Monday.

9 Responses to “Did anyone think that Hamas did not want to kill everyone?”

  1. chris vandeven Says:

    Thanks Sandra. Your reports are always fun and informative. Gary Bauer’s report is a bit distressing though. Proverbs 29:2 almost fits with the the things Gary talks about. There needs to be a verse that says, “When fools rule, the righteous can’t believe what they do.” Jesus is our hope. Thank the Lord God that the rule of man will soon be over!
    God bless you all at ZLM.

  2. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Dear Sandra,
    Thank you so much for your reports to us….I am praying each day for our Heavenly Father’s will to be done in every situation in beautiful Israel……We know that Israel is the apple of His eye and one day soon His will on earth will be done as it is in Heaven….What a Day that will be….Right now everything seems to be in an upheavel.

    Just watched the Zola program where at the end was Zola’s “The Lord’s Prayer”…..It was beautiful….made my heart swell within me…what beautful music for those words we say so often.

    I am so excited about you getting to go to the first ever baseball game to be played in Israel….that is so hard to believe they have not had baseball before…I am a huge baseball fan, that is my favorite….I know you will really enjoy that on Sunday….Have a great weekend….God bless you and Will as you visit the Galilee area….I am so excited for you each time you are in Israel….You are such a blessing to all of us.

  3. orvel Says:

    Greetings, Sandra.
    Just a quick note. When you get back to Dallas, I’ll fly in and we can go see the Texas
    Rangers play. I’ve got tickets! Love and miss you.
    Your Brother

  4. Robert Worthing Says:

    Dear Sandra,

    I just finished reading your blog and thanking God for you and Jeffrey. This ministry has been very important to me over the years and what a job the two of you have done continuing it. I love the fact that Zola’s image is on the website and we can still enjoy his teaching through video. It is obvious, though, that God had been preparing you and Jeffrey for this time. I thank God and will continue to pray for both you.

    May God Bless You,

  5. Scot Says:

    I am going to Israel next Saturday, July 28.
    Please pray for me. Today, I heard that the state dept. was warning Americans to be wary if they are going to Israel because of the( so called) wave of palistinian attacks.
    I stopped by a travel agency for their opinion;the woman was an ISRAELI!
    She said the State Dept. was covering their “rear ends” and just to go and ignore them because they are anti-semitic and they have said this for 60 years!
    I am truly blessed by your program and web site.
    Please pray our safety in this pilgrimage!

  6. Scot Says:

    Please pray for our safety
    and whether or not to go to Bethlehem and Hebron.
    The affirmations from GOD to go to this trip are astounding.
    I will share in the future.
    God Bless this ministry.
    God Bless Israel.
    Zola and another Messianic broadcast from Florida along with some fine music
    are what brought me to LOVE ISRAEL and the Jewish people.

  7. Cleva Brown Says:

    I have been a fan of ZLM since the eighties. His leaving us was very sad but you and Jeff are carrying on great. But, of course, he is still missed. I have wanted many years to go to Israel with the Zola group. A friend and I are praying that we can oct. 2008, if it is the will of God and we can save enough. Our husbands do not have the great desire that we have. So, we have decided to go anyway, if any way possible.
    I love reading your blogs and have learned a great deal. I am looking forward to going on the tour and meeting you and Jeff.
    May God’s blessings continue for you, Jeff and everyone at the ministery. My love to all!
    In the Name of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, I am your sister,


  8. Lujack Skylark Says:

    When the terrorist Arafat born in Cairo, Egypt invented the word Palestinian years ago, Arafat should have been challenged for Egyptians lived in Gaza and Jordanians in the West Bank before the Six Day War. There were no Palestinians. Now comes these parasites the Iranian backed Hamas. Ezekiel’s War must be in two years or less with all the meetings take place in Damascus, Tehran and Moscow, Israel’s enemies are not talking peace.

  9. Scot Says:


    I am back from Israel.
    To all who prayed for safety, I thank you.
    Israel is an absolutely amazing place with such diversity in the landscape.
    Remarkable! The desert has bloomed like a rose and it is obvious that GOD is on the move.
    flying through the airport in Rome was a huge mistake and I do no recommend it.
    I knew I was being tested and almost turned around and came home after 9 grueling hours of talking and even arguing with indifferent receptionists at the airline counter — the airline is definitely not EL Al.
    After 13 hours they routed us to Greece (the people were VERY helpful)
    and then Tel Aviv. One hour of sleep and then we were off.
    From there, it was stunning and beyond words. My favorite place was the Golan Heights and the Galilee. I had the privilege of singing to the crew on the boat. The engine stopped and one could hear only the waves as I sang the old hymn “Master, the tempest is
    Raging” aka “Peace be still” It was a moment I will never forget and was God ordained.
    To be sure-this is not about me-but how GOD used all of us on this pilgrimage.
    The only tension was (not a surprise) when the Muslims came out of Mosque and their hostility was obvious. We happened to be in the Arab section at that time praying at the Via Dolorosa and they yelled at us saying” Pray on another day–THIS is OUR day!”
    We did not leave but continued. One man in our group nearly had the Cross in his hand ripped out. At the Temple Mount we found ourselves surrounded by a group of men in their early twenties. Their behavior was not unlike a bully on the school playground.
    Sabbath dinner was a joy with song after song after song.
    We re-enacted the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan.
    Masada was the dream of a lifetime. The Garden Tomb, the place of the skull and the spiritual blessings from it all were nearly all of a perfect timing.
    I am blessed and I thank God for this ministry and a few other Messianic Jewish Ministries. It is through these and other events I came to know and love the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Today, I have awakened my family to love and bless Israel forever. Thanks be to God for the scriptures coming alive in Israel.
    This is HIS land and HE has a heart for this Land and the people he is calling back to it.
    Bless the Lord of Israel forever!

    Scot Ashton