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Life on the ground in Israel

What part of “terrorist organization” do we not get?

Psalms 27:3 — “If an army encamps around me, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then I will keep trusting.”

The news all around me is just bleak—until I remember that God is in control. Is it me or does everyone have a solutions to the problems in Gaza? Even the Saudis are getting involved. Aren’t they the real problem? It looks like Israel’s enemies are surrounding her.

Caroline Glick’s article in today’s Jerusalem Post is right on: “Grounded in Fantasy

Iran and its client state Syria have a strategic vision for the Middle East. They wish to take over Lebanon. They wish to destroy Israel. They wish to defeat the US in Iraq. They wish to drive the US and NATO from Afghanistan. They wish to dominate the region by driving the rest of the Arab world to its jihad-supporting knees. Then they wish to apply their vision to the rest of the world.

Today, Syria and Iran are ardently advancing their strategic vision for the world through a deliberate strategy of victory by a thousand cuts. Last week’s Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip; Sunday’s reopening of the Lebanese front against Israel with the Syrian-ordered rocket attacks on Kiryat Shemona; the now five-week old Syrian ordered low-intensity warfare against Lebanon’s pro-Western Siniora government; last week’s attack on the al-Askariya mosque in Samarra; the recent intensification of terrorism in Afghanistan and Iran’s move to further destabilize the country by violently deporting 100,000 Afghan refugees back to the war-torn country — all of these are moves to advance this clear Iranian-Syrian strategy.

And all these moves have taken place against the backdrop of Syria’s refashioning of its military in the image of Hizbullah on steroids and Iran’s relentless, unopposed progress in its nuclear weapons program.

For their part, both the US and Israel also have a strategic vision. Unfortunately, it is grounded in fantasy.

Both views [Olmert’s and Bush’s] ignore the obvious: Gaza has been transformed into an Iranian-sponsored base for global jihad because Egypt has allowed it to be so transformed. Assisted by its Syrian-sponsored Palestinian allies, Hizbullah has rebuilt its arsenals and reasserted its control in southern Lebanon because UN forces in southern Lebanon have done nothing to prevent it from doing so.

No country on earth will volunteer to fight Hamas and its jihadist allies in Gaza. No government on earth will voluntarily deploy its forces to counter Hizbullah and Iran in south Lebanon. This is why — until they fled — European monitors at the Rafah terminal were a joke. This is why Spanish troops in UNIFIL devote their time in Lebanon to teaching villagers Spanish.

I also liked Jack Kinsella’s article in the June 18th, Omega Letter.

Right now the U.N. has its hands full trying to figure out how to blame Israel for the Muslim on Muslim violence in the Gaza Strip. Especially since Israel is being so uncooperative by staying out of the way while the two Islamic factions kill each other in the competition to see who hates Israel the most and is therefore the most qualified to lead the Palestinians in their quest for peace with the Jewish state.

For me the most disturbing news is that the U.S. has resumed financial and political ties with the P.A. What part of “terrorist organization” do we not get?

Now I remember why I do not watch or read the news more often. Come quickly, Lord.

On to some more pleasant things.

I found out more about the man who plays the piano at breakfast. He works for the hotel and just loves playing. I did get a chance to tell him “today rabah” to thank him very much for the music. He plays with so much feeling.

Will and I had dinner at Focaccia (yes, again) last night with my friend Terry. She is a “Zola Graduate.” She started coming to Israel with us on the 2002 summer tour. Then, she and her husband, Steve, came back again and again with us until they have finally graduated from the tour. She is volunteering at the food bank with Bridges for Peace and just loves it.

I keep telling people that Israel will change your life. She is seeing what a difference we can make in people’s lives. Their food bank turns over 50 tons of food a month to people all over Israel who are in need. We are all dreaming on how to live here permanently. Some day…

3 Responses to “What part of “terrorist organization” do we not get?”

  1. C.A. Worcester Says:

    Dear Sandra,

    I was having a bad day and I then I decided to come online and watch a “Zola” show….it helps so much to have something visual to put my thoughts and feelings back into perspective (God’s perspective and not the world’s). Anyhow, I decided to check out your blog….so very personal and so wonderful to read. Thank you for giving me a way to get to know you better and to give me an inside glimps of Israel. My hearts desire to to live there someday on this side of heaven. 🙂

    Shalom and many blessings to you!


    P.S. My husband just found out that he has the days off to go and see Dr. Seif at our congregation next weekend…..we are so excited. (Remnant of Israel, Wichita, KS)

  2. J. Cole Hartford Says:

    Hi Sandra,

    Your article says it so well.

    Prophesy is being fulfilled all around the world on a daily basis–especially in the Middle East. Great is the wisdom of our soon-coming Messiah. For he has imparted to us his wonderful wisdom to understand what is really taking place in the world around us.

    The eyes of world leaders are blinded from the real truth of what is coming to pass.


  3. Debbie Conn Says:

    It is true the world’s eyes and it’s leaders are blinded from the truth. We can be so thankful for our Messiah’s truth through His Word to show us what is to come and to expect it! I agree with you, Sandra, Psalm 27:3 puts it most correctly. “Do Not Fear……and Keep On Trusting!” Our God is Awesome and He never leaves us or forsakes us. We just need to keep on trusting in Him and the protection He gives! I again am so blessed by your blogs. I know you are continuing to learn and be filled with many new stories to share. I am so glad the man at the hotel has blessed you and others as he plays the piano each morning. That must be so very special indeed!! Blessings to you on this day of our Messiah! Deb C